I've coded hundreds of trading algorithms over the past 2 years...

I've coded hundreds of trading algorithms over the past 2 years. Most of them analyse for breakouts and the gains are very profitable. However I don't have any money to trade because I'm a poorfag and was wondering how I can go about selling my algorithms. I thought about patenting them but I don't have $5000 to hire a patent lawyer for that. If I just sold my algorithms online someone will eventually just share it for free on file sharing sites.

So what can I do to profit out of this Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Partner with someone who knows about high risk investment/business and make a small company and sell bonds based off of your algorithms success. Not that hard senpai.

make a portfolio where you demonstrate the trades using your algorithms.

show it to an employer, hedge or IB, and see what they have to say.

Bullshit, if they're really ''profitable'' how can you not have that much cash, or just use your own cash to make that much?

Maybe he only did back testing.

You know you can get a very decent job if you can code so well, right?

Can you teach me how to code trading algos? Where did you start? How do you test them? I'm a dev but I know nothing about algorithmic trading. Please help.

Bumping this. Whats a good resource to start learning trading algos?

don't kid yourself. your algorithms are shit and aren't worth anything.

get a job, save money, and you have faith in your shit, trade your own capital.

Sell them on biz (to me)

Keep this thread going and show what the algos pic for breakout. If it works ill buy it off you.
Im a wagie with lots of disposable income

You might have more fun roleplaying on /b/

Oh look, it's this role playing shitcunt again

If your garbage actually worked or even existed, you'd go to a payday loan and get money or do a 10x leverage


how to sell

algorithmic trading is so 2010

honestly though, if you can prove to me it works i'll lend you 5k

in which case he probably doesn't have any profitable algos

he can't prove it works until he's got some money to actually trade it... at which point he'll then find out it likely doesn't work

demo account

that doesn't prove it will work


it amazes me that you're trying to say you have this ability yet don't know anything about





and yes there you go i just gave you some fucking links

now kill yourself faggot

>t. actual algo master

(this was my monthly visit to this retarded underage board full of idiots)

get a fucking job, hippie.

Does numer.ai have any application to your needs?

those are all pretty gash in comparison to running your own money in a real account and building a track record however if the OP genuinely has no money then they are options for him to pursue and you're absolutely right to highlight that

main problem for the OP is that since he doesn't seem to have ever traded his system live it is highly likely he doesn't actually have a profitable system in the first place... he doesn't perhaps understand this yet but might well find out eventually

same thing happened to me, but i caught the algo trading bug.

after a few years i'm actually starting to get kinda good at it.

>the gains are very profitable
>I don't have any money

I don't think anyone's buying trading algos from someone who can't fucking afford to have them patented.
Just go to quantopian.com , they protect your algorithms to an extent and they can hook you up with hedgies if you're good. Now kill yourself

There's always the risk of him over fitting his algos and he's lying to himself that they're actually profitable.

his imaginary gains (on a demo/test environment) are good - that can be from numerous things like overfitting through to bad simulation when you actually get filled and silly things like negating to include costs like commissions etc..

>I don't think anyone's buying trading algos from someone who can't fucking afford to have them patented.

people don't generally patent systematic trading algo's, I'm not sure it is even possible in most cases...

not that user, but why would a demo/practice account not prove his algorithms work?

try Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums is for science. not only did these guys already say they know programming but Veeky Forums doesn't even consider that Veeky Forums material. trading isn't Veeky Forums. now keep the shit on Veeky Forums please

for the reasons mentioned here for a start:

bottom line is any simulation is only an approximation of the actual live market you're trading - you don't know for sure you'll have got filled in reality at the prices you got filled at in your sim/demo environment - that is assuming he's conducting some forwards testing

if he's not even doing that then there are other issues such as overfitting your training set(historical prices)

if you want to be sure your system makes money then you need to trade it and if he'd traded it then he'd perhaps not have the issue he's claiming to have