/ng/ - Nioh General

DLC information
>nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragon of the North

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>What does each element do?
nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/Status Effects

>What should I do with the armour/weapons I don't want/use?
Purple/Blue = Disassemble (Then use the blue mats to forge a purple if you have enough)
Yellow/White = Sell or you can give it to the kodamas for amrita and the odd free item.

>What does the summoning candle do?
It returns your guardian spirit to you when you die along with the amrita you collected.

>Should I use soul match?
Honestly, no, not unless you have basically finished the game and have a weapon with some really great stats. As you progress you will get a steady flow of new weapons and armour that is better than what you have. Don't waste your money on soul matching until later.

>Why do people keep mentioning "smithing texts"?
Bosses tend to drop pieces of their armour and weapons when you defeat them. Very rarely they will drop a smithing text which allows you to forge their armour/weapon.

>Which clan should I join? (clan unlocked through progression)
Whichever one has a bonus that you think will benefit your build the most.

Beta guide that could still be useful : pastebin.com/VEHby7kd

list of smithing texts:

Previous -

Other urls found in this thread:


First for desperately needed 2kat buff.

Lord al fucking mighty I have to give this a try. Those kats can wait for a bit

told you about those kusarigamas bro

For the sequel I want every enemy to have smithinh texts for their outfits. Even the yokais like Tengu.

It doesn't need a buff at all your build is just shit apparently

>tfw 4 hours reforging for cta dex a

fuck this shit honestly I hope the next dlc fix this fucking rerolling bullshit. Srsly just make a items so you upgrade from c to a.

Yeah ninja basically carried me through WoTD. No shame. I have two 200+20 2kats now so I can manage most missions without ninjitsu now but you're right. 2kat can wait until you can actually make one that's feasible for this new difficulty.

If you don't use kingos and hug ass cracks 2kat is pretty much the worst weapon DPS wise. I've never seen a viable 2kat build that wasn't just Kingos and Wind storm.

It desperately needs a buff, because pretty much any weapon with similar special effects can out-damage it in PVE. Idk how useful it is for PvP because I haven't tried it yet.

user if you're talking about WOTD EVERY weapon has to do that because WOTD is balanced shittily. 2kat is completely fine where it is from a PVE standpoint compared to other weapons.

I'm just upset that the only viable builds for it in either WoTS or WoTD is Kingo + Master Swordsman, while every other weapon has several varieties of build possibilities.

If you're not Kingo + Master Swordsman then 2kat is eternal suffering in the lowest tier DPS in the game.

Kingo + Master Swordsman


You mean the armor that literally every build uses unless they're running heavy armor? Dual swords uses that too? Color me surprised.

You could very easily mix in warrior of the west and paired raiken for a mix up with your build focusing on electrifying.

You could run a super armor sign of the cross tatenashi build that melts things in seconds.

You can do fuckin anything in WoTS honestly, I've tried and had pretty decent success with completely unoptimized gear on multiple weapons including dual swords.

As I said, WOTD is stupidly balanced and every weapon boils down to 2 or 3 builds when in it: living weapon, final blow, or skill damage from behind.

Dual blades is completely fine you're just not experimenting enough or are stuck in a rut trying to follow meta net guides.

>he doesn't have the sanada set

>pre-ordering is stupid! dont pre-order bro!

Who is laughing now?

what weapons have the best movesets?

>You mean every build that uses that
Gee I wonder why. Probably because its the only way 2kat can ever have decent damage. Nothing else works nearly as well, especially not the stupid ass builds you just made up.

>You could easily mix warrior of the west and paired raiken
Yeah if you wanna take for fucking ever killing anything compared to doing literally anything else with any other weapon,
>Sign of the cross tatenashi
Sign of the cross? you mean Master Swordsman? And then pairing that with tatenashi? Again, have fun doing the worst fucking damage in the game for literally any attack that isn't sign of the cross, which is my entire point. Its no different from using wind storm with kingos, and its STILL nothing compared to DPS you can get with spear, axe, Odachi, Kusarigama, or 1kat with pretty much any other build. Just because you can pull it off doesn't mean 2kat doesn't need a buff. Its far worse than any other weapon for zero good reason.

>you can do anything in WoTS
You can do anything in any difficulty but that doesn't mean it should be done. My point was that there's no reason to even try to vary builds with 2kat because you always do shit damage compared to anything else.

>Limiting yourself to Suzaku LW or staying on the constant verge of death for only 20% CCD.

>getting hit

I don't know what kind of build diversity you think other weapons have in higher tier content but I guarantee you that you're wrong.

If you're so worried about killing bosses 10 seconds faster go play a kunai build and stop whining until it gets nerfed.

They have more than literally 1 viable set that isn't kingos at least (Master swordsman), and even then it doesn't force them to use one skill over and over just to get decent DPS. I already went with the ninja meme and have already completed WoTD besides twilight misisons.


>Doesn't force them to use one skill over and over

You're hard now reaching now because you literally described every weapon that doesn't use LW spam or final blow.




Mad spinner or Heaven & Earth




Blade spin


Doesn't even have one

If anything dual swords are at the top of move usage with axe as they have sign of the cross or windstorm; stop being stupid.

wew, reaching hard now* i had a stroke or something.

Either way the point stands.

>Limiting yourself to Suzaku LW or staying on the constant verge of death for only 20% CCD.
That doesn't make it any less valid. You may not like critical builds but it is by no means severely underpowered in PVE.

No it doesn't. You don't have to constatly use any of those moves for viable builds with those weapons. They're just the moves you CAN use to cheese. Theres no "you can use SoTC if you want to" its "Use SoTC or you're taking forever to kill anything." I said constantly for a reason.

Just because they have cheese moves doesn't mean they HAVE to use them for good DPS. If you wanna run Master Swordsman for 2kat you HAVE to use SoTC as much as possible if you wanna even dream of having as much DPS as any other weapon being used regularly.

2kat DOES have the most move usage which is why its bullshit that it has the inherently lowest DPS.

>Warrior of the west
>Paired raiken

Yeah man 30%+ CCD from electrified on top of the 10+ from the set, 18% yokai CCD from raiken, and 9% from kingos is bad.

Hell you can even replace raiken with atlas bear for 12% general CCD if you're not fighting yokai. You don't know what you're talking about.


holy shit this guy is so good

Compared to Kingos or Master swordsman? Yeah, its bad. And yeah, you're taking far longer to kill anything than using any other weapon with the same build. Which is my entire point.

Fuck sozasa monji is so based

I went and tested that build with 1kat and 2kat without using the electrified bonus because I don't have a warrior of the west bow for some reason. For this test I literally only used mid stance light attacks.

The 1kat has pretty good rolls with familiarity damage bonus, and 15% ccd

The dual swords have fuck all as I just forged them and didn't bother reforging them, 0 familiarity, and are decidedly weaker since they're 182+1 vs the 171+10 on the 1kat. (A difference of 400 less displayed damage on the 2kats)

It took the dual swords maybe 2 seconds longer to kill giant toad on WoTS with no affixes. If anything dual swords have higher DPS than 1kat, stop bitching.

Is he? The first clip was cool but pretty much everything after that was just basic gameplay.

Just did the same exact test with the electrified bonus on both and ressurected to even my stats in both skill and heart and you're full of shit. Lvl 200 atagi vs lvl 200 Master swordsman 2kat. Both fresh forges. with no damage affix.

Atagi blew it out of the fucking water.

I'm just telling you what I experienced. You're making this problem way bigger of a deal than it really is.

The odachi has a boring moveset.

It actually has a pretty cool attack where you do a front flip slam. I don't know how you do it and I've only seen it one time.

Its switch-to-other-stance-mid-combo thing its got goin on is pretty cool though. It probably takes a good ammount of skill to manage that properly though.

mfw I've already farmed all the glory from waifus thanks to pvp modes

You do a back dodge and then attack. Thats the flip.

Until the next DLC where Maria costs 300k glory

How much glory do you get from each match?
X for loss x for win?

What is the difference between the two prestige lists?

mfw I already have that much glory and growing
5k on 2v2 2.5k on 1v1

Is that win or loss?
The titles that each requires. Both have a seperate title list that are more or less the same with a few differences.

wins only need a decent WoTD end game build to do decently, though I do fine most of the time

One is about yokai and unnatural shit, the other is about humans and weapons.

Hey. I just bought this game. I am very sorry to be asking questions which were probably asked loads of times (I've read the guide in the OP).

I am very casual player who's bad at games like this one, but I still want to give it a go and hopefully finish it anyway. I am not going to ask for the best gear or anything like that, as I imagine everything has its pros and cons, but what would be the most newbie-friendly weapon class in the game? Something easy to manage, decently strong and capable of carrying me through the game. In short, what weapon type I should use as a beginner? If you have any further tips about the armor type, weapon stance, or guardian spirit I should be using as a really bad and new player, those would be welcome too. I am looking for something easy to use and efficient, as I am honestly bad at these types of games. Thanks.

>enemies are such huge dmg sponges in WotD that viable builds are very few


Single katana or spear should be very beginner friendly. Other than that you can use pretty much anything you want and be completely fine in the base game. Just try to keep your weight below 70% when dealing with armor unless you're planning on using axes or odachis.

>tfw sitting on 1m+ glory

Thank you a lot. What stats I should focus on leveling up while using a katana with spear?


Heavy armor + Oachi or /axe/ will get you through buddy.

Its listed on the weapons themselves for reference if you ever forget but
Heart (B+) [Main stat]
Strength (C)
Skill (C)

You can use either strength or skill depending on what kind of build you want. Spear is the same but Body is the main stat instead of heart, Strength and skill still C and you can level both however you want depending on what armor build you want.

so i took a break from nioh about a month ago to do coursework and came back to it today, im level 60 in the 4th region and every yokai 2 hits me, is this how its ment to be or did i fuck up?

Not how its meant to be unless you're using super light armor, which you should only be doing if you're got the skill to not get hit much at all. Getcha some better armor from other missions you can complete.

ive done all my side missions in this region, now im on the main mission where I can kill a yokai at the top of a cataract who has a boulder infront of him to push and I equip whatever armor has a higher number but seems to be the case still, wonder what ive done wrong

Thank you. Is there a specific guardian spirit you'd recommend for a new player to use?

Also, should I level up and spend some points on Spirit and Magic stats?

Early on you wont need more than 15-20 magic or spirit but later in the game when you get more guardians they'll require more spirit for their buffs. Magic is good because the talismans you can get from the onmyo skill tree are really useful for bosses you might be having a tough time with. (Sloth, weakness, lifeseal, etc) and you only need about 20 or so, maybe a bit extra, to get all the good talismans you'll need.

Guardian spirit is all about playstyle preference. Pick the one with the special effects you'd like the most. I went with Fuse-ishi because he gives you more life and has gaurd ki reduction which makes it easier for you to block and get the handle for the controls.

Boulders always 1hit you regardless of build and difficulty. You have to avoid it or go around.

you have stats for those armors right?

Jesus Christ that first level was long as fuck...
So when is the next chapter hitting? Or are we still just waiting?

Anyone mention a boss rush mode?

at the risk of seeming dumb as hell, where does it say what stats i need to where certain pieces of armor?
Sorry I worded that weird i wasnt getting hit by boulders i was just describing my mission

Still no information on when Defiant Honor will drop.

I'm down for more boss rush submissions as long as they are like Hyakki Yagyo. Meaning no adds or overlapping bosses, looking at you Iga-Style.

1. At the very bottom of the armor's stats page
X required
X required
If the stats are greyed out and the "Special effects" is red then you're not getting the buffs for the armor.
2. Sounds like you're on the mission from the demo. You might just want to grind up a few levels and get some higher level armor, dude.

Thank you very much!

thanks for the help, how do you recommend i do it? I was previously using warrior of the west for the first few regions and the katana that goes with it but switched to whatever had higher numbers, Is fighting revenants a viable way to get good gear or do i have to craft it?

If you have PSN fighting player revenants is defnitely a good way to get gear as early into the game as you are. You might even get lucky and get some better gear than you should have if a higher level player died in the level you're at somehow. Warrior of the west was is a better set to be wearing early on because you do more damage when you electrify your enemies, which only takes a few swipes with the WoTW sword that has lightning on it already.

Pay close attention to armors and weapons with a green status on them with a unique name, because that means it has a set-bonus which you can view by pressing L2 once or twice when looking at it in your equipment screen. The more pieces you have on the more buffs you get, and in WoTW's case you get 20-30% damage increase to enemies that you electrify, which is a big deal when you're this early into the game.

Feel free to soul-match your WoTW if you feel under-powered to give it more defense so that way you're not just plugging in better numbers, but you really don't have to worry too much about sets until you get further into the game. Early on its not punishing to just throw on whatever gear has the highest numbers but eventually you're going to want to refine a playstyle according to your weapon of choice and adapt some armor that works with it.

What's the best way to farm

>Nue Claw
>Hank of Yokai Hair
>Demon's Horn
>Great Centipede's Fang

I know Enma can be farmed in that Omi region mission, but what about the others? And I can't do glory, no online so I'd be stuck farming revenants.

>Want to buy Ginichiyo
>Know that the next DLC might have some good ass skins

When is it coming out

Nue you can run to in seconds on that mission where you fight fake tachibana.

Same with demons horns, just use the shrine outside of nues fight and farm the 3-4 oni that chill there.

Centipede's fang you can just get fucked on. You have to make the run to the giant centipede.

Thanks. I was farming Yue, but he's dropping shitass for me. Do the drop chances go up on higher levels? I'm doing Samurai atm for fastest run times, but might switch it up to Strong/Demon.

in 3 months like the first dlc.

The current Twilight mission "Ominous cavern" has Yokai hair x2 as its reward.

The mission Tea Time entertainment that was added in 1.06 in the Omi region has you fight a nue which can drop its claw while rewarding you with a claw (2 on WoTD) in the mission completion itself.

Demons horns are the most plentiful monster drop in the game have no idea how you don't have plenty of them already but just pick any mission with a lot of Yoki in them because they're the ones that drop them. I'd reccomend twilight missions because they usually have more yoki than most other missions.

Centipede fangs sadly can only be farmed from the centipede mission, I haven't seen any missions on any difficulties that reward them. Your best bet is to farm its corresponding Twilight mission when it shows up because it rewards at least 1 or 2 extra ones upon mission completion.

It shouldn't matter. Just use hunter kodama blessing and a kodama bowl and you should be getting it like every time.

>create another centipede boss in the DLC
>one submission is to fight said boss and literally nothing else
>can't drop centipede fangs, only carapaces
>have to run through one of the shittiest levels every time you want to farm them.
What did they mean by this?

wait is it possible to get good reforge rolls with spirit iron chunk or do I have to spend divines?

I believe that it is possible, but improbable.

Possible, just less likely. Divines make it far more likely to get blue and purple effects.

Sidenote: I've only ever seen anima stones give good PvP effects, Not sure if they're more likely to give you better effects in general or if they're just for getting PvP effects.

They meant "Pray for the twilight mission to be the centipede one and spend a full day farming it if you wanna have a lot of this forge item. I hope you know how to savescum or else you'll be waiting a nother week to see the misison again mwuahahahaha."

Can you mess with your PS4's calendar? Might be possible to just change your calendar and make the game think you're on a different Twilight mission.



It uses the PS4 internal clock which you can't fuck with. It's the same one trophies use.

Easy glory then.
I mean, you don't play 2v2 to prove your skills.

dont forget build

Im an odachi "heavy" armor with B agility with heavy anti elemental mods

the only fights I have problems with is people who actually USE defensive onmyo magics

If the rolls you want are white, then yes.

You can still get purple, blue, and yellows with spirit chunks, they're just very rare.


Does anybody know the max roll on equipment weight reduction?

If I try to PvP with nothing but wooden 2kat I'm basically just going to get laughed at and drove every time aren't I?

There's no "You and me with wooden weapons" mode is there?

no because even wooden weapons can scale in power

I'm just gonna ignore PvP then until I get all the PVE titles I suppose. No way in hell that shits properly balanced.

it isnt, your are matched at to all levels and gear levels

the key thing is to have all your gear to atleast be level 200 +20 or close enough

>Not using Tornado

>spend the whole day rerolling stats


how do you get no-set-bonus gear to fill up all the slots?

pray to rnjesus?

unless it has 2 inherent bonuses, you don't


Spear or Odachi? I'm pumping magic/spirit so I'm fair with both and enjoy both.
Which would be preferable and why?

Odachi because its fun.

Side note: Any update on how to get 220 armor yet or is it pure shithouse luck?

Make sure you don't have any conflicts if you're looking for a specific reroll.

CCD conflicts with a lot of stuff including Attack from behind.

It doesn't mess with CTA and familiarity damage bonus right?

No, You can have all 3: CCD, Familiarity damage bonus, and CTA (X) all on one weapon. As far as I know those are the ideal stats to get.

The highest I've seen for each is 20% CCD on a perfect roll, A rank for familiarity damage bonus, and CTA (x) AA. I discovered last thread that AA you can only get from FORGING the weapon, its impossible to reroll into CTA (X) AA.

If you wanted to get real grindy with it could you have inheritable CTA: AA and then another line of it at like A?

Kill glowing red enemies for ilvl >200.

IDK where you get 220 but my guess is highest level areas possible, so DLC stuff.