It's worth a play. The gameplay is alright, but the best part is the atmosphere and music.
Jaxon Young
Makoto is love Makoto is life Makoto WILL be my wife
Luke James
Mason Torres
>original SMT game >not the original MegaTen game SMT is just a shitty spinoff, everyone knows mainline is the best
Kayden Brooks
Why is Chihiro such a lewd slut?
Sebastian Barnes
Boys sure are strong
Joseph Wright
Mods are asleep, post rare/cute Futabas.
Leo Perez
Did anybody else crave pancakes after playing P5?
Dominic Jackson
When will /pg/ stop memeing and accept that nothing he did was wrong?
Liam Sanchez
I love Kawakami! Claiming best girl.
Also, what aspect of your #1 and only waifu's presence in the game would you like to see improved in the inevitable P5 expansion?
Eli Walker
Ryuji is best boy! Ryuji is for sexual!
Logan Peterson
I just got Kindness lvl 2, and am about to send a calling card for the second palace, but whenever I talk to Ann, she only talks about getting me to send card. Is this like the only sort of situation I will not be able to talk to her to increase my social link?
Asher Mitchell
Is the first SMT game any good?
Angel Bailey
I can't wait for Persona 5 Goro of the Resurrection!
Jordan Ward
That would be good advice if I had friends
Oliver Adams
Funniest thing about this shitpost is that you posted the SMT cover, not DDS: MT.
Hudson Hughes
I don't think you can advance party social links until you finish the dungeon
Zachary Kelly
More dates, I suppose
Jonathan Baker
Charles Russell
>best party member >best bro
i love this furry fuck
Andrew Russell
Fuck that cat, I hope it gets run over by a bus.
Gabriel Anderson
Nakajima did nothing wrong.
Andrew Jones
just got back from ihop
Henry Nguyen
Angel Reyes
How do I get the confuse money trick to work?
I'm only getting 5k a drop.
Chase Wilson
Like the other guy said more dates. I want to be able to take my waifu to every date spot.
Noah Watson
Mona was the real hero of P5, he even taught Haru the art of theatrics.
Gavin Stewart
More lap pillows.
Nolan Gonzalez
M-muh Ryuji was in the right everytime!
Jayden Richardson
you don't need friends to follow that advice
Ryder Sullivan
hope it was fun
Julian Reed
Tyler Rodriguez
>Makoto second place on that best mask poll
Fucking why? Her mask is so god damn boring. Can Makotofags just vote fucking objectively for fuck's sake?
Andrew Gray
You guys aren't shitty people right?
Justin Morgan
for free
Juan Diaz
Cumming in Makoto's pussy must feel like melting into infinity.