did hitler, the brown/black haired, averagely physiqued austrian who had a host of medical problems by his late 40s an fifties, really believe in the "german master race"? and for that matter how many of the top members of the nazi party did?
Did hitler, the brown/black haired...
people keep bringing up brown hair as something that is ironic for hitler.
wtf being blond is only a common trait amongst aryans, not an obligatory quality only a prelevant trait found amongst them
It's actually pretty easy to imagine that a guy with lots of health problems would have an obsession with eliminating defects wherever he could.
>and for that matter how many of the top members of the nazi party did?
Almost none, Goebbels even looked like the sterotypical ratty jew.
imagine if freud analysed the third reich
its crazy how much of it seems to be projections
Himmler was definitely a Nordicist true believer. Whether or not top Nazis really believed it, they developed policies which separated 'pure Aryans' from the lesser 'mongoloid' groups.
i predict this thread will be shit
Well, user, consider many of the white supremacists on this board.
I guaran-fucking-tee you at least a significant portion of people belittling non-whites / non-europeans etc are pretty substandard physically, socially and/or mentally. This is why they cling desperately to the achievements of a group they try to associate themselves with. They think that because they're part of an ethnicity/nationality/etc that it somehow elevates them, it gives them something to be proud of in absence of their own achievements.
This is coming from a white guy who's plenty proud of what Europe / the white race has done, I just don't try and puff my chest up and feel superior to my contemporaries because I had nothing to fucking do with it.
It's like high school all over again, this board.
The whole master race thing was a sentiment among Germans going back to the early 1800's. Hitler could have said he loved French donkey dick if it were a sentiment amount Germans that would have put him into power. Its obvious Hitler believed this shit too even though he was Austrian. Even German Americans thought they were hot shit back then.
There were tens of millions of people that believed the aryan race was the best. One guy, or even one party, didnt make that shit up on their own.
If you had any sense you'd realize the whole "german master race" concept is an overblown meme.
Yes, the aesthetics blue-eyed blonds were celebrated but that's because they represented a distillation of a certain heroic archetype valued by the ideological mythology of the 3rd Reich. They didn't believe brown haired Germans were somehow less German or inferior for possessing those traits.
hitler never cared about master race, he just wanted a nation free of jew controlled media and banks to mess up his vision of germany. the ethnic concerns were secondary and had many honorary aryans or germans that were black, muslim, even jews, that sympathized with his vision
he did for certain
I do not think any other top member of the Nazi party believed the bullshit they were spouting
friendly reminder that the term "honorary aryan" was bestowed upon the chinese people and the japanese people, because they are "great ancient civilizations"; but also upon turkish allies and selected jewish individuals. jews for fucks sake.
you are completely correct, not all indo-aryan people were blonde and or blue eyed.
if anything however it was Hitler himself propagating this myth so user has a point.
he was, but less in the social-darwinist biologist sense, more in a transcendetalist-religious sense.
Freud pls go
>implying anyone would take Mr. Motherfuckers work seriously
no lol, Freud is garbage.
the only thing worth reading is his moralizing on why people act the way they do.
most, if not all.
They described themselves as the Vanguard of the Germanic peoples in an existential struggle for existence.
>honorary aryans or germans that were black, muslim, even jews, that sympathized with his vision
Why would anyone go on the internet and tell lies?
you are most definitely wrong. the Generalplan Ost shows very clearly his goals regarding the German ethnicity: mass killings, mass deplacements and "Germanification" of all slav peoples in the east was to follow the war, in order for there to be more room for "the German race".
if his main concern was inner-German politics he would not have annexed Poland, no matter how much you want to argue that "they are German lands!"
it is a matter of fact that both the Sudetenland (Czech territory) and Austria joined with Germany without any hassle or international intervention. Hitler could have quite easily solved the problems Germany had and made it a superpower from the inside, but that was never the plan.
I take from this you have not read Mein Kampf? well, I'm not surprised.
Austrians will do anything to start wars in Europe and drag Germans in. WW1 and WW2 are prime examples.
Reminder that the Eternal Anglo played a key part in the development of the theory of the 'Aryan race'
>Chamberlain grouped all European peoples – not just Germans, but Celts, Slavs, Greeks, and Latins – into the "Aryan race," a race built on the ancient Proto-Indo-European culture. In fact he even included the Berber people of North Africa in the Aryan race: "The noble Moor of Spain is anything but a pure Arab of the desert, he is half a Berber (from the Aryan family) and his veins are so full of Gothic blood that even at the present day noble inhabitants of Morocco can trace their descent back to Teutonic ancestors."[77] At the helm of the Aryan race, and, indeed, all races, according to Chamberlain, were the Germanic or Teutonic peoples, who had best preserved the Aryan blood.[78] Chamberlain used the terms Aryan, Indo-European and Indo-Germanic interchangeably, but he went out of his way to emphasis that purest Aryans were to be found in Central Europe and that in both France and Russia miscegenation had diluted the Aryan blood.
muh white genocide
He was English by birth, but adopted German nationality and all his writing was in Germany
he is not lying, please google a term before you doubt it. also refer to my post: source: en.wikipedia.org
essentially the point of inventing "honorary aryan" was to justify having certain allies. no one of the NSDAP-intelligenzia actually believed any of it, it was pure opportunism.
>most, if not all.
for reasons already stated you are wrong. nazi racism was, for the most part, opportunistic. while it is true that certainly close to all of them thought of themselves as superior, it is doubtful most of them believed in Hitler's idea of "German Master Race", especially seeing as how they were more well-read as the führer was.
there are many, many scientists who were spreading ideas of Aryan superiority. Hitler's special brand of German superiority had little to no scientific basis and everyone was aware of it.
>Not knowing that was the whole point of the '1000 Year Reich' - to make every following generation of German better until a state of perfection existed.
It had to start somewhere.
He was just parroting others at this point though, this specific strain of thought had come up with Kant, Hegel, Blumenthal and was then later reinforced with the physiognomists, a known pseudoscience, until it carried over into anthropology. It took until a few years after WW2 for people to realize they had essentially fallen for "enlightenment-era biological racism memes".
I'm pretty sure that's an oxymoron.
it is not, for even among the mentally impaired there will be ones smarter than others, it's all relative.
without a doubt though the NSDAP had some great thinkers.
don't forget that even Heidegger himself supported the NSDAP at the start, it took him a few years to unofficially break from them..
Occasionly someone post something smart on this board and everyone of course ignores it to shit post
>ywn be sent to Tibet on a secret expedition from the Reichsfuhrer
>ywn get to perform eugenic testing on the locals to learn the origins of the Aryan people
>ywn germanized the local qts in the name of science.
But that is the Veeky Forums way, Herr Skorzeny!
I saw the doku and its my mother tongue.
Was quiet suprised that they never belittled or talked shit about the tibetans except for saying that mountainpeasants are superstitious.
The guy who led it even rejected funding of Himmlers Ahnenerbe society who wanted to make it a grand WEWUZ presentations about mythical ayran lands being occupied by momgols.
..but what he posted was actually wrong, what are you talking about?
>you have to believe him to use freuds theories
Lol no
They're just fun to think about
No it wasnt.
H-How did he get his scars? Why did OMFS do such a shit job closing that cut?
He got it during a fencing duel with his college mates. Mensur scars were the big thing in those days, the more brutal they were, the more highly looked on they were.
I can understand Germans, Celts, Slavs, Hellenes and even Latins, but why the Berbers?
Yes. Master RACE, not master INDIVIDUAL.
Most people haven't been taught anything or learned anything about Nazi racial policies or ideals other than an extremely simplistic and hyperbolic/hysterical version as a child.
Von Schirach was the only one in Nazi upper echelons who looked "ideal".
*and ironically, he was of Slavic descent
>the state of Veeky Forums
pathetic tbqh. can only pray this tumblr infested board is eliminated by hiroshima soon