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>Links and Resources
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Other urls found in this thread:
Tharja a best and canon
Azura is shit
And people dare to say any general is on par or worse than this one.
The +10 Merric whale at 3rd place on his team's ranking is using a -ATK Merric.
Our champion, ladies and gentlemen.
This is my wife.
I don't know why people try to defend this general. We have every red flag for a general to have.
Does the infamous sc2 general spam early threads?
Azura a best
We have less drama but the threads wars are a bit much, yeah.
Alm needs to marry someone who isn't insanely obsessed with him (Clair), a clingy childhood friend (Celica), or both (Faye)
Wait, what the fuck. I'm looking this and am realizing that her bust protrudes a lot more than it appears to in her "face forward" art.
He needs Lukas, yes.
There are five fucking /feg/ threads in the catalog
What the fuck is wrong with your shit general?
He needs Lukas
I never got her card, does she fall in love with Kiran at lv. 40?
Reminder to report signaturefags
If you stay here for a few minutes, you'll figure it out.
Faye has low key a nice rack. It's just hard to tell because of her frumpy dress.
Relax, babe.
Is Close Counter just a meme on Takumi now, or is it still enough to make him a legitimate threat?
Where are you from to act so high and mighty faggot?
Already did to everyone that signature'd.
So, how's the scores looking?
No, she just sews an amulet and claims to have been thinking of you while making it, but she clearly still loves Alm.
Every general has thier faults. Some generals are full of inane name calling drama that isn't relevant to thread topics, others just love their waifus too much.
Tharja, Julia, Leo and Robin are winning, if I'm not mistaken.
Damn, I knew Clair looked bad but she looks like a fucking clown next to Palla.
How many points will I get per fight if I join team Robin and use a level 40 four star Robin? Will I still get 110 points?
If he has Vantage and something like a 2 cooldown skill or even just plain Vengeance it's still annoying.
We're a shit thread as you can see from the first post
Not an argument.
A general without 5 threads in the catalog
Did you guys learn nothing from when you had 8 threads in the catalog?
are we not going to get a 3x in the last hour for the losers?
Yes. Star rank and level don't matter.
Tragic. I wanted girl to find some reciprocated love or at least some dick.
Move Tatiana and Mae up one, Genny down one
Do you realize that you're as pathetic as them?
It's hard being so popular I guess
Yeah Kiran can cure her Alm lust with his NTR gun and she says you don't have to be Alm and that's fine.
>people are still attempting to defend /feg/
Why? What even ARE you defending? There's nothing and no one to represent this shithole. Why would anyone in their right mind even care? What is wrong with you?
C slot skill for Ursula? Maybe Fortify Cav since I already have Goad/Ward/Hone
Who's gonna be the next big loser I can join for constant x3s? Logic says it's either Julia or Leo but don't you guys think that almost everyone from the other losers (Henry, Merric, Sanaki) will be mass joining them and evening things up a bit?
/feg/ likes tripfags
What the actual fuck is wrong with you fucking retards?
It's not like anyone is going to stop them.
Because shitposting aside, this general actually has normal people in it
Post characters who will dominate their Gauntlets.
Excellent, thanks friends.
Yes. And that won't stop me.
>normal people
Yeah, that seems to be the problem here.
Disgusting dudebros and shit.
We all deserve death
I have an Alm with +HP and -Def. Would it be worth it to give him Fury and Renewal for that meme tank build I see some Lucinas with?
Can we top this?
I'm not defending squat. It's a circlejerk of waifufags stroking their dicks yelling at people for not stroking dicks at their waifu who is the god savior of the world and is the canon pairing in their shitty self insert fan-fiction
Alright Juliabros, if Snacki does get the 3x bonus in the final hour, what do we do?
*lunges behind you*
Nothing personnel, kid.......
>top right
What.... is that?
Why do we keep flooding the board with threads? It's pure autism at this point, it's not even funny anymore
Trash him
>normal people
hope you like your pepe frog and familiy guy threads
I'm just going to go all out with my flags. Fight the good fight.
People think we'll use whichever thread is linked into the previous thread first. So they insert thier waifu or an offensive OP image just for laughs. See ().
+HP/-Def Cecilia? My other option is a Neutral IV.
Fuck off pathetic cuck.
Reasons not to buy Echoes.
>Amiibo units are Illusionary soldiers controlled by a CPU
>Map design is still shit and just about every map is from the original Gaiden
>All of the DLC together costs more than the game
>Rise of the Deliverance could've easily been an unlockable after you complete the game a few times giving it more replay value that it sorely lacks (Some supports are also locked behind a paywall.)
>The first DLC is a pointless cash grab because a DLC pack made to be the same but better was later released
>It's possible that Echoes was given a postgame just so IS would have a reason to sell extra classes as DLC.
>DLC was in production before the game was even released.
the fire rises
> tfw I made that Sanaki thread
Fuck, I'm old
Fight back as hard as we can. The x3 bonus might not be enough to get ahead of us, as has been happening with the rest of the matches.
What did we mean by this?
Fake news. Obviously photshopped, stupid Xandercuck.
People bought Awakening, the precedent's already been set.
You gonna argue and samefag with yourself this thread too nerd?
We're having an event dude.
Well fuck.
I win this somehow.
I want to plow Faye's fertile fields
>90% of those complaints are about DLC and Amiibo
So just buy Echoes and not the DLC?
Dumbass? Moron? Baka?
>10 /feg/ threads on the catalog
You fucking memers are at it again
Okay we get it there are numerous /feg/s in the catalogue, no need to repost the complaint and image every 3 posts. It won't make it stop, reporting early or inappropriate threads does.
>wtf inappropriate
see /pol/ or teste OP image.
I don't recognize the Cordelia pictures in the top row(middle 2 and second from right.) Anyone have a source?
/feg/ is Above world level
>Etika's face
God tier shitpost material
The thing is, does anyone here really care if /feg/ pushes off a dead literally who general off of the board? The weak should fear the strong
Do you have this but with all the guys? I want to start matchmaking
Whoa this place is shittier than /fgog/ and I thought we were bad. You guys are probably the most cancerous general here.
New thread
Nice try /fgog/.
just early enough for my taste
Shut up /fgog/ we know you're tsundere for us.
>le /feg/ is the worst general meme
Confirmed newfag, this is actually one of the tamer ones. /agdg/, /utg/, /wowg/, /pg/, /lolg/ and /ksg/ just to name some examples are FAR worse. Also, it helps that 99% of the shitposting is mostly done by just Tharjaspic, Drill and Silasfag. This place is better at discussing FE than /v/ too. Now fuck off with the meta shit pls.