League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
everyone hates me but thats ok I guess

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xth for cuddling with Nami

Optimus has looked super fucking boosted at times. Perkz is literally the main reason G2 has any wins at this point alongside Zven when he's deciding not to eat all the Ashe arrows

>Suddenly tempted to start playing Wukong again for some reason
So I can just go Yoummus into Cleaver into whatever on this guy still? I guess GA is fucking nice on him now that I think about it.

best husbando!!
Chuck Palahniuk books rock!!

gumi stop posting

jesus fucking christ d5 is a nightmare

>someone in champ select locks in a troll support with ghost cleanse
>his jungle buddy does the same
>one of them say "ggwp"
>lock in my troll pick with the same summoners
>say "damn gg i guess we lose this one. maybe next time"
>someone dodges that isn't me

gumi ur gay lol

deaths dance is disgusting right now with him

>50minute game
>both teams have an inhib on eachother in different lanes
>its literally a tug of war at this point
>last fight their adc Jhin used flash to escape my kick
>both teams lost 3 people
>next fight
>get a q on their Irelia
>go in and kick jhin over the wall
>our draven basically goes Ballistic and kills everyone
>Quadra kill
>jhin finally comes back to the fight
That was pretty fucking satisfying to do as lee sin late.


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA.

>have a teamcomp that's great at sieging and taking towers
>enemy team has 0 (zero) waveclear
>get ahead
>never go from objectives
>get outscaled by kog'maw
>complain about your elo

I thought that was a bronze/silver thing. guess it happens in every elo

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

stop picking xin and yi and tryndamere in my games you talentless fucks.

Deaths Draven Draven feels so fucking good right now. Hopefully it doesn't get nerfed too soon


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4 on NA.

I've never played a game with a good Khazix

Is it possible to adopt a different mindset?
I know I'm bad but half the time I just get depressed when I lose or don't play well. I feel like I'm the worst player in existence who can never get better and being in silver is where I belong.

I lose all confidence and all sense of rationality, I feel like I'm not in control whenever I play- I make so many mistakes and often time don't even learn from them because I get so upset at myself.

What should I do?

>tfw you get a good premade bot

thanks for the carry lads

>get ahead
that's where you're wrong kiddo

Renek smashed gp in lane, zed got fed off bot lane, I was the only one doing well

I stalled because xD ziggs waveclear until we got back into the game only to have kha get caught by a stray hook

>Other EUWFags awake at 6:20am
Go to bed

>gold players are still allowed to pick graves

>tfw degenerate
>get gf
>thinking of opening up to her and doing all sorts of weird stuff that we're both into
>strangely dont feel desire to do any of it with her, just want to snuggle and make love with her to make her warm and happy
>just end up laying with her all night long and wanting to protect her
>think im finally turning into a normalfag when my old fetishes dont do as much for me
>play fun normal games where she supports me as I ADC and we joke about those 2 high elo xayah and rakan players who named themselves His Little Girl and Her Big Daddy
>have a fun time and make slow, kissing love to her that night
>shitposting here while she sleeps on my shoulder after we watch a movie
i wanted to take a break and say i kinda understand how you waifufags feel about wanting to cuddle and hug your waifus so much. Ive never opened myself up to another human this intimately before and it makes me so whole and fuzzy inside.

I hope you guys get this same feeling with your waifus one day, too.

I'm still a HUGE fucking degenerate though

Late night is the best time to grind elo though because all the kids are asleep

>play mundo
>enemy buys executioner on first back

you fuckers told me nobody uses this item

>try and carry
>blame team

that's why your d5 lol

wow sorry user, you got the one not braindead opponent

Yes but its not worth it, you'll end up being a depressed recluse wanting to kill themselves like me.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

The pain of playing Mundo user. The only solace is realizing they don't have their core and you can kill them easily when they have that item.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3 on NA.

>playing non-meta, immobile champions
You deserve to get raped.

Who would win

A team of Lv18s with no items


A team of Lv6 players with 6 items each

I think eve jung twitch jung and shaco jung are the most cancer thing ever

>Pick Ekko


t. guy who likes to live under enemy top tower and has no game sense

I've never written fapfic before but a prompt someone else did interested me, where should I post it?

I'm not even d5 my man.

Did you even open the picture?

comfy bfs~

>implying I'm not already

Would Shyvana ever get a human bf?

Least you have friends since I deleted mine because Im shit at the game. 3 of these people are the same person + their alts as well as one person solely for a club membership.

I'd probably lose that too. I'm no match for golds or plats.

J4 is human
so yeah

quick, I need nami fanart!

Don't you mean in the vicinity of?

>When you gank the enemy top laner at level 3 for first blood, stick around for them to TP back, then go back in and kill them again.

What champion pisses you off the most?

You have 10 seconds to convince me she is not the shittiest assassin in the game

only another dragon can satisfy her

>majin retard still a massive faggot

some things never change huh

Post tiny little things that instantly let you know a player is retarded.

>Darius starts recklessly autoing the wave level 1


So when are they going to make Ezreal actually go oom ever

i never understood how an assassin champ is allowed to stay in plainsight in mid and still not get their shit packed in

if theyre an assassin then they should be in the fucking bush waiting to gank, not jumping around in mid like a faggot

>Americans home from work and finishing dinner
>Worst thread of the day with least amount of discussion happens


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2.

>enemy top picks Jayce
>he doesn't stand in between the enemy top laner and the enemy minions


Honestley I just hate playing Vs. Draven. So much up front damage and poke that I can't deal with early on.

>At least Akali can do big damage and heal

>dont you mean Tristana?

I don't get this meme that people never buy EC in low elo
I'm bronze and I buy it any time the enemy has a lot of life steal or health regen.
Idk maybe because you guys always talk about it, that i just picked it up.

Whenever they delet Tear. Hopefully nUrgot won't have the need to use tear, or at least get away with skipping it.

nice bait, almost got me down you roleplayer

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1.

>Attack enemy top laner
>Get raped by minions
>They attack me at a different time
>My minions completely ignore them

Someone explain top lane to me

Don't ruin talon you autistic virgin.

>Look at league forums
>Every low elo player bitching about yasuo despite him constantly being nerfed, banned, etc.
Yasuo rework incoming. Inb4 they remove his double crits.

wait whats so bad about darius autoing the wave

Imagine being so blown out that you typed in instead of with one time that you decide to spam the same reply in every thread for a year to cover it up

>locks in Ezreal
Bot lane will be a feast

well what is the counter to stealth junglers as a midlaner and if you tell me game sense then stealth has NO COUNTER

Guess the combos:



>E Q Q R W

Nidalee exists

>someone on team picks Yasuo
>pings the jungle when he dies 1v1

I hope those people fucking kill themselves. Yasuo and Riven mains are the worst people alive.

Literally do not fight in the minions user. This applies to every fucking lane in the game. If you attack a champion the minions will automatically aggro to you. Do not, fight in the minions.

draven best husbando!!!!
also side note if that was the actual skin i would become a graves one trick
bara rocks

If I play supportcuck in a normal do I get autofill protection in ranked?

Im aware that fighting in minions is bad my question was more why do my minions ignore the enemy champion when they fight me in my minions

You change up your warding patterns and ward their camps.

Deep Vision has always been the counter to stealth based junglers

welcome to /lolg/, Talons gay here~

No, autofill protection is unique to each queue

Darius is the biggest "please gank me" champion in the game, you DO NOT want to push early.

they let you go on Veeky Forums at the zoo??


please set yourself 800g behind so that the team can win the game.

post GOOD league feels

>the guy who was feeding finishes a crucial item and suddenly pops off

2 is Darius

>Darius is the biggest "please gank me" champion in the game

>meme skin darius
>pushing our garen in
>playing Queen of the Jungle
>walk into his lane
>he obviously didnt ward for shit
>continue to rotate top for free kills
>he afks
darius mains are a close second to yasuo mains
>adc doesn't lock in ezreal
chances of winning just went up 2000%

>enemy shittalks one of your laners, does "/all ?"
>win game
>/all ?
>they go fucking nuclear at their team in postgame chat

truly the best feel

>2 of these things are not like the others

>feed and my team carries me

Thankfully that's just in your gay little fantasies.
Someone asking for a gank should die?... Kinda tired of my teammates fighting me because I main a certain champion, kida makes them sound like manchildren. I don't like a lot of champions but if they're on my team, i'm definitely going to work with them.

>Fizz has yet to be nerfed or even acknowledged
>he can build literally any item and perform well
>new Banshee's Veil seems it was designed just for him
Seriously what's the deal? He can't be that popular enough to warrant such blatant pampering.

No one I know likes the champion and he's constantly complained about.

i thought i push to get a level advantage

im gonna rethink my life

I can't answer that really. Knowing it's Riot they probably just didn't for some reason.

>popping out of invis as Twitch
>ult the enemy team uncontested
>quadra kill

He's getting buffed, too.

>The enemy mid who has been spamming their Mastery emote every time something good for his team happens and talking shit in all chat goes dead silent after a big teamfight that completely turns the game around

Bonus points if he was the one that gets caught out

Im missing the ones in the black box, help me out will ya /lolg/?

n-no bully plz


>everyone forgot about hexdrinker after memethality and edge of night
>fed lux wonders why she can't one shot me

abyssal on new Nasus is really nice.

>hexdrinker relevant after nerfs