>Speeding in and out of traffic
>Doing your own thing
>Notice a sports car following behind trying to get close to you
>Why do they do this?
Speeding in and out of traffic
Other urls found in this thread:
They don't like the idea of anyone, especially someone in an econobox passing them.
Because they're trying to have fun.
You don't like speeding buddies?
If you ever drive across country you'll find speeding lines you can hop into that'll take you through traffic.
Every time I've ever been in one and police come they've just got behind every car for a few seconds, then pulled over the lead alone.
That would be me, I do it because I see it as an opportunity to have fun. Mean nothing bad by it, it's just fun.
I think its weird, I have a fast car and I'm cruising for me, than I notice some faggot speeding up and trying to keep up with me and play catch or something, I'm like nigga just leave me alone
>Be you
>Self-centered "doing my own thing"
>Somebody else doing their own thing driving quickly
stfu kid keep sucking the white milk out of ur vape as u speed
If they're a faggot for speeding, aren't you a faggot for speeding?
Other drivers aren't NPC's.
You sound like a cunt
Why, do you think it is normal fun? This kid is literally following me in and out of lanes in his little sports car, why do they do this? I have a sports car because I love driving, what gives them the right to do what I do when they see me driving?
because they are as childish and irresponsible as you are, and you speeding only enables them
You sound like a needy cunt. I ignore you the same way everyone else does.
If you want a daddy so badly, give your father a call.
>What gives them the right to do what I do
Nigga u gay
Pull up to riced evo on interstate in my sonic
Flash lights pull up beside.
Faggot doesn't race .
Fucking monster swag bros are cucks
>Pull up to riced evo on interstate in my sonic
>Flash lights pull up beside.
>Faggot doesn't race .
>Fucking monster swag bros are cucks
Why should he race some shitbox civic?
your shitbox isnt even worth racing.
> When you live in shitland and everybody thinks an Ibiza TDI or equaivalent shitbox is a sportscar...
The fuck are you smoking, retard? I like speeding and catch up to people speeding because it's a challenge, it's fun to play.
Holy shit, do you drive a 328i bmw by any chance?
>Other drivers aren't NPC's
Other drivers are playable characters? How.do you unlock this feature?
Why do you do it?
Take that reason and add on "Because their car is actually fast and they have enough money that a ticket is nothing"
Flies are attracted to shit, user.
>Why do you do it?
I fucking love speed, the way your car drives at those high speeds into 100mph, while everyone else is driving at 75-80
You're smashing through the gears like you are in a chase....
Its fun as fuck senpai
because its fucking fun, why own an evo if you arent even gonna drive the fucking thing right
bitches just scared of that trifecta tune and accompanying mawds
The worst is when you're driving normally and some faggot in a pizza delivery civic rides your ass to try to get you to speed up or race. Im not wasting gas so you can cum over my exhaust notes you 16 year old dip.
Why is it that the only way to "actually drive" a fast car is to redlight race every shitbox that pulls up next to you?
its better than hard parking it at walmart every fucking night which is where i always see it with its shitty green door handles rims and underglow
meanwhile im throwing an ecobox down the local touge like a mad man at 3 am
>Not racing through traffic with a fellow speeder
What are you gay or something?
>see some asshole speeding hard
>typical sports car
>switching lanes aggressively
>follow him from a distance
>he is my cover
>from getting tickets
t. fast sleeper
>>Speeding in and out of traffic
>>Doing your own thing
>>Out of nowhere, Civic flyby
>>Why do they do this?
Fixed that for you
I've had a few civic flybys before too. always a strange thing how you can feel the jealousy and anger radiate off the car
>He's never experienced Vtec
It's like cocaine, once they feel it once, it's so superior to everything else, it's the only high they feel anything with
What an extremely specific "insult"
I'm guessing someone that drove one had sex with your bbw girlfriend
>a Civic is the closest thing to a fast car he's ever driven
I feel the need to point out that that was a joke, and that this image is most certainly related
I remember once I was going from Vegas to Texas and in New Mexico a challenger, mustang and I were doing like 80 on the freeway moving in and out of traffic for a good 30 miles or so. Shit was fun as fuck.
> drive one of these vans for work
Some people DO NOT like getting passed by a cube van. A regular thing that happens is when I'm heading down the highway and I catch up to a car in front of me, signal into the left lane, then the car I'm trying to pass speeds up to match me or does 0.1 mph slower, causing the passing maneuver take forever.
This, desu senpai. Those assholes who are carving through traffic at reckless speeds can be used as countermeasures for LE.
Hit a nerve? Did you get ran over by a real US citizen?
forgot pic
>lol ur mad
>lol ur mad
just fuck already
I do this in my ram R/T hoping you're up for a good race and some embarrassment from a being stomped by a full size pickup
I always want to fucking brake check those cunts who speed up so fast up your ass to just pass you, but they'd probably hit me if I brake checked since they probably get THAT close.
we'll go fast together user
The race track isn't the place for you to work out your self-esteem issues.
They do the same thing with my Prius, it's a pride thing user.
>driving with any retarded middle-aged woman in my family
>some person does *thing*
>she starts preaching about how drivers are shit in that arrogant boomer tone, as if she was the source out of which the highest wisdom flows
>she also does *thing* all the time
But really, you're a faggot if you don't like some competitive driving.
>driving interstate
>tired of doing the speed limit, want to get home faster
>some dude speeds past me
This is the moment I've been waiting for!
>follow him but a couple hundred meters back
>if any cops they'll go for him
>proceed to travel home at ridiculous speeds trying to keep up with this guy
Had to rev the shit out of my poor little 3sge, slowed down eventually to give the old girl a rest - can't be too good holding her at 5k+.
Back off kiddo anyone who gets close to me only gets hurt.
Whoah 80!? You don't say!
That's like normal cruising speed...
Emos shouldn't be allowed to drive
Sorry bro my ford gt with f150 body kit will leave you in dust
i love when this happens to me and i do the same to everyone i see driving like a cunt. i just want to see how much of a cunt he is and if hes got actual skills and shit.
I don't mind. Usually it's a Porsche or better and it's not the best idea but I assume their brakes are better so I'm not worried about getting rear ended.
I said we were just weaving around traffic not recreating a f&f scene. Everyone was going 65-70 and we we're going at least 15 faster than everyone else.
>tfw your city has a lack of police.
>tfw you live on the side of town where all the military lives
>tfw you can get with a pack of cars all doing 70-80 in all lanes and the biker cop just throws up his arms in defeat instead of trying to pull over anyone.
>tfw it feels good
You've found a good path through traffic - why wouldn't other drivers take it too?
s a d b o i
>lifted truck cuck starts tailgating my shitbox
>brake check him
>he pussies out cause he doesn't want to scratch his paint
Feels great man
>Sports cars like mine draw attention
>cops like ticketing sports cars
>some fag flies past me on the freeway with no one trailing him
>freeway is good to go for speed.
>still never gotten a ticket
Thanks! you guys are just letting me know its clear of cops so ill give you a nice big space in front while you guide me through traffic.
>get in left lane to pass
>car that was in front of you speeds up a lot
you were going 65 this whole time and now you want to go 80mph when i move ovver? wtf
This shit happens to me all the time. I'm just cruising down the road, chilling, and some dude zooms right up to my ass.
Why in the fuck. I gain speed, he just catches up again. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
>the virgin drive
>the chad speed
Cuz you slow. Move you bitchass.
you gotta fuck 'em
(((Euro-beat intensifies)))
>tfw doing 95 mph on PA turnpike
>everyone actually starts moving out of your way in the passing lane
>it only lasts for ten miles
>everyone goes back to the typical American lack of lane discipline
you're breaking waves. might as well ride your wake. And if i keep enough distance the police will lock on to you and ignore me
>why own an evo if you arent even gonna drive the fucking thing right
the only way to do that is to take it on a track. Its funny that a riced out evo knows when not to race.
Had someone pull this shit when i had a basic bitch lancer.
>be at car meet with bitch cvt lancer
>meet up with fellow cvt lancer butt buddie
>wild stripped out crx farts to a stop in front of us
>oiyay you guys looking for a race?
>politely decline and tell him he would win no prob with my 0-60 in 8.9 secs
>Then why do you have these cars!?
>because i like the way it looks, and i need it to go to work. If you want to race I'll meet you at drag strip so we can both look like idiots
>crx guy starts muttering calling us bitches in his native tongue before farting off
>a few parking lot burnouts and wheelies later
>nig rimmed corvette buddy (white guy) parks next to us
>tell em the happenens
>"shit he's looking to race? I'll race him"
>hops back in his vett and heads toward the reggaeton
>didn't want to miss this shit so we walk over
>arrive at the point where crx guy is declining the dubbed vett citing he's low on gas
>"aww common man you were going to race those guys? How bout i buy 5 gallons?"
>"nah mane"
>"okok win or loose ill buy you a full tank"
>"okok, but i gotta ask. Why do you have a car like that, get it all stripped out and "race" prepped, if you don't want to race?"
>crx guy is glaring at us and we can't help but have the biggest shit eating grins.
>doesn't want to waste gas
>not giving a fun story and making the day of some 16 year old shithead who's working a shit job and dealing with probably an even bigger shithead boss
>not giving him something to work hard and strive for that if he saves his shit pay from his shit job maybe he can get himself into something better someday like what you drive
>not making a memory for some 16 year old shithead that you never know could change his life so he strives to be the dude with the nice car inspiring other 16 year olds to pull themselves up and work hard and be better
>not doing everything you can to inspire the next generations and keeping this circle of life moving onward and upward
I bet you think you deserve to be called a man, too. This world is lost.
>>not doing everything you can to inspire the next generations
they don't get inspired any more. they get even by illegitimate means.
>they don't get inspired any more
because of faggots who "don't want to waste gas"
yeah i do this with other sportsman car drivers. Take turns leading. Good stuff.
>live in middle of nowhere
>no tracks for thousands of miles
>tons of abandoned moutain roads everywhere at night
ok pussy
>mfw doing 115mph in a sanic downhill
>be me cruising 80 in the left lane
>Mercedes sedan rapidly approaches on the right
>realize that he's looking to thread that needle and get in front
>easily accelerate up to 95 for the perfect block
>not today sir ;-)
As a Lexus driver, I very much enjoy cucking "superior" luxury cars. I bet Farhad was legit steaming all the way to his exit.
it's your choice to stupid. Don't be mad when some stranger doesn't want to be stupid with you.
im not mad, because technically i won that race son
>mfw that ecotec kicks in