/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age & Bioware General #1061

Refreshing Edition

Previous: News:
>the BSN now is gone forever (but there's a backup somewhere so it's not really gone)
>Divinity Original Sin 2 is in Early Access (It will have waifus eventually)
>Tyranny and Andromeda are out
>Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire announced
>Cyberpunk 2077 likely out before June 2019
>Dragon Age: Knight Errant #1 comic is out

Jade Empire -75% off on GoG.

>We occasionally discuss other, smaller RPGs that don't have their own generals. This does not mean we are /wrpg/
>Leliana was made to be bullied and that is a fact of life, both in /dag/ and Thedas

Dragon Age Stuff:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Ignoring inferior M*ss Eff*ct waifus.

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to get brain hemorrhage!

Friendly reminder that Solas was right.

First for Loliana is cuter than Rudigan!

>Bully Leliana
>Solas was right
>no DAO GOG in the OP

Not really feeling this, user..

But your OP pic is CUTE!

I only saw that post after making the OP, but
>posting on /dag/
>not already owning DA:O

True, but GOG is DRM-free so some anons might want to upgrade their Steam/Origin version for cheap!

I was wondering which user was trying to use my memes..but I can see now! It is you!

Uh.. I am innocent, tho

Who gives a fuck

Yes you are.

I LOVE this image

What about this? My modding experience so far!


Jesus Christ

A-at least the face texture is nice.

Meredith did nothing wrong.

It was supposed to look like this! I think it is a pretty good mod!

Not really a fan of what they did to Lel's lips

M-my heart!

Yeah Leliana's lips look weird. That is what I was trying to solve, to just get the skin texture working without any other tweaks. And Oghren looks so perfect!

I HATE this image

Alistair and Oghren look 1000% times better!

I agree, it's a piece of shit!

Last image! The mod is called Unique Face Textures for Companions DAO Edition.

I'm currently using this mod and I really like it! It improves their textures while not changing their look too much!

I love Logain!!!

Zevran finally looks as beautiful as he deserves to look!

Loghain is fucking based.

Best Dragon Age "villain" yet!

Yeah! I always save my boy Mac Tir and let that cuck Garrett rot in the Fade!

>Making Varric sad
*slaps* Garrett is great and I would probably go with him if I had to make that choice!

It looks mostly like shit, each face is either dried up or uguuu

user.. I don't like Varric

>not liking Varric

I downscaled the images too much. The face, brows, lips, eye, beard textures, all look improved to me.

But he..hugs you!

That title belongs to Meredith!

what the FUCK?


She is not even the best villain in Dragon Age 2. Arishok was more interesting!

He's super annoying and I hated the way he was forced on you in DA2

Varric likes cuddling with Hawke!

So /v/ apparently likes Andromeda now?

Leliana likes cuddling with Josephine, the HoF, Cassandra, Sera, Scout Harding, FemHawke, and Charter!

>Those who bring harm[...]Are hated and accursed by the Maker.
>[...]For all who walk in the sight of the Maker are one.

Well, it WAS his story.

Too bad Cass didn't just stab him with that knife at the beginning and get Merrill to narrate

No. Only the ones that (for some reason) liked it even still care enough to open these threads, mostly. There is still a good amount of posts shitting on it there though.


And with you too if you are nice and cute!

Umm the Maker is real. Who do you think created the Old Dragon gods, the Titans, the Ancient Elves and the Shem?

Solas !!

Um sure lol...what made The Maker then?..

Whoa... Damn...

Someone from the Mass Effect universe!

I would love to hear her, sure, but it would be a near-incomprehensible mess. She can barely follow a path through Kirkwall, let alone several plots through years of its history.

You say that in jest, but according to the quantum foam theory, that's pretty much exactly how new universa get created.

If emptiness is just quantum foam, our universe would look pretty creepy at the microscopic scale!

Do you expect me to actually know that theory or


Occasional reminder, Solas = The Maker, Leliana = Andraste. Au revoir!

Andraste = Flemeth = Morrigan.

Best romance.

>we will never see Andrastes tits

She may be the best DA girl, but she's not the best BW romance.

That title belongs to the waifu who changed waifus forever!

Can you like, uh, fuck off and never return.

I'm sure Morri will get officially naked any time now.

Liara is great but Leliana is my god!

That fish is anything but a good waifu.

Random whores from TW3 are more interesting than her.

Even I don't think she's the best BW romance, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a bigger liarafag than me.


>FPS drops in Defiance Bay
Is this game for real

You guys are gluttons for drama.

Uhm, excuse you. We do NOT bully others here!

Divine Victoria 'bout to go medieval on your ass!

/dag/ is a democratic general, I can dislike annoying liarafags all I like!

Why are you so fucking nice? I've never seen anything like it.

I'm glad you dislike annoying me so much.


I don't care about "you" at all, I think all liarafags suck and you're just some irrelevant literally who who can't stay in his own general.

It was a joke, sweetheart.

Mass Effect is a Bioware game, user..

This is pretty mild for Liaracancer

You should always treat others how you want to be treated.


You are aware that a liarafag is behind most of the anti-Lel posting, right?

You should always repay meanness with kindness.

Yes, and?

Well, my policy is that meanness should be repaid with being told to fuck off.

>a liarafag
Why do you act like there is a horde of us here? It's literally just me and a false flagger that posts sometimes.

>intentionally posts with a signature
>why do people remember my posts :^(

Poor lelianafriend... nobody appreciates his efforts at keeping /dag/ alive

I'm trying to figure out how that screenshot, or what you posted, proves that there are multiple liarafags here, and failing.

My "signature" is just how I write when I'm not thinking about it.

That's okay.. Lelfriend does it for /Her/

Lewd ears?

I'm gonna have to go with "no".


I can't believe what I'm seeing!

She looks kind of bored.

>no half-dragon monstergirl Morrigan OC
Wasted potential.

Why half when you can have 100%??

Cuz dragons don't have ()()!


Delete this! Solas is for Lavellan and Cassandra is for Adaar!

If Solas didn't want to rape Thedas and spent more time in the Inquisition with Cassandra, would they eventually bang?

He's not Cass's type, she flirts with Bull in some banters though.