Job interview

>what's your biggest flaw?

Ok seriously what should you say? Also what are some job interview questions that stump you?

tell them you have no patience for stupid questions.

and if they get butthurt then explain that you honestly consider that your biggest flaw with a troll face.

you're supposed to talk about how you overcame your flaw or how you work around it.

ie "I'm really poor at public speaking, so when i give presentations, i have to be very well prepared"

"i used to be really disorganized so i have to set alarms for myself, and keep track of everything in this swell project management software i found golly gee"


the best story is a flaw in the past, that you overcame

"I used to be very at public speaking. Just too nervous and couldn't engage my listeners.
Then I worked hard on it by going out of my comfort zone and visiting and participating in the debate club of my university.
Now I'm much more comfortable talking to people in general and I want to continue to improve my ability to capture audiences."

"very bad at"

one question that caught me by surprise is "tell me something interesting about you that isn't on your CV"


"I make millions of people angry by drawing green frogs on MS Paint"

Just say 'fire'.

Seriously, dont try playing cute and meme your weakness into a str. The folks asking you that question anticipate your bullshit. Say 'fire' with a straight face

I've never had an important job before. Is this how it goes down?
You sitting in front of multiple people more important than you trying to impress them by correctly answering their questions while trying to form a "i'm a normie but i'm unique" first impression knowing that they will potentially be your bosses and order you around next week?
This is the worst kind of hell

I'm a terrible liar. When I'm not interesting or don't want something I just say no instead of trying to make excuses.

Socially retarded.

Either they need your skills or they dont. The interview is just to get an idea if you are totally full of shit about your experience level and to see how easy you are to work with. The actual answer to these kinds of questions isn't important. Say something concise and not too bizarre and put the ball back in their court

>"Indian food makes me nauseous"

pretty much, but such is the journey of this crazy thing we call life.

A lot of people in this thread have covered it but basically you want to be honest. Talk about a genuine problem you have and what you're doing to overcome it. I would even say you're not perfect at the flaw but are putting in effort to overcome it.

I think this makes you appear as a more genuine candidate as everyone else is trying to sell themselves as a flawless gem and it always helps establish yourself as a truthful figure. I'd really hate to hire someone that is a complete shithead after they bullshitted an interview.

I am going to give you guys a secret to how I ace interviews when a female is present.

When this question is inevitably asked, say that relying on spellcheck is you biggest weakness. Without fail the female will chime in about the red underline on her phone when she is texting and everyone will laugh. Then go into how you are writing down words in a notepad when you misspell them, and then practice them until you remember it.

sometimes when i'm asleep i strap a 20 pound copper core hairpin trigger IED to my chest and forget to take it off for job interviews

also sometimes i am too honest

I am a premature ejaculator

he's male bimbo, elaine.
he's a MIMBO (squeaky seinfeld voice)


woops wrong one.

"Im not a morning person"
Then I say I would prefer showing up at 10, and stay longer in the evening. never had a problem with this "flaw"

> My perfectionism leads me to focus on small issues instead of dealing with the broad strokes

Instant. Hiring. Achieved.

I'm not very good at work/life balance often I will focus too much on perfecting the working aspect and I will end up thinking about how I can perfect the working part.

Something along those lines.

I got a job after answer that question with interpretive dance.

Companies aren't trying to learn about you from interviews they're just trying to see if the person matches the cv
Act and talk normally about yourself

I work too hard.
I'm too ambitious.
I try to please everybody.
I love my job too much etc.

"I let others do my work in my time at the Gulag"

My answer:
>I come here to sell myself and my skills. Why would I do the opposite? I also won't try to mask a positive attribute as a flaw, so I am not sure I will be able to give you a satisfactory answer.

Honestly, if my soon to be employer asks such babby tier idiotic questions, I don't want to work for them.

I have never been asked, because it is outright DUMB.

Please don't do this. Maximum normie talk and subtlebrag. People who do this deserve to be shot.

Either tell them its a BS question or tell it like it is: "I am addicted to anime porn"

Using the word perfectionism in this question is bad.

Also, in the position I work in at least, and I think most elite positions, that >small details prevents me from dealing with broad strokes is precisely the kind of huge problem that will prevent you from getting the job. Most elite jobs these days need someone who precisely can deal with the broad strokes, see the bigger picture when looking at data, etc.

I'm an actuary.

My answer was simply that I tend, or used to, take on more activities than I could handle. I used to be really ambitious and try to get involved in every new thing and try to learn about everything that I can, especially during my freshman year of college, when I did X Y Z, A B C, etc. but as I grew more I started to improve my time management by working directly with the academic resources department and creating 2 schedules, one of priorities with hard deadlines, and one of tasks with soft or no deadlines. The priorities are done first and then I move into the more general tasks. By using the resources at my university I was able to improve my time management skills and streamline my productivity at my previous job.

That's roughly what I talk about when asked the question so you could use that I guess.

"Can't handle krytonite! "

*ha ha ha*

"No seriously, I used to be a bit disorganized, but I've learned to work around this by planning my projects well and making use of the handy tools that are available these days."

good opportunity for a joke imo

>i'm facing felony rape charges
wait for the awkward pause
>kidding, i need to work on my punctuality

>3 women
>mention the word rape
Big chance one of them is a trigger warning loony

>I'm very honest
>"That's not a flaw"
>I don't care what you think, fuckface.

what's a krytonite.

literally kryptonite for autists...

My biggest flaw is also my smallest

>*unzip pants*

It's never sensible to joke about rape around women, sjw or not.

You can tell them anything that doesn't damage your reputation or career path.

for example if you're a chef you can say that you're super self conscious about your wounds and burn marks, or if you're an office drone just tell them that you're trying to shed some pounds since the new year started.

just brush it off, don't say anything that would get inbetween you and the job, or make you look unconfident and hiding some mental disorder.

although you're already mental by being in here in the first place.

I'm here for the job interview

Women like rape tho.

If anything they would be turned on

your mom is not every woman user

Terrible. Everytime someone tells me that, the interview is pretty much over.

I am a recovering nice guy.
I use to finish last but now, no one comes before I do

selfish lover user...

Are you really asking people for their biggest flaws? Are you 12?

>tfw when a 12 yo can still deny you a job
How does it feel, user?


Never been asked this retarded question tbqhwy

When I got my first job (still work here), they asked me this question. I told them my biggest flaw was lack of communication skills. Told them I've just been a quiet person my entire life and never got to speak much being the youngest in a large family. But since I've been in Uni I've grown a lot and have been joining clubs and groups to overcome my social anxiety. I was even the VP of an investing club and did a speech in front of a jam packed auditorium for a bunch of incoming freshman students my senior year on how to take advantage of being in University and how it isn't just another high school where you get a good GPA and that's it.

So basically, just talk about a flaw that isn't really a flaw anymore, but something you've recently improved on or fixed.