Veeky Forums I did a thing... I feel like I fell for the manual meme. What was I thinking?

Veeky Forums I did a thing... I feel like I fell for the manual meme. What was I thinking?

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Give me the car, you pleb.

okay, what's your address? I'll ship the car to you

you got the shittiest gearbox to learn stick on, but other than that good car. Enjoy it.

You ship to Bulgaria, I will take all the expenses no problem.

>Houston nigga
what's good, senpai?

I remember my first hill start was in deep traffic going on the ramp to 610 from I10 and it was awful. Smelled the burnt clutch.

What's good broseph?

Thankfully Houston is flat af, my concern is parking in my garage downtown with a 40 degree incline. I practiced 5 times today and definitely had some interesting burnt clutch experiences

If you find driving stick in traffic that hard, you're a pansy ass candy faggot

You bought the wrong car if you want to learn how to drive stick, senpai
Should have bought a $500 shitbox and just spent an hour on a hill

you'll get it down m8. First month will be interesting tho.

RIP clutch at 5k on the ODO.

do STI not come with hillstart assist?
it can pretty weird if you're used to non assist

my complaint about wrx is the lifeless clutch, throttle (stock tune at least). dunno if sti have the same issue
also >

what did you drive before? I never had any automatic and dont know how to drive without a stick, so the opposite problem

I guess I am not getting a new car for (almost) free.
When switching to from manual to auto you have to look out for 3 things
1. Breaking with the left foot.
2. Trying to change gears. (I have not done this but others have complained)
3. Dying of boredom.

The first two come somewhat instinctively if you have driven an auto for longer than 10 minutes. The last one is depends on the person.

My base-model WRX has hill assist... How does the king vape-mobile STI not have it?

>Breaking with the left foot.

when you either put your foot through the floor or hit the brake looking for a non existent clutch pedal.

Is the gearing in the STI really short or something? I drove a brand new 2017 a while ago and it was really unnerving. In sport mode the boost would kick in and the car would slingshot to redline in the first three gears almost as fast as I could take my foot off the gas.

I learned how to drive stick in my new 2017 STI. At first I really regretted trading my auto Mustang GT but now I absolutely love it.

Some tips:
>drive with the AC off at first. The AC makes the revs fall super fast between shifts so you have to be much quicker
>use hill assist. When you're in gear on a hill with the clutch depressed, the car will hold the brakes until you start moving. I turned this off eventually but it's pretty handy at first
>don't floor it below 3000 RPM in 5th or 6th because the engine will explode.

>americans can't fucking park a manuel car

Holy shit mate, some times I have the feeling Americans are a lower lifeform. I mean even bushnigges in central Africa know how to drive a manual car.

>manuel car

its so fucking easy ur just a movement impaired ape

Did this once.
Rather amusing and it'll wake you up for sure.
After that never. After driving a few times in both you hardly notice the difference and for sure wont worry about it.
That is untill you really wish for one or the other. (i.e. traffic or hills)

O.P. did nothing wrong.

dude :DDDD
nothing wrong with manual gear, but look at this car
this car is a fukken machine

>upgrade your gear box to manual hydraulic
>get new rims
>(maybe) install colorful leds under the bottom

OP don't listen to the rest of these retards saying you're dumb or something. I just bought my first manual car and I felt a lot of the things you probably are. Don't worry, you made the right decision- you just need to practice and get more comfortable with it. Focus on being smooth and drive whenever you can. With a car that nice you have no excuse. Once you get the hang of it you'll never go back. Good luck user

If you got a V8 the torque takes out all the clutch effort.

If you buy a manual car in 2017 you're a retard. Pretty much 100% of the alleged advantages of manuals over automatics have long since been solved by technological advances. Nothing is more annoying than being behind some 20 year old loser in traffic who can't accelerate consistently because they are an idiot manual driver that thinks they can save gas by lugging their way up to the speed limit. (pro tip: you can't).
100% of manual drivers think they are hot shit but are a menace on the road.

Did you get beat by a manual on a stoplight?

>get beat by
See. This is what I'm talking about.
Street racers should be rounded up and gassed.

Yeah, you got beat by a manual on a stoplight and now you are taking all the anger on a Canadian image board for east Mongolian hand drawn images.
It's okay buddy, you will be fine, your ego will recover.

fun and price will never be solved by technological advances.

>street racer incapable of fathoming the thought that he is absolute cancer.

Your "feelings" are irrelevant.
You are a menace and should be removed from public roads in order to prevent danger to other road users.

>muh price
When you're done burning your clutch every 30,000 miles because you think life is Initial D the automatic will end up being cheaper.

Okay, other option is, you can't control your limbs well enough to operate a manual. That is also well and good, having 2 feet for 3 pedals is too tough, I get it. Also how do you change gears when 2 hands need to be on the wheel. It's too confusing. Did someone in a manual offer you to drive and you needed to tell them
>N-no, I can't drive one
I would be butthurt too. You will some day stop crying yourself to sleep, don't worry.

>this is what 15 year olds who don't actually drive actually believe.
When I purchase a vehicle I purchase the vehicle that is best suited for it's intended purpose. Only 16 year olds whose mom is buying them the car even start this debate. No functioning adult member of society is going to drop a giant chunk of their hard earned money based on "fun". How is driving a manual fun? Are you seriously so autistic that flicking your left foot and hand every now and then is how you define fun?

>he can't control a 270hp car up a driveway

and I bet you thought you were hot shit buying this car, and not even being able to drive the thing.

So you really can't drive a manual. Got it.

It's already concluded that you're a cancerous piece of trash street racer. Anything you say beyond that point is just projecting. You should feel like trash for it. It's disrespectful to other road users, it's disrespectful to nearby residents who have to deal with the noise late at night. If you were any human being worth conversing with you would be able to afford to take it to a track.

And even on a track you'd take a proper sequential, not an autistick shift.

I am the one projecting? Amazing intelligence displayed by this individual. Have you or have you not driven a manual without stalling it every time you set off?

>manual meme

Virgins like OP should be forced to ride the bus and piss sitting down.

>disrespectful to nearby residents
cry me a river.

You're a piece of garbage street racer. You will not get an answer from me.

Why are you on this board?

But occasionally moving my left foot and left hand makes me into a God of motoring. It no longer matters that I've never had sex, or driven off-road, or been on a long road trip with friends (Pro tip: I don't have any). You guys are just jealous that I can stim so good.

>being a street racer is the only way to be an automotive enthusiast
[Teen angst intensifies]

Silence confirms my suspicion that you might have motor deficiencies that hinder you from operating a stick.

Stick is fun tho.

even my non car enthusiast husband says it makes commuting less boring.

Don't be such a pussy

When a woman gets more enjoyment out of driving than you. That's sad.

If your first instinct wasn't to try and start a pissing contest about how awesome a street racer you are you would have gotten an answer immediately. Now you get no answer.
Have fun making raspberry noises while you pretend your mom's honda civic is a race car.

I don't think anything, I just enjoy it. You are the one calculating how much better auto is on a track and how less of a "hassle" is when you go to your 9-5 work every day, doing the same thing. When I do that at least I get a bit of fun in between by jerking a phallic object. I don't even care what your pathetic ass thinks of it. You are the one mad over manuals because you can't drive one.

We still let autocucks post on this board? Don't you have your own board to shitpost in?

Hey guys just a reminder that the WRX STI is 2.3 seconds faster than the Focus RS to 130 according to Car and Driver. Also .1 second faster in the 1/4.

The WRX STI hate is a meme (it's better than the Veeky Forums poster child, the RS) and it is still the best vehicle you can purchase today.

Thank you for your time.

Rainbow Unicorn Candy Vape Juice
Dedicated Power Outlet Vape Charger
Pass-Through 12V Double Helix Coil Kangertech Vape
5x Black Ice
a few simple mods

I prefer the regular wrx because it's cheaper and gets better mileage

>wingless STI

My base model has hill assist also.
Thank goodness because I basically learned manual in this

Nice. mine is silver too, and yeah hill climb assist is a godsend

What is hill assist? My car locks the brakes for a couple of seconds after you release them if you're stationary and on a hill, but it doesn't say anywhere that it's got hill assist.

Fuck your hill assist.

I don't even have cruise control.

This is literally Hill assist

Right, thanks. It literally doesn't mention this anywhere in the manual, in the context of hill assist or otherwise.

Why is it whenever I'm overtaking a a guy in a wrx in my evo x they bite their lip and glare at me? Guy other day was literally frothing at the mouth lol.

What's with you guys?

>He doesn't know he joined a gay club

>I feel like I fell for the manual meme.
Yes, you did a mistake but don't worry if you are not complete moron you will get better and changing gears won't be a hassle.

nobody cares you retarded burger

This guy has been getting really mad about street racing lately. He was raging in this thread too.
I don't give a single fuck how detrimental I am to society. I am a cancerous, rude, arrogant, reckless, selfish, public-endangering piece of shit, and I enjoy every second of it. Hopefully when I inevitably have a fatal crash, someone like you will get caught up in my wreckage and die painfully.

>No functioning adult member of society is going to drop a giant chunk of their hard earned money based on "fun"

What kind of nonsense is this?

Without a wing...its neutered

Shitposting my friend.

Dude, the 2015+ WRX/STI have hill assist...

Wow. Lots of really angry anons getting festered because other anons enjoy driving a manual transmission. You should see me in my stock af 3 series really rippin up the streets causin a ruckus kek

>1. Breaking with the left foot.
i did this for kicks in my dad's automatic car and holy shit I didn't i'd have such lack of control with my left foot

I dunno what you're talking about, whenever I see an Evo X I'm just happy to see that they still exist (regardless of whether I'm in my WRX or not).

I might've gotten an Evo X, but they're a bit too hard to live with as a DD. Guzzles way too much gas and I don't hoon enough to appreciate one.

OP checking in, practiced 20+ times with hill assist (turns out original owner disabled it) and now I'm a meme master. Glad to see I sparked some lively debates

nice maybe one day come to a meat

You in Houston?

yes bb we have a large group of weaponized autists called 'night wave'

Sounds like my people. I'll stay tuned to the FB page for the next meet up

>FB page
pretty sure no one uses that shit

use the thread or get into the discord

Meet you on Westpark, boy

gimme that discord info bb


>manual gearbox in an AWD car
>manual box in a car meant for rallying

at least you're not buying a manual jeep or some shit

Hey you can tell if Hill assist is off because a little yellow light will come on on the right side of the cluster. If it's on, the system is disabled.

you did good op, once you get used to it you'll realize how much fun it is compared to automatic

>boxer engine

The X is pretty fucking ugly, it's like when you see something disgusting and can't look away.

It does have it. I have a 16 Limited STI and I notice it engage.

I turned it off for a while but theres a stupid fucking light that comes on the dash when you disable hill assist.

shut up you arent funny you rick and morty fuck