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Alliance guild:
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Pepe Edition
>Server Homepage
Alliance guild:
/who "guild name", whisper anyone!
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>Leveling Guide
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Night elf butts drive me nuts
Night elf male butts drive me nuts
Marry me
grud are you going to make the guild use DKP when you hit 60
Decadence! Animes! Enjoy your Sunday :3
perfect attendance
perfect attitude
perfect meters
keep in mind this guy was GM of Nihilum
>Nihilum on K2
>Kasandra never talks on mic
>when asked if girl "who cares about gender?"
>Automute takes that as "I'm a girl btw" and starts orbiting him hard, voting for him on loot council and shit
>they get caught erping in a house in IF, that's where the sex in a house meme is from
>Automute keeps asking for pics and more and shit
>Kasandra can't provide so blocks him
>Elysium rolls around
>Automute plays as "Olivia" pretending to be a girl but only makes it to lvl20 before ppl find out it's him
>he orbits Puddi and Madti hard on discord
>more screenshots surface so people suspect he also did stuff with Madti and possibly others
>meanwhile Puddi confirms Automute also orbited him and posts in discord how Automute offered to pay him for flight tickets to visit him
>pretty much everyone disgusted by him
>Kasandra starts playing on Elysium as Melori
>still doing the whole "I might be a girl btw :^)"
>posts screenshot of 20 discord friend requests, all by Automute accounts (pic related)
>Melori is completely autistic so nobody really wants to do dungeons with him at 60
>he unblocks Automute because of this and they start farming Ironfoe for Melori every day
>while Automute shows up to raids without Dalrend, baron cloak and shit, busy farming IF for m'lady y'know
>IF finally drops and he actually passes as a warrior without even Dalrends
>whole guild explodes from laughter
>Melori leaves MoH without talking to anyone
>guild-less for a week
>starts roleplaying with low levels, tells the he will be their "paladin mommy"
>joins Praise for 1 day
>rejoins MoH like nothing happened today
>Automute/Olivia hasn't been seen online for a week
>perfect attitude
tranniekeks lol...
>keep in mind this guy was GM of Nihilum
he still is and since you posted this you're likely in his guild right now
Yes. I will destroy the clique and implement DKP for a fair and just Mandate of Heaven.
Watch out clique, I'M COMING FOR YOU.
>things that won't get you this much loot in Trandate of Corrupted Lootkekfaggots
what goes on in someone's mind to pretend to be a girl and call himself "paladin mommy"? what the fuck
He got that loot because of those things
doing God's work senpai
Madtii here
just a heads up that I fucking had it with you trannies especially with Babymetal the tranny lover
this is why I took over paladin loot responsibility yesterday
if I find out you're a tranny, trap or whatever you're not getting any loot while I'm healing officer
kill yourself, degenerates
>MoH isn't undera-
kas please stop. why are you doing this
But slaytrain.... you suck at this game...
you'd have to start with yourself then lol
I'm not a paladin
I wonder why this slaytrain guy has more loot than the guy who's always doubling the top dps in raids
>tfw just donated 100 euros to Shenna
Ask me anything
>doubling the top dps
why would fury warrior need rogue t1-s?
kys babyshitter
are you pretending the guy who had perfect attendance and topped dps every single raid for 3 months doesn't exist now that it's inconvenient for you
*Teleports behind you, attacks 3 times*
Nothing personell kid.
"tfw" does not equal to "mfw"
how good do you guys pass?
Can be used as their face when, but also that feel when.
t. Meme expert
big if true
But Sylvie had way more loot than Renai???
Incoming sylvester post, get ready
babyshitter your underage is showing, why are you guild officer when you don't even play the game
CL =/= Officer
GM: Manlett/Infamily
officers: Madtii > Valky > Eyebrow > Luthien
class leaders: Threepwood, Manlett, Madtii, Artie, Valky
containment leaders: Babymetal, Lumikaru
I'm sure artie used his influence as "class leader" to loot himself double deathbringer before anyone else even had one
yes he did
druid is NOT containment
FUCK artie
are "class leaders" necessary in 2017
They are when you have 40 people to distribute loot to.
what do you mean?
this is excluding barbaric, retard practices like "loot council"
lmao no but its funny watching people squirm when shit they need drops and some faggot starts whining about how bad they need it over everyone else
they're not class leaders, artie has no idea about warriors, he's never player one before, same goes for madti, manlett and babymetal. valky is his own class leader since there's only one tank. the loot council is made up of these class leaders
Loot council is a far better system than DKP.
and absolute monarchies are vastly better systems than democracies in an ideal world
the guy who hasn't logged on for two weeks now is your GM while people he assigned as officers run your guild including guys like madti, earwen and babymetal who are gay friends of his
>objectively reward the player for coming to raids
retard alert
good one infamy. you don't play the game just shit up discord all day, randomly banning and muting people on your phone
He was just in a BRD guild run for literally 3 hours
lol who still uses DKP in 2006+1 xDD
it takes level 60s to run 25 bosses of BRD 3 whole hours?
DKP systems never end up working that way.
A dude from alliance told me this yesterday, how accurate is it?
> Alliance have the best players, but also the worst. Most players are one or the other, even in the same guild.
> horde have more of an average base
alliance is full of chinks and Horde is full of underage slavs
> horde has nothing
fixed for you
>any of these being true
didn't artie say that next vis'kag was going to warriors?
horde doesn't have race traitor scum like you
is there a problem with that? I deserve it. I can't use deathbringer in raids anyway
When most of the group is level 55 chars getting their xp and attunements done, sure.
As far as I've seen yes lots of slavs on horde, but I haven't seen too too many Chinese on alliance
Westfall was fucking cancerously populated so I only got a look for like 10 minutes. I've been in Ashenvale and Darkshore the entire time so far and it's a lot less populated.
I will say I've noticed the PvP mentality of gank first or be ganked of most horde is almost completely absent on alliance. There were some who would gank if they were in a group but I didn't notice many like me actively engaging anyone they encountered. I would routinely try to start shit with even players 4-5 levels higher, similar to how I was on horde. Don't see others doing that as much as I did on horde. Bloodlust is weak in these 5 toed, halfman, and long ear races.
Probably true. 80% of the "elite" players go Alliance because of the better PvE racials and history of top guilds on vanilla scene.
But you also get all the retards who go alliance because the races look pretty.
but you gave it to a rogue?
why is luthien an officer again?
all the guy does is call people underage whenever he disagrees with them
> have a horde toon for ranking in pvp
> alliance toon for easy end game
I've found in general Alliance are really timid. If they see a fellow ally being ganked they will just ride on past most of the time.
>Horde ranking
gr8 b8/8 m8
enjoy 2 hour long queues
horde cucks pls kys ty
its 30 min when I play, worse queues than alliance but there's no premades then
pvp is more fun as horde
I don't know, why is anyone an officer in MoH? because they're a group of friends from Nihilum
normally this is the type of circle jerk real life friends guild you want to avoid at any cost but people who want a Veeky Forums guild join anyway
Can confirm is all it's cracked up to be. West coasters get in. Medium skill level and hardcore nature, not overboard though. And there's no carebears or baddies.
please don't post about me
perfect combo to be fair
do they accept level 12s?
I literally joined on a level 12, so yes.
Actually unironically true.
>hardcore nature
so it's another social guild with a loot council?
Does have trannies?
are you having fun roleplaying with your friends faggot
Unknown. Normies keep these things to themselves, unlike Veeky Forums autists and tumblrinas.
what's the point of pretending to be a girl if nobody knows about it?
it's going to me
were you born in 2005, kiddo?
Roleplaying is pretty fun desu
Classes decide amongst themselves how to do it. Players can tell the raid leader they veto a selection as well. There's also something called EGPB or idk what it's called as well, no idea how that works.
It's not a loot council as I understand it. At the very least it's not that clique shit show MoH has.
You'd have to ask the GM Klu (Kiu in game) for more details, I haven't raided with them yet.
Do Texans and Kentuckians count?
nobody wants to be friends with a homo lol
But I have friends...
I like alliance a lot but I had to roll horde
all the clique is on horde too but its not all males playing female toons
Good choice, come raid stv with us
Alliance dogs go home
Cant decide between warrior or paladin. I like the idea of charging around and killing stuff but i dont like how frail warriors are and how dependent they are on support. I like the idea of keeping people alive as a Paladin but i dont like being dependent on warriors to kill things for me.
Probably just gonna go pally since its easier to level but i know ill end up hating myself, regardless of what i choose