Cyberpunk 2077 >First trailer >Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world >Any new infos ? CPDR is recruiting right now, so the game is still in early stages. Still no release date, and we won't have one anytime soon.
I know people bitch about KM being empty but this place is supposed to be desolate and quiet.
I fucking love it.
Samuel Robinson
Same. It's comfy and at the same time eerie. I especially like how the caste design is the same as in TW1.
Josiah Sullivan
One thing I don't get is, why did CDPR lock the room with the balcony that we were in in the beginning of the game?
It had an amazing view and was a real room, but you can't go back there. and so the only "room" in Kaer Morhen is that one at the top of the stairs that doesn't even have a bed or balcony
Landon Rodriguez
There is a room with a bed at KM, but you can't access the balcony. Shame, I always wanted to go back and make some shots there.
Lucas Edwards
Are there any mods for Wild Hunt that make Roach useable? Right now its faster to just run on foot because Roach will stop running every 50-80 feet and neigh even on flat open ground.
Benjamin Torres
>There is a room with a bed at KM
That's the room at the top of those stairs where you and the guys go to dress up like Yennefer right?
Yeah that's the crappy nonbalcony room I was talking about. Didn't even notice there was a bed, but it's still shit since Yen clearly doesn't sleep there and it barely feels like a bedroom.
Jacob Harris
Yeah. To be fair, Yen destroyed the best bed in KM in a jealous rage over finding Triss' hair though.
Adam Harris
Roach is just like that. There is no fix.
Aaron Howard
I pretty much have the same problems as this guy and the other guy like him that responds in the thread
The invisible items in the other tab that I can't drop. The fact I can equip them as armor or weapons but they have no stats. The crossbow ammo shit. The limited saves until they get corrupted (down to like 4 fast travels/autosaves). Geralt's face turning invisible, etc.
No idea what's causing it since my manual save is fine until I start fast traveling. Tried to reinstall the game, didn't work. Rebuilt the database, didn't work. Copied saves to usb then deleted off the system storage and put back from the usb, didn't work. And now I'm afraid of using any previous manual save so that doesn't somehow wind up getting fucked up
Julian Brooks
The only thing I can think of is the mods. Have you used any game altering mods, like Fast travel from anywhere or some other? They might have corrupted your save file. I played the game on various systems and never encountered anything similar.
Michael Jenkins
I'm on ps4, never used mods, don't even know how
Kevin King
Then CDPR support is your best and probably the only hope. If they can't help you I doubt anyone can.
Camden Parker
Already contacted them, they took a week and just told me to reinstall, told them it didn't work, they haven't gotten back to me yet.
Adrian Williams
Well, sorry to say this, but you're probably screwed... Maybe try using some other manual save files if you already have backups and see if the problem persists or try starting a new game. Not much you can do.
Joseph Lee
I don't want to use the other manual saves until I'm sure whatever problem this is isn't gonna happen again and I know why. I've already sent them two of my manual saves and two autosaves where the glitch already happened. I'd hate to use the earlier manual save and it happens again after like 20 autosaves or some random mission. Or start the game over again and it happens again.
I'll just wait for their response if they bother to do anything but tell me what you just did.
Zachary Gray
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Jace Garcia
what's that shit on her chin?
Nicholas Mitchell
what are you talking about
Jaxon Edwards
under her lower lip on the left
Mason Bailey
Looks like a scar.
Bentley Robinson
Hunter Edwards
>Yen still kisses Geralt when Ciri is brought to KM
Fuck, now I feel like a monster for going Triss in re-play
Daniel Morales
A man should always stick with his waifu. I felt like shit throughout my Yen playthrough too. Never again.
Jose Mitchell
it's not even about waifuism, I feel like I've destroyed a family
Joshua Ross
triss is lying shit trash bitch
Andrew Ramirez
I never really saw it like that. Ciri, Geralt and Yen have spent very little time being all three together, maybe a few months at best. Ciri was on her own for the most of her life, she is not dependent on classical family roles. And while Ciri obviously loves them both, she is a grown woman on her own path that doesn't have her living with Geralt and Yen anyway, and she has the abilities to instantly teleport to wherever she wants, so keeping in touch with her parents isn't really an issue for her nor does she need them to be together for her to be happy. She will support Geralt in whatever he decides as long as that's what makes him happy.
When it comes to romance, Ciri is a complete non factor for me. Maybe if she was a little girl or if the circumstances were different, but as is, not at all.
Ayden Johnson
Triss is a charming angel of a woman.
Jaxson Martinez
I always found Triss' behavior throughout the games as very mischievous and manipulative.
She takes advantage of Geralt's temporary amnesia in TW1 knowing full well his love for Yen
Charles Jones
Wouldn't you do the same for someone in a toxic relationship with a woman who almost everyone else doesn't like cause of how bossy and secretive she is even with you but you're too blind or whipped to see that?
I mean, I'd help my friend in a similar vein if she had amnesia and forgot her abusive husband.
Hudson Barnes
She was also spying on Geralt for the Lodge
Wyatt Morgan
Ciri is wild in bed.
Ryder Wright
She wants him badly. She judges it to be toxic, so she manipulates him. He has no say or rational discussion about it with her. He just forgets, robbing him of the judgement call
That's creepy. It's basically applying "I know better than you" to your friend.
Isaac Gomez
She has a wild cunt
Owen Stewart
How do you know?
Easton Green
Well, it's not that simple when it comes to Triss, I don't see it as black and white. Geralt was the one who initiated his relationship with Triss, he is the one who takes the initiative in most of their romantic interactions throughout all three games. He wasn't forced to do anything, he liked Triss and decided he wants to be with her and Triss didn't went her way to come up with some evil plan for seducing Geralt, she merely accepted the advances of a man she loved for years. Triss is even reluctant in starting a relationship with Geralt asking him to prove he is serious with the ring and Alvin stuff.
Also, Geralt refuses to hear about his past in the beginning of the game, explicitly telling Triss he is not ready to talk about it yet. Throughout the first game, Triss encourages Geralt to form his own personality outside of her influence, saying his memory should start returning on its own, which it does. Also, Triss never lied to Geralt's face, the first time he openly asked her about his past, she came clean and told him everything. Despite that, Geralt can choose to continue making romancing her throughout TW2, well knowing about Yen and even remembering some bits of their past. Geralt is not a victim, I can't see him as one if you consider the very active role he plays in his relationship with Triss.
Triss on the other hand acted shady and she could have been more insistent in bringing up yen and Ciri despite Geralt not wanting to hear about it. But she doesn't know if Yen is even alive, the last time she saw her, they both died. But Triss was always obsessed with Geralt and having him show interest in her proved as too much of a temptation and she started a relationship with him.
Austin Lewis
Christopher Brooks
>That's creepy. It's basically applying "I know better than you" to your friend.
But it is true. It is toxic, and everyone knows it and acknowledges it.
Nathan Harris
You know Yen truly loves Geralt because she would rather seek out a djinn to dissolve the wish that binds them rather than force him into the relationship because of the wish
Sebastian Richardson
Still. Look at it this way: if he knew about his past, and you were taking the choice/judgement call away from him and just asserting in an authorative way "I'm the better choice, I know what's best for you" you'd see that as extremely abusive because she's taking away his freedom
So in the end this problem boils down to "what someone doesn't know can't hurt them" and I fundamentally disagree with that - omission of information is still dishonesty
Austin Richardson
Hudson Thompson
Started TW3 DLCs for the first time a few hours ago. I think this is the first time we're gotten major DLC for a Witcher game right? Witcher 1 and 2 got some nice smaller updates but nothing this major I remember.
Anywho, I'm enjoying Hearts of Stone so far. A little on-the-rails but I like that I don't know who the trust right now. Lot of shady folk.
Thomas Price
Triss worked closely with the Lodge in the first game. They saw the opportunity to raise their influence on Foltest's court and Geralt was a very useful individual to have on their side and his closeness with Triss was their chance. Still Triss' interest in Geralt goes beyond that. She helped him get the witcher secrets back, she directly saved his life multiple times and was all around very helpful with whatever he needed.
Also, the Lodge noticed that Triss is starting to care about Geralt more than their interests and that was one of the reasons Triss lost their trust and stopped getting invited to their meetings. They also fed her false info knowing she will spill it all to Geralt.
And in TW2, Triss clearly has nothing to do with their plans as Philippa herself confirms. Triss also expresses concern for Geralt during her talk to Philippa, but what is most important, at the Loc Muinne summit Triss takes Geralt's side against the Lodge proving where her loyalty lies. This was a huge step in her character growth if we consider how loyal she was to them in the past.
And in tW3, we can see the true nature of Triss' ideals shine, as she is working completely outside of Lodge's influence. The whole Lodge subplot is one of my favorites and I really love Triss' role in that subplot. It's one of the defining growth moments for Triss.
Gavin Brown
I never disagreed that it was dishonest. Just saying, sometimes someone does know better for you but you're too stuck in a terrible cycle to see it, and if trissfag is right , Triss isn't the one who made the first step.
And hey, it's not like in the books Yen isn't also manipulative, didn't she use magic to mindfuck Geralt into doing stuff like acting as distraction and killing someone? Then try to get him to kill a dragon so she could do stuff to become fertile?
Lincoln Long
You did. Enjoy being a shitter.
William Jackson
It's because she figured out the Lodge were losing power and decided to raise influence with Geralt instead. Helping Geralt just became the better political move, that's all. She double-crossed the Lodge to change to the winning side.
Christian Campbell
Triss is a homewrecker
Jordan Kelly
Nope. Shit taste is a homewrecker. Triss is just gross.
Nathaniel Ortiz
Mason Rodriguez
Not really. The Lodge was in excellent position when Triss lost their trust. It's what made them confident enough to try their plan with killing Demavend.
Triss' interest in Geralt goes beyond her political one. Triss has an obsessive, arguably unhealthy love for Geralt. That is the main reason the Lodge cut her off, they saw she cares about Geralt more than political interests and she couldn't be trusted anymore.
It is very clear Triss loves Geralt and that is especially shown in TW3, where she tries to hide it, but as soon as Geralt shows interest, she drops her plans to be with him.
Still, Triss has a strong political ambition and one which motives go beyond the desire for money and power as we can see by her genuine desire to help the mages when that's practically a death sentence and she has nothing to gain. Triss is idealistic and she does care about making a difference.
That's why I really like the fountain scene with Triss. She accepted Tancred's offer and she is torn between two of her greatest passions, her love for Geralt and her political dream job. And she offers Geralt to drop it all for him saying she just wants them to be together. That was another great moment of hers.
Jaxon Torres
There is no home to wreck in the first place.
Cutest :3
Daniel Bennett
One of my favorite screenshots with Geralt & Triss. :3
Austin Carter
Too bad you can't craft the Nilfgaardian Armor. Would run around with it for the whole game .
Tyler Moore
I like it. It's from the dialogue about baths, balms and body massages I think :3
Isaiah Kelly
>can't fuck rosa Still as mad as I was two years ago. Though no Iorveth is even worse, fuck CD Projekt.
Nathaniel Butler
And this Shani to Triss swap in HoS wedding.
James Reyes
Post pictures of the ultimate waifu, her enlightened ladyship, Anna Henrietta, Duchess of Toussaint.
Ethan Campbell
You can buy a set in Crow's Perch. Depending on when you buy it, it can be a pretty high level, but witcher gear is still better.
Triss is always cute, but I prefer her game version with green eyes and red hair.
Owen Johnson
Dominic Bailey
I thought it had a fixed level. Didn't pay attention I suppose.
Joseph Garcia
samefagging in the name of the duchess
Samuel Kelly
Annarietta is in my top 3 cutest females in the games, alongside Triss and Sile.
It has two versions, one bought before level 34, one after I think. But if you buy it on a lower level, you can't get the higher level version later. Same with Temerian set, so you must wait.
Jacob Hernandez
Asher Morales
Anna Henrietta is the cleanest waifu. She has armies of servants taking care of her body. Ciri is the dirtiest one, she never baths or changes her underwear. Even Yen and Triss get filthy at times. Anna Henrietta? Never.
Grayson Barnes
guys i read all the books and played through the games and i unironically fell in love with yennefer and it really hurts that she isnt real what do i do? please help by posting romantic and loving pictures of yennefer
Benjamin Bell
I sympathize. I feel the same about Triss. Have a family pic.
Kevin Evans
Brandon Carter
>that moment when you break her heart on the ship
Ethan Gonzalez
Eh, it's not something I take pleasure in, but my Geralt loves Triss. You can also not do the quest at all and still get the Triss ending.
Justin Ramirez
I want to race Ciri on horseback around Kaer Morhen.
Ryder Bailey
i want to **** ciri on horseback
Asher Sanders
t. Yennefer
Andrew Torres
i want to ride on ciri's back
Elijah Collins
Annarietta is a fucking cunt and it bothers me that you can never set her straight.
William Diaz
she deserves a good spanking
Luke Martinez
>she deserves a good dicking
Charles Bailey
Juan Clark
>my terrorist retard isn't in the game
what a loss.
Tyler Rodriguez
>page triss
William Sanders
better than the towel-head faggot roche
Samuel Moore
Ciri :3
Blake Parker
James Hall
Hi Yennefer! :3
Liam Edwards
>Nude geralt still isn't compatible with the lore-friendly geralt mod
Parker Morgan
triss is ugly sack of shit
David Rogers
is there any mention (a book, a letter or a small dialogue form some NPC) of Anais' fate in TW3?
Luis Hill
Julian Smith
Triss is a pretty angel :3
Oliver Long
No, she is very sensual and romantic
Michael Clark
It's nice to have some armor that isn't dumpy and doesn't make Geralt look fat. I think that this is the first armor that I've liked since the witcher gear.
Levi Lewis
Is it just me or is AMM a pain in the ass to install?
Yeah, first armors suck. It'll get better on, when you will have access to the witcher gear.
William Evans
Oliver Cruz
Eh, to each their own. For me Trissfu is a diamond in the rough :3
Ethan Parker
triss smells horrible
Charles Sanchez
Zachary Jackson
Comfiest love :3
Justin Ward
user, if you dare to kiss, Magnificent sorceress Triss, Your breath will smell of piss.
Matthew Hughes
I wish I felt that bliss To kiss the beautiful Triss I'd even drink her piss.