>The fruits of our victory are tumbling into our mouths too quickly
What did he mean by this?
The fruits of our victory are tumbling into our mouths too quickly
>Americans have lots of guns n shit, maybe invading them aint a good idea
What did he mean by this?
an oblique NTR reference
Did they even have fruit in Japan at that time?
Fruit was invented in Japan in 1962 by Fujashiro Yamauchi.
Mayhaps he meant that all of the territory and islands that Imperial Japan had conquered were being squandered. Not building infrastructure, explotion the people/labor force, or not trying to get the people to assimilate.
You are retarded.
Veeky Forums Pass user since November 2015.
care to elaborate?
You're retarded.
It means that they are becoming power-hungry and way too ambitious for new lands/colonies.
He was talking about "victory disease" which some Japanese politicians and officers imagined was making the Japanese armed forces overconfident and lacking the kind of harsh resolve Japanese planners thought would suffice to defeat the United States.
>Yamamoto, seriously... Assign some fucking destroyer escorts to those convoys. Jesus christ, what are you retarded?
What did he mean by this?
I've been reading about Japanese officers throughout the war, and aside for Yamamoto and Yamashita, all seem more insane than the next.
For fuck's sake, these officers almost triggered a war with the Soviet Union in 1939 all in their hopes to heighten the regard the Tokyo government had for them, because it was apparently in fashion to kill Mongolians in 1939.
It's like these officers considered that their fellow officers were more of an enemy to them than the Americans or chinese, all because these other officers were competition for them.
Yamamoto was pretty insane. You just don't know that because you are not reading enough.
>That giant x-ray gun is a grotesque waste of money and electricity
>we have the best bio weapons in the world why aren't we using it?
>why isn't high command telling the soldiers to stop LARPing when the banzai changes aren't working and guerilla warfare is more effective?
what did he mean by this?
it's kind of based, honestly..
I must concede that whatever "reading" I've done has only been to skim through Wikipedia articles, so I'm not flustered to be called out not knowing that Yamamoto was insane too.
But wasn't he one of the sanest in the sense that he was already admired by Tojo and the emperor, and didn't need to put his career before the fate of Japan, so some of his choices were more sensible than others?
All I know is that Chang Kai-Shek wrote that Japanese officers were easy to defeat because of how egoistical they were to be the ones to give chase to the Chinese first, so it was always easy to flank those idiots who split away from the main army in search of glory.
At least Yamamoto wasn't like that. What was so insane about what he did?
netorare? how so
They were putting personal gain and short term gain above the good of the country, the very antithesis of Japanese society.
>their fellow officers were more of an enemy to them than the Americans or chinese
in a way this was true
>and didn't need to put his career before the fate of Japan, so some of his choices were more sensible than others?
It was Yamamoto who insisted on surprise attacking Pearl Harbor to begin the war. Also Yamamoto's plan was to send two carriers launch about 50 bombers on a one-way suicide attack. Luckily for Japan, Yamamoto had competent subordinates.
Yamamoto insisted on the method of attack, not wether to attack. Yamamoto did not want war and knew that Japan could not win a prolonged one.
This. Guy told everyone that Pearl Harbor was the only way to cripple the U.S. and only for maybe six months at that. He knew it would be kicking the hornet nest and didn't pretend it would equal definite Japanese victory.
>It's like these officers considered that their fellow officers were more of an enemy to them than the Americans or chinese, all because these other officers were competition for them.
Secret True Fact: SCAP ended clan feuds in Japan, not the Meiji Restoration.
They were so victorious that they ended up defeated.
>autist emperor who only speaks in memes
Who would know?
Nope, he insisted on attacking Pearl Harbor.
Seriously though the more I read about him the more I wonder if Nagumo was sane than him.
>why can't I hold all this victory fruit in my mouth
> didn't need to put his career before the fate of Japan
He frequently did. He got the War Council to agree to both the Pearl Harbor attack and the Midway raid by threatening to resign if they didn't let him do it.