Best Poppy Skin Edition
Best Poppy Skin Edition
>lose every objective
>win a single teamfight
>win game
Nice script.
Say it with me now:
chinks WW@
literally honeydicked
G2 > TSM
So with TSM wonnered what do G2 need to achieve results-wise to go through?
adaptive helm killed quasus for good
Win a game obviously
>SKT throw game against Flash Wolves because they've been active scrim partners for almost 3 years
>FW still win against the fat AMERICAN cock
when will the gooks just kill themselves
So Syndra can do more damage than a level 18 smite to baron?
xth for Syndra
I build that shit on Sion when I play him top
He literally becomes unkillable
why is europe mad, I haven't been watching this consistently?
WE actually didn't sweep that ward at the same position and got baron-stealed by Peanut.
Why are burgers falseflagging you mean
?? except it isn't, the record would be 1-1 since g2 lost last time vs tsm
Reminder to search all eurobabs for sharp objects so they don't kill themselves
On second thought, just go ahead and let them an hero.
Nasus is now 100% shit, that's was the only build keeping him from being a joke character
>tfw enjoy esports more than playing the actual game these days
Does anybody else know this feel
Yuropoors didn't have the money to keep Bjergsen in their region and they still cry to this day that he plays for NA.
Europoors always forget S4.
Win against TSM, play a tiebreaker, win that too.
Can EU still survive groups?
Is this the best casting team so far at MSI?
I have 2 poppy skins Regalia and Blacksmith and I agree that Blacksmith is best.
Can /lolg/ help me decide between my other duplicate skin on Sejuani?
Traditional or Poro Rider?
Are your assholes still sore from your earlier game, Europoors?
Merca is about to shove it long dick in there.
i havent played a league game in 2 years
What is the source of this pic?
>Europoors always forget S4.
And you always forget S1, S2, S3, S5, S6 and so on and so on
pastry time sucks ass and papasmithy is insufferable
>EU damage control
Beast Hunter
Traditional and Poro Rider but if you MUST go between one of those then Traditional. I fucking hate Poros.
don't worry, we'll make sure to remember this MSI
Pastrytime is the only good one there
>EU is this fucking mad theyre getting blown the FUCK out
Flash Wolves has been boring to watch for years, and they never change.
It would be a rarity for you so I should think so
what has to happen so TSM doesn't make it out of groups
>Based Papa
>TSM Jatt
>Pizza Time
swap either Jatt or Pastry for Kobe
also have topless Sjokz in the bottom left corner
>being THIS assravaged
loses vs g2, loses all of the possible tiebreakers
Only 1/5 of TSM are American. 2 Canadians and 2 Danes.
GAM beats FW or GAM beats WE and FW beats GAM
what is the biggest sarcastic "outplayed" champion
excluding karthus of course
stupid anime poster
losing vs G2 and then losing all posible tiebreakers
Just like last year
>NA gets first seed
>it's literally wasted as all their teams suck at Worlds
Poppy is really cute, but she is boring s fuck.
Although really it's only half-sarcasm
teemo or ap maokai
>EU bypasses play-in round this MSI
>literally wasted since their best team is shit
Eurobab regulations banned sharp objects
They need to lose a ridiculously huge amount of matches, 2~3 in a row.
insider here (i know a G2 coaching analyst). perkz is ready to pick lux in the deciding games later, so long as syndra is banned away. screencap this post.
True, G2 sucks.
What are the best runes for Shyvana jungle? Currently running pic related.
That's bullshit and I don't believe it
that would be so NA-like if TSM lost next game to G2 and then the tiebreaker
I dunno why G2 didn't replace Trick with someone who doesn't fucking int half his games cause most of the games (except the SKT ones) were totally winnable if trick wasn't being such a shitter
Is GAM out of it now?
why does syndra need to be banned away for lux to be picked
its not like syndra is a hard lane for her
what is the reason for that
except CLG and TSM took games off korean teams
what have EU done?
ad reds as quints
4 armor yellows, 5 scaling health yellows
6 scaling cdr blues, 3 scaling mr blues
t.D4 junglebab with 280k on dragontits
Reminder that SEA gets a bonus seed at Worlds because of based GAM.
Hope we get to see Mineski
NA really is tied for best region isn't it?
as long as they win a game they're still fighting for a spot
How so? You slam people into walls and slap folks around in team fights. You just have to ban Fiora. And Darius. And Renekton. And Kennen. And Jayce. Pretty much all of Toplane.
Wow they won irrelevant games that didn't lead them to progressing to the next round
>start Q stack ghoul graves
>get lvl 2 spawn ghouls land E
>force flash or outright first blood
>get lvl 6
>land W
>spawn maiden, land E on trapped target
>minions do the rest
Advanced out of group stage.
>play stack master nasus
>500 stacks and 220 farm at 25 minutes
>rest of my lanes are all 0/3 or 0/4 and i can't do shit
wow what a garbage champion
not only that, it's a pool 1 seed directly to group stage
they're definitely tied for second.
>bringing up last year's worlds
>C9 made it to quarterfinals
>meanwhile G2 got shit on so hard that Likkrit had to come out and give a pity speech defending them
>EU think G2 is good they're just choking
>mfw EU is playing to their normal standard and EU just suck
I mean look at the last IEM and Worlds
>taliyah again
haha fun meta
GAM earned that bonus seed desu.
WE for ez 4th place, GAM for chance for 2nd
Well, they can't do it mid-tournament. But i'm sure they considering it.
wow, so did clown 9
h2k got a shit easy group which they struggled in and then went against a trash tier wildcard team that got exposed in a bo5, and then ff20'd 3 games in a row vs ssg
is there any scenario where GAM and TSM are the 2/3 seed and end up playing 12 games against each other at MSI?
>EU has one of their teams get a babby tier group
>is the only team to make it out from EU
>NA has C9 in the same group as SKT iMay and FW
>C9 leaves groups
Endgame right here, brothers.
What is the best result for G2 here? A world elite win?
I just want to cuddle with Nami
what's the deal with you leviposter
you're outside your board
>EU think G2 is good they're just choking
said literally nobody from EU, H2K with some changes would actually stand a chance in international tournaments
It wasn't wasted though. TSM got literally the hardest group out of all 1st seeds though, unlike the history revisionists of our general will tell you.
All other teams in GPL are complete crap, I doubt that GAM will fail to come to worlds.
and as mentioned, as soon as they went up against an actual team (SSG) they got 3-0'd
meanwhile TSM actually took a game off them in groups
not to mention your best team (G2) getting demolished by the 2nd seed NA and going 1-5 in groups