What is it like for Poles under Prussian empire? I feel like this is a part of history that we rarely heard of

What is it like for Poles under Prussian empire? I feel like this is a part of history that we rarely heard of.

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Better than in Russia.

economically by far the least worst of the 3, culturally by far the worst in terms of repression and germanisation

like in Nazi Germany but without so frequent killing.


>Frederick wrote that Poland had "the worst government in Europe with the exception of Turkey"

one of the few things he was right about.

It wasnt bad just the food was terrible

"Worst" because it actually limited absolutism and authoritarian establishments, they're also the first to have a constitution in Europe.

Quite bad.


Better off than in Russian Empire
Worse off than in Austrian Empire

Speaking in the terms of national freedom.

By Frederick's age Poland had been crushed between three mighty (and greedy) empires and its politics were reliant on them. In those times there wasn't much they could do for themselves anymore.

That's not positive. The government was too weak to protect the medieval abomination that is was.

They were on the verge of changing that, hence the partitions to stop the last king's reforms.

Where are you from friend? I always see you posting

Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ahh, I see

>Implying Friedrich der Große wasn't the best monarch in Europe's history

Shame about his shitty son, though.

>with the exception of Turkey
wew lad

The Germans went as far as banning the use of Polish language in public places.

I dont know about language bans, but since Most of todays polish Territory in the Pic was prussian from the beginning the Transfer shouldt habe been to hard for them. There was a century Long Migration Tradition und Prussia was originally the modern Immigration state due to theire acceptance of everyone who was willing to work hard.

This changed when in the 19th century the german nationalism movement starten rising and Prussia starten to make concessions to this Movement by defining itselves through ethnicity and state Religion the First time in its History.

Until the later half of the 19th century, not particularly bad. Poles weren't seen as a race or nationality, and discrimination came more in the form of favoring non-Polish parts of the Empire.

happened between 1885 and 1890

mostly affected gentry; serfs were just serfs like everywhere else

>In 1916, Germany, with the Act of 5th November, publicly promised to create the Regency Kingdom of Poland, while secretly planning to annex up to 35,000 square kilometres of its territory and ethnically cleanse up to 3 million Poles and Jews to make room for German settlers after the war.[20][21][22][23][24][25]

What did they mean by this?



>"These provinces cannot be compared with any European country-the only parallel would be Canada"

But Poland was massively behind Prussia in terms of development. This is a fact.

>mfw I will never visit a German East Prussia

>ywn see a Baltic east Prussia

The Eastern part of Poland, absolutely, but not the rest.

>mfw I won't be there to witness Kaliningrad become Konigsberg, Klaipeda become Memel, or Gdansk become Danzig