Kurds = Turds
Kurds = Turds
So there is hope for this board.
Nah, I hope they tag-team with the Armenians to bury the hatchet and kill every Turkish man, woman and child from Iğdır to Çanakkale.
Then they should start on the Arabs.
nah they've done a lot of work fighting isis and all that. shame they gotted shafted at the fall of the ottoman empire
>done a lot of work fighting isis and all that
you mean opress and steal land from some of the oldest christian communities in the world, which western christcucks seem to ignore completely
ya cause there's so many christians left in what was isis controlled territory right?
Who said anything about isis territory?
The assyrian militias together with the disgusting shia's held those lands after the arab started stirring camel shit up. And it wasn't until recently k*rds started shitting on everyone and attack and steal clay, including from the Syrian government.
Hell, p*shmergas attacked and killed christians in Iraq back in 2008, while you christcucks did nothing.
What's fucking pathetic of you people is that fucking muslims (even if they are disgusting shia's) have done more for the christian communities in the ME than you ever done, pic related. Keep arming those biji k*rdishits while thinking you are doing G-d's will.
You meant Turks+Kurds= Turds
T*rks = small creatures that will occasionally visit earth and put on human suits, and that can only be stopped by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones
>everyone who talks shit to me is Greek
the /pol/ logo is on there for a reason, friend
>he shits on an entire board
>calls people Greek stormfags when they call him out
I wasn't the one that started with the "le turkroach" /pol/-rhetoric in this thread though.
I just shared my opinion about the current state in the ME.
We wouldn't call you a roach if you didn't shitpost 24/7 tho
Baseless generalization against turkish posters on Veeky Forums cause of a few bad apples.
All I wan't to do is talk about history and the different religious schools of our wonderous world without being compared to an insectoid. And from time to time discuss the great House Osman that founded the even greater Ottoman empire, is that too much to ask for?
All the other turks here are pretty good posters.
Its just you who shitposts in every thread with a trip
I am quite offended by that statement, friend.
I mean, so far I've suffered a number of personal attacks in this thread and against my culture and heirtage and now I am blamed for all of it?
Truly, you non-turks have a seething hatred for us in your hearts that you will never let go of.
Nah fuck it.
Trying to reason with you is pointless.
I'll just call you a roach instead.
It will be easier for both us
So this is the limit of your resolve*
Rather than discussing it and coming to terms like a intellectual, you'd rather state that you wanna go back to the childish name calling and memeposting.
I thought this board was better then that and not the step-child of /pol/.