/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #273

Previous thread: >>xxxxxxxx

>List of Vendors and Social Media

>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eyyy, it's the real one.


buy my stickies

they'll make you great
it'll getcha anything that you ever want
you get a girlfriend you get some money

buy my stickers

they'll make you healthy
they'll make your feet small
and they'll give you abs

>those pictures
>those filters
the cringe is powerful in this one



hoon killed imouto, she died for our sins

Where do you find these traps?



Beautiful singing.


>reposting from previous shitty thread

To everyone that ordered, thank you! Your orders have been shipped a couple of hours ago.

And to everyone else who may want to buy some stickers, they are no longer pre-orders. So that means when you make an order they will be shipped out either on the same or the next day.


she needs to stop riding her car to the bus stop and start walking. holy shit shes fat.

traps where
i was promised traps

>Veeky Forums


how did we get to 273 in 1 day?




Your stickers are unrelated to Veeky Forums he's saying

>bitching about a high test model after many threads of anons demanding moar high test grills
we get it hoon, no girl will ever be as good as your mom

Who got pictures of stickers on shitboxes?

Oh haha. The backgrounds are from Initial D, so it's okay I guess.

how much are your stickers again


dont mind the autistic nigger. he's just trying to emulate his idol mrcummy

>high test
bitch she got a pig face and fat thighs, not thicc, but fat. they keep jiggling long after you shut off the engine. she gets up and theres kfc grease stain on your seat. your car smells like bo for months. you keep vacumming, but her pubes keep showing up forever.


the virginity is strong with this one

please stop spamming it's becoming excessive now, hoon is already banned you don't have to shit up the thread in his place


I'm digging that heavy flow slap

This thread really is autistic as fuck

>he thinks people can be banned on Veeky Forums

You saw what happened right? Thread OP is obviously a mod lol, prunes 3 threads and then boom, new thread with hella spam, and these are never before seen pictures from Shitbox, so it looks like Shitbox is the moderator that's protecting them.

But user, that literally is a shitbox. Poop comes out of there

aight I just wanted to get things off to a good start m80


yeah i have been watching, is pretty funny.
weebs are a special kind of entertainment.

So I got an order sent back "Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed". I've tried emailing and haven't gotten a response, so I'll try here.

If your name is Andrew, you live in the Pacific Northwest, and you haven't received your order from me, please email me at backyardtuningwi at gmail with your new address so I can get your order to you.

Just shows that Hoon was right lolll

After this just wait and put the order aside. Something similar happened to me, and the buyer disappeared from sight online. I just keep it in a drawer, if he ever contacts me I'll resend it, but after 180 days I'm going to consider it closed and sell the stickers. My letter said "Return to Sender, Unable to Forward Mail" so the buyer didn't leave a forwarding address.

Gonna post this again. A few of these designs I'm not 100% sure on. Any criticisms or interest?

will that certain slap not present be available? or is it just going to be a freebe for the first x buyers or something?

I heard that someone here likes this type of thing.

Most likely. A few people that have personally expressed interest will have one saved for them. Easier than dealing with and creating drama.

I just seen the nine lives slap on there. I'm digging it man.

And by most likely I mean free to first x buyers. My bad.

go to bed hoon

>that emoji slap

Sued by Apple in 5...4...3...

Shouts to the bro WaifuSquad for coming in clutch with the letter and extra phat stickers! They came in today and I don't know about you but I was excited. I'll definitely be a repeat customer in the future, very satisfied with the quality of the decals!

The decal I originally ordered, will go well on my rusted bucket of bolts offroad toy

>hiding lewd things in between door jambs and other hidden areas
Yes, this is my fetish.

That would be pretty rad actually. I'll take that risk.

Still not as lewd as what I have in a visible area.

Have this you. You earned it

You're going to post it, right?

I did a couple times.
It's just the galil.

For your first try that's pretty damn good.

Glad they arrived safely. Enjoy.

Waifusquad, do you have a list or gallery of vinyls available (e.g., notori's online color palette) for custom works?
I currently only have ideas for white die-cut stuff, but I'd like to know what kind of opportunities are available.

P.S. Nice Thinkpad.

Also matte galil is in.

I just checked the website.
It's up, but I'm seeing Sparkle and Oil Slick are joined together as one option.
Was this always the case? I thought I could choose between those 2.

Who makes the "powered by super Eurobeat" sticker?



It's to distinguish it from sparkle, which is just a laminate.
The "Sparkle" is sparkle in the pic. Oil slick is out of stock, discontinued.
The vinyl cutter is packed away and I'm not taking it with me to AZ. I'll likely be selling it to a different vendor.

> I'll likely be selling it to a different vendor.
Dang. So I take it that means no more custom stuff, correct?
I just put in a pre-order for Kemono Friend peeks and was hoping to get a logo of the show to go with it.

I still love your work, and I hope your move is as smooth as possible.

Shit, I've made two orders from Yummy recently and somehow didn't realize he made that one too.

You aren't quitting, are you?

I can still do one-offs through Offset. I'm just not doing any die-cuts, which my plan was to do bigger stuff.
Nah, but how would you feel if your dorm mate brought a 50 pound vinyl plotter that was huge and loud as shit

As a follow up, there's a possibility I can just loan it to a friend of mine (Saigetsu) with the condition if I need stuff cut he'll cut it for me.

Team Twintails red restock when?

How are the Japanese so advanced?

Does shitboxme.me actually bless good luck keytags in holy water?

Do you really think that someone who sells anime stickers to a bunch of fat, lonely weebs and gets transsexuals to pose with his car has access to holy water?

>Waifusquad still in it
Whew! This is such a relief.

Alright, I don't know squat about the difference between die cut and offset printing, so I'm gonna have some research to do.

I'll shoot you an e-mail for the offset created orders then.

Offset is a company.

I'll still sell diecuts, the difference now is I can no longer go to my garage and test cut stupid shit drunk at 3 in the morning. At the moment none of my stickers on the site are cut in-house. They've all been ordered through Aimless/Offset.

Yeah I use holy water from Martyrs Shrine from Midland Ontario

Ah, I completely misunderstood.
Thank you for clearing that up for me.

Is it worth buying a small printer and starting a store? Can I keep prices low and still make profit? What printer/vinyl is good to get?

Neat, guess I'll order one.

Ja. Shoot me an email and I can set it up.
Here's some one offs i did. I'm also doing burger iowa diecut one offs.

Printing is not really cost effective. You don't print on a home desktop ink printer.

You can however break even doing in-house die cuts and outsourcing your printing.

Tbh, I'd buy this.

This. A vinyl printer is 1. FUCK HUEG and 2. thousands of dollars not including maintenance, materials, and a lamination setup.

For die-cuts on the other hand, you can get a really decent plotter for a few hundred bucks and all you need to go with it is vinyl and blades. Both of which can be had for very cheap.

whew, i ordered mine last month and thought it got lost in transit

Sorry, that's what I meant. What cutter/vinyl is cheap and good?

Do you have a /osg/ discount code?

Sorry about the wait! I hope that you received an email or something saying that your order has been shipped.

hmm, not yet

I have a Titan 3, but for entry level, any of the cheaper US Cutter models are good. Check Amazon rather than the official site for much better prices. As for vinyl, Oracal 651 is the gold standard. It's readily available, cheap, and good quality.

Not at the moment. Sorry, user.

Is this an okay start? Do I need more vinyl?

Also where can I go to get color vinyl printed? I have some peek designs I want to try.

For color stuff you'd wanna go to Offset/SHWA or Aimless Goods. You can find their contact info in the pastebin or via instagram.

I'm playing around with the layout of this sticker. I'm kind of impartial on the text boxes. Any thoughts?

That's okay, your prices are pretty reasonable.

I'd grab some more colors to play with personally. You might want to play around with layering. Also don't forget to pick up some application tape. Amazon has that for cheap as well.

Mods please delete these threads

I agree. Let me COP one of those SLAPS xDDDDD STICKERZZZZZ omg esticker ecelebs so important xDDD

But no seriously, this is worse than underglow and dakimakura combined.

It's me the Touhou fag I'm back. I see yummy is selling that Marisa I posted a while ago. I have more in my collection now

You're gay for dogs, your opinion doesn't matter

Anchovy A CUTE!