RIP autofags

RIP autofags

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That's fake as shit.

nah, it's real
carfags btfo

it's just a dummy, publicity stunt for some company.

But a 4channer thinks he knows more than anyone so he's gonna point out a video that is blatantly fake is fake.

look are this car enthusiast throwing a hissy fit

>violates ten thousand FAA rules

okay this one was impressive


hello taxi.

hello alphonse

we gunna bang or nah?

but isn't that what we are doing right now?

you're perfect in every way

thread got mega cringegay

shouldn't you be in the other thread getting btfo?


y- you too

so how are your classes going?

going great desu

wish i could get extra sleep though

we should talk more often. did I ever give you my email address?

not yet, but you can message it to me in discord when u get da chance :)


stop samefagging as your alter ego you creepy ass retard nigger.

join the discord and ill do it.
lol obsessed

I'm looking forward to seeing this on the next Captain Disillusion


>hilarious ways to die volume 1
when the music played my sides left
i think they may be gone forever

>current year
>instead of hoverboards we get this
>a man in a sack flying himself
>with a sketchy drone
>two years late
what a time to be alive