Human Resources

Why didn't anyone tell me about this hidden gem of a career path?

>mid career, econ major, 130k per year
>fortune 200 company
>low stress work environment
>75% women, half are young and hot or sex-starved milfs, 15% are gay dudes, 10% straight guys
>fucking KILLING it on the poon game

I'm fucking love it. Been here a few years after working in finance. Fuck that noise. Why didn't anyone tell me HR, the technical/math part, was so based? Literally no competition? Everyone wants to move up to soft-skill positions leaving guys like me plenty of mobility up the ranks. It seems like easy mode for corporations.

In my experience HR people don't make that much, and don't get a whole lot of respect from colleagues or the public.

And isn't it a conflict of interest to date your colleagues? If you're making 130k you have to be in some kind of managerial position.

Was this is a b.s. econ major where you took stats/econometrics classes? What position/field are you specifically in. Finally, what was your entry level job like and was it easy to get this job or did you have to network for a bit.


We seem to get a lot of respect. Some people seem afraid of us.

There are no rules about boinking people in the company.

I am not a manager, yet. My manager makes 200k. I'm probably one of the highest paid HR employees that isn't a manger though. I am pretty much in charge of the technical details of mergers and acquisitions for HR, and travel a lot. Previously I was making 80k as a benefits analyst.

No just a BA. You were required to take statistics, and I did take econometrics and a lot of finance classes. Looking back I should have double majored since it would have only been a few more semesters of classes. . . I guess I specialized in global trade, as that is what fascinated me the most.

Entry level job was basically data entry in supply chain at a decently big company that I had an in at. Aced the interview, gave the job 100%, learned extra stuff when I had free time that impressed my boss and then aced the interview at my current company.

human resources is a womans job fag

How many girls at work have you fucked?

Being a flaming fag is the only way guys can get seriously laid these days. Girls worship gays. Just read some Heartiste

>How many girls at work have you fucked?

7. Three cougars, all that never had children and 2 were in their early 50s. Awesome. One was in her late 30s and had just the best big tits, thin body and black hair with the biggest blue eyes. Still bang 2 of these broads on the reg.

4 were 20 something young hotties. One was a temp that left me an email and I hit her up after she left.

Seriously guys HR is fucking easy if you are a Chad or aspiring to be one. The lack of testosterone in the work area has chicks flocking to you if you act manly in the slightest.


at my company the hr chicks are actually butt fugly and weirdly enough the geek girls look pretty decent or even hot. i don't know how this happened.

Are you coming out of the closet?

>He has sex with coworkers

HR is one of the biggest mistakes humanity ever made.

at his aswell user, the shit OP fucks is therapy for premature ejaculation patients.

So I can get into HR with a finance degree? I know you stipulated you did math, but I thought HR was all fem studies type graduates.

I got into HR with a psychology degree lmao

You can. In fact most of the higher up positions are all held by law/finance/econ/math/accounting graduates.

All the joke degree people in HR are happy about staying in lower positions that might max out at 80k. Very few of them make it up to higher positions when they are competing against people like me who excelled at the technical side of HR.

I've seen a lot of entry lvl HR jobs popping up in my area. Should I go for it? I have some college experience and I'm really good at dealing with other peoples bs.

how is it possible there is no "cross talk" i.e. gossip at the office that dentriments your ability to get laid again? are women cool with banging the guy that just banged the lady in the next cubicle...? is it known? spoken about?

I really hope this isn't bullshit.

Cool story territory

Sounds like a lie but who knows ? I mean.... If you fuck someone in my office you can be sure the next day everyone is talking about it behind your back.

>fucking KILLING it on the poon game

Now this is a troll thread.

80k as a benefits analyst? And 120k as a non-manager HR. Plus you bang all the chicks and no mention of drama? lmao sure you do

If you sucker some poor user into going HR then well done my friend

How is OP cuck if hes the one fucking the women in the office?

Go be retarded somewhere else

First off checked

Not op but it's hard to explain but women actually get turned on by the type of guy who has banged someone they know or friends with. It makes guys more attractive since they know aren't serial killers and there must be something special about them if some girl fucked them. It's why some guys in high school fucked all the girls and some got none. It's a turn off when women know people aren't banging you

But some will you find you repulsive if they find out you're fucking everyone. They will most likely think you're trying to fuck them every time you get near them.

Because of this they will always be on guard.

The women who think that though are conservative good girls. The type you would need to date for a while to get with and in fact are wife material.

If you are looking to get laid then you want hoes who don't think that way

I guess but have you ever heard of the saying "don't shit where you eat?

I feel like fucking or marrying a chick from the office will fuck everything up.

Lol like I said fan not op but you are right with that statement. I don't date or fuck at the work place but I know people who do. It's cool in the short term but eventually it does come back to bite you in the ass

>how is it possible
Chad always wins.
If you are average, you WILL be fucked thus the golden rule of not fishing off the company's docks.
But if you're Chad, then what says.

Women CANNOT be trusted, they CAN ONLY be used. Redpill yourself and live life on easy (or easier) mode.

Need I remind you that OP claimed he fucked not one but TWO women in their 50's.

in their fucking 50's.

what do you think some college chick would think of a dude that banged some dry wrinkly vagina at their job? a little nasty right?

if she's at all normal she would be repulsed by it.

I'm telling you, Chad or not, the whole "turned on by competing other women" theory has its place, but it also has its limits. as the bitches in a single place you've fucked piles up, so too does your level of sleaze.

What is this technical side oh HR? What does HR have to do with M&A?

If a girl is a slut and the guy is attractive enough then she seriously won't care what a guy has done. Some women bang a couple different guys a weekend. I get what you're saying but sluts are not only loose women but they are usually terrible people. In my apartment complex I live with a good amount of hot slutty chicks and since I'm not a chad I don't stand a chance with any of them and they bang 6'3 alphas. Now that I've got a gf they all now pay me attention and flirt with me.... Some women are terrible people and seriously do not give a fuck about these things

third year accountingfag here. HR pay and career prospects are meager. There's not much room for advancement.

>2 were in their early 50s

>works in a women's job
>the rest are assplungering butt pirates
>deals with coworker's SJW feelings and bullshit

So when will you tell your family and friends that you're gay now?

>deals with coworker's SJW feelings and bullshit

I don't though.

>What is this technical side oh HR?

Lots of stuff. Figuring out what people should be paid, keeping track of everything employee related in the computer systems, making sure transfers, promotions, salary increases, hiring and firings are all correct. I can go on and on. There is a shitton of data for all employees that all needs to be tracked, changed, corrected, fixed etc.

Now with M&A you have to merge all that stuff into your current system from the old system, and then you have to figure out redundancies in the workforce and keep track of employee efficiencies etc to help the higher executives make decisions, budget etc.

I will disapear soon enough

this young user wants to get an econ degree then get into B2B sales, preferably software

is this path a go or not in your opinion?


econ is a good path for good analytical problem solving skills. sales is a skill on its own, and you either have it or not, and even then it takes years to become good enough to make rich people give you money. i have no idea what B2B sales is like.

by any chance do you live in california


>We seem to get a lot of respect. Some people seem afraid of us.
Not so much afraid but people don't want to get fired over some stupid bullshit when raising workplace issues to HR.

Especially in burgerland where you can be fired at the drop of a hat

>75% women, half are young and hot or sex-starved milfs
This nigga.
Have you ever been to an HR office?
Have you ever had a job?
It is majorly women yes but they are not young, hot, or sex-starved milfs. It's sad fucking fatties, weirdo cat ladies, and past the wall moms. Sometimes all of those in one.

Do you not into statistics? At my office at least a 1/3 are as you described.

So what the difference between a recruiter and an HR cuck? Both sound pretty miserable desu

recruiters are responsible for finding talent and going through resumes finding talent for their areas.

They are the first barrier of entry. Kind of a aught after soft-skill job in HR. I had no desire so I moved up quick.

An HR cuck deals with drama..

So can a entry lvl recruiter move up to be a HR cuck?

I was told that some HR people don't even have a degree in HR or any degree at all. Is this true?

Would you recommend being a recruiter? I actually am completely qualified with experience in that field.

I once interviewed to be a recruiter with a staffing firm and turned the postion down because the place has a bad reputation in my city and it seemed like a bad job.

But I could see myself maybe as a recruiter for a good company.

Yes that is true.

If that is what you want to do, than yeah go ahead. It's a fun department and all the people I know that work there are young and laid back/party people. You don't make any serious money unless you are a manager or high end head hunter for prestigious positions.

How much was your salary working in HR? also why is it that HR is fine with hiring people with no degrees?

Why do people hate HR so much?
Do they really fuck people over?

>Why do people hate HR so much?
satan be gone with your hr spawn!

Is it because they only seem to care about POC people now?

Has the PC era really fucked up the work force?


>Is it because
your trips betray you hellspawn!

Your out of your ass statistics are shit.
If anything you have shit taste and would fuck a hole in the ground if it had tits.
So excuse me for not taking your word about the 3 HR cunts at your work.

literally scum

had to deal with them all the time and only ever had 1 be helpful, the others cost a company thousands by advising they fire a employee who just got diagnosed with cancer.

My brother's father in law is the head of HR for a major supermarket chain, he's easily making over 200k dollars, and this is in Mexico...

this guy is a lying sack of shit dont lsiten to him

this guy doesnt get laid if he brqags about it

But it's soul-sucking, and you're now officially evil. Congrats!

Isn't that pretty much every business related job?