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Tharja a best and canon

I want to cum in Azura's mouth and make her swallow.

Azura is shit


I'm afraid that's not possible.

I need to post Ike or I will die, doctor said so.

>tfw Azura always ruins my arena runs

Why does she hate me?

Azura a best!

>report sent.

(((Not supposed to))) announce reports. :^)

If things go well, you will have TWO 3x and the final one will be on the final hour. It's up to you to line it up though.
Good luck, Julias.

Imagine having taste this shit.

Blame signaturefags, their inane obligation to post immediately in any thread regardless of who made it or when it was posted gives off an illusion of poster traffic that immediately entices more IPs to post, you act like it's not a problem, but it is

>no good 5 stars in a month since the flying gauntlet
>mage gauntlet comes
>finally pull something
>-attack linde
>save up orbs
>get 40 orbs
>try to roll for julia
>get hawkeye and merric
>literally the two worst green units out of the 9 possible units I could have gotten at 5 star
>check nature. Hopefully they're salvagable
>hawkeye is -attack while being a unit where attack is his only good stat
>merric is -defense as a bulky mage

This fucking game. I'm gonna run out of units to promote considering everything else I pull is among the same pool of 4-5 units across all 4 colors.

Say his name.

yeah well I've pulled 5 3* draugs in a row from reds
welcome to gacha faggot

At least Hawkeye is Death Blow fodder. Merric is pretty shit though.

White Etika.

The next banner is shit right?




Ah I want to swell Klein's tummy with my cum! I want to have him bounce on my big fat veiny cock while he's in my lap! I want to grope his pink perfect nipples and leave bitemarks along his smooth white skin! I want to grab his soft cute fluffy hair and shove his head down so he can look at my big thick cock as it makes an outline against his trim tummy whenever I bottom out in him! I want him to feel my heavy balls clench as I get ready to dump load after load in him! Ahhhhh why are no twinks good enough??? I want my big dick in Klein! It's not fair! I hate this!

The difference is Draug is actually a decent unit. I haven't even pulled a draug or bartre all month.

I get nothing but Henry, Jagen, and berukas.

Stop playing Heroes.

Jean Pierre Polnareff

>tfw 0 orbs

>The difference is Draug is actually a decent unit
I don't think I've ever read faker news. Fuck Draug and fuck drumpf.


I'll give you a hint user.

Take off the brave sword.

Literally what Deen looked like in Gaiden.
Now SoV Deen looks like an OC Donut Steel edgelord.



Still you have a 1 move unit with shitty Res. He might be the fastest armor, but it matters little when he dies before even reaching the enemy.

I have this stupid monster cock but no perfect cute boy to use it on! No whores are worthy of it!
I just want my sweet fluffy delicate archers to breed...

So wait, are the daily feathers from friends and units going to be 500 from here on out? I hope so! The five per day was a fucking insult. At 500 per day x2, that's actually an acceptable daily reward.

Rutger is a good boy and doesn't deserve to be cheated on, Clarine.
Good man, anyway. Was legit shocked to find out a few days ago that he's canonically in his twenties.

>mfw the weapon triangle banner ends up being Subaki, Palla, Titania, and Stahl
>mfw Titania ends up staying a base 5*

translate please Raul


I like Hana

What's more important for anti-tiny hands, hanging enough res to survive the first wave or finding some way to attack first (bring a dancer)?

I don't speak Taco explain.

At least Hawkeye can pass Deathblow 3 and Killer Axe+. All 5* Merric has going for him to pass is an HP+5 healers, QR machines and Vengeance monsters MIGHT be able to make use of, and while Growing Wind is the best attack range of the AoE specials(3x3 centered on target), only a few things have enough attack to make those kinds of specials work to begin with, and not many run a setup to make good use of them.

Sauce me that Sigurd right the fuck now.

Either bring Julia or a dancer

ctm weon

use forts.
kill them on the counter.

Something like "Tharja isn't a good enough waifu to beat Linde" I think, which makes no sense considering she soundly beat her.

which is to say, get TA Cecilia

Tharja isn't waifu enough to win against linde

>tfw actually like tharja
>tfw a single masochistic shitposter that just won't go away made her the center of a shitstorm every day

So like, is +res better than +atk or +spd or whatever

>Signaturefags crying for attention by trying to get the first post
>Anti-signaturefags trying to one up them by making earlier threads to steal the first post

They're all fucking cancer and taking out the former should eliminate them both if kids could get off their asses.

Depends on the map really, TA Cecilia and Standard Julia are practically immune to his attacks so they can take their time dealing with him if needed.

shit taste

Someone post Robin/Leo score.

I'd just go for Atk or Spd, Julia has so much Res that she shrugs him off anyways.

Thanks for the translation, but we know the outcome of that.

Just mind spacing, really. Usually he moves far ahead. If you have someone like a 5* Anna she can actually take the hits, then fuck off with her jew magic.

what about hector?

Mods, I meant to say mods.

Reposting from previous thread
a 2.4% chance is still more than 3x the chance of rolling any specific banner character (0.75% assuming 4 new units). This number is a lot lower for reds and blues than it is for greens though so I'll concede. Do you have the stats on colorless healers though? I'm hoping Genny will drop to 4* after the second SoV banner ends.

Now that finals are done, it seems like not even morning "comfy yuros who dont even realize the thread is at 770 posts and needed a new thread because they were having so much fun discussing fire emblem" /feg/ will be safe from shitposters

For Julia, of course

Ok, so it basically has to be one of those two. Well, fuck, ok. I didn't realize both of them were so valuable.

But it's my taste user But it's my taste.

And that makes it automatically the best taste in the universe.

Here ya go

These memes are pretty lit desu

Pretty grateful for the datamined quests. So we get a new sacred seals event eh. Pretty excited to give Seliph + 1 def so his defiant def build can reach 43 defence.

I know it's horrible

Nintendo really is going all out putting their IPs on mobile huh

I don't like it

how many orbs are we getting today, plus story and quest orbs?
i want to blow a huge load all over celica.


Next question: on what characters is Fury best?
On what characters is LaD best?

Tbh fury seems kinda pointless

>have dozens of porn pics of Tharja and her banging body made for merciless hard fucking until you've emptied your balls twice in every hole
>get peeved every time I see them

Damn, really close. The x3 probably won't even take effect that much.

>Don't worry Leo, I'll vote for you
>Put it all on Robin!

i haven't been here in like a year and wew mobages ruin generals

He can deal with it, but it'll probably take him out of Armads' QR range afterwards. He may also blow through a Bonfire unnecessarily if Reinhardt somehow survives the first counterattack swing.

So, did you know?

When below 50%, a +Def Defiant Defense Seliph parked on a Fort while wielding Tyrfing hits 56 Defense.

>Bow Knight

Why the fuck is this a category again? Astrid is literally the only bow knight in the series that isn't a boss character.

>fury seems kind of pointless

But is my taste better?

Which non-MU character did you give Tharja to? Does she have ANY salvageable romances?

2 from daily, 15 from all the new story maps on all difficulties, 5 quests for the maps. So 22 total.

>Ike is obviously out of the question.
Actually I think he will.

Marth is a 4*
Seliph is a 4*
Roy is a 4*
Elwoody is a 3*
Eirika is a 4*
Chrom is a 4*
Corrin is both a 4* and a 3*

I say he has good chances.

I liked her Gregor support.

Mounted Archer, whatever. Is this something that really sets you off?

Should I get an enchilada or tamales?

because mounted archers are a thing but they keep changing the name for it

Presumably it accounts for rangers and nomads too

If you mean the specific class name, yes.
However, Arch Knights, Nomads, and Nomadic Troopers are basically the same thing, and we already have Midayle, Sue, Sin, Dayan, and Rath.

>Julia getting destroyed

Serves that bitch right

Neat, does Tyrfing's passive also stack with forts? Or it's just a flat rate that gets added later?

fury if you need to increase all stats.
it also runs well with vantage.

lad is mostly a meme.
if you have shit def/res to begin with and want to go even more glass cannon you might do that.
or if you really want to fix atk/spd of a character like what I see a guy did with Leo.

It includes Rangers, Nomads, Midayle, etc.

He has Distant Counter on his sword, there's no fucking way it'll happen. The only one of those that has anything as good is Eirika with her buff slut abilities.

>Next question: on what characters is Fury best?


>Tbh fury seems kinda pointless

DESU your opinion seems kind of pointless.

HP is important, certainly, but a few points in speed can prevent a double or let you double up. A few points in attack can make a kill happen in one hit or even allow decent damage to a double. The extra defense and res will likely make up for the loss on the difficult trades but obviously will be needlessly painful on combats where you have overwhelming advantage. Basically, unless you require a special strategic ability for the slot (such as Close Counter or Life and Death to eke out a few more points in attack phase due to the character's nature), Fury will be great. And if you're really worried, Fury 2 can serve quite well without going full in to Fury 3.

I think his equipment is too good for it to happen. It will probably be Titania and Soren.

you probably just got merits dude