PlayStation Vita General 3002 - NotEroge Edition

Previous Thread: >Vitagen Website (News, Translations, Guides, Wikis and more)


>Limited Run Games Releasing Oceanhorn Physically

>Sci-fi Flash Sale NA

>The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 5/16/2017

>Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Releases May 17

>Death Mark demo launches May 18 in Japan

>God Wars Gets Screenshots Showing Characters

>Deemo: The Last Recital for PS Vita launches May 16 in North America

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Introduces The Monokubs

>IFI Streams Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds

>Akiba’s Beat Interview

>KonoSuba game launches September 7 in Japan

>Summon Night 6 Will Be Delayed



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that ChiefRosenmeier is a useless attention whore that killed thread 3000, literally cancer of /vitagen/.

He also posts as Chief Santa!!WpoE7R6F3zs

Don't fall for his rigged giveaways, they're spam, report, filter on sight and move on


I'm pretty sure it's damoreth.

If you keep spamming this you're no better than him

This poor Vita looks clearly distressed. It needs a nice, smooth chest to rest upon

Reminder to not post before the gamelist



Do you ever need money in DT2? Seems to me that you just buy usable items and no weapons or armor.

Reminder that CS3 won't be on Vita thanks to Sony's refusal to improve it's memory cards.

I'm sure the red vita oves some good paizuri


Upgrading your equipment costs a lot of money later on
Also doors

Sony is losing all their exclusives to the switch anyways. I'm actually kinda happy that they're so retarded and allow nintendo to make a comeback.

Are you retarded? CS3 isn't on Vita because the Vita can't fucking run the game.

Like what? There's one Sony-ish game on the Switch and that's Disgaea 5 Complete and it sold like absolute shit in both Japan and rest of the world.

>sold like absolute shit in both Japan and rest of the world



Meanwhile it sold 7K in Japan.

D5 had more preorders on switch than units sold on the PS4. Also those are coming to the switch now.

>One Piece: Unlimited World Red
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
>Tales of
>Taiko Drum Master
>Nights of Azure 2
>Project Diva Future Tone
>Nobunagas Ambition
>touhou genso wanderer
>DQ X and XI
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>I am Setsuna

And the switch is just one month old.

>project diva future tone
if this was true i would actually buy a switch.

Definitely not eroge

>D5 had more preorders on switch than units sold on the PS4

Not eroge at all

i saw the other day it has 110k pre-orders in the west on switch and sold 240k on ps4

>One Piece: Unlimited World Red
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Shovelware anime shit.

>Tales of
Weeb-bait JRPG series.

Ugly trash.

lol wat

>Nights of Azure 2

>Project Diva Future Tone
Ugly trash.

>Nobunagas Ambition
lol wat

>touhou genso wanderer
Ultimate weeb bait.

>Puyo Puyo Tetris

>I am Setsuna
Shovelware weeb-bait.

The rest are cool, but that's a big list of shit you just showed me. Meanwhile in 2017 PS4 has gotten and will be getting Ys: Lacrimosa of Dana, Ni No Kuni 2, Nier Automata, Persona 5, Shenmue 3, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Blue Reflection, Ys Origin, Dark Rose Valkyrie, Digimon World: Next Order, Tokyo Xanadu Ex, Summon Night 6, Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth, God Wars: Future Past, Yakuza Kiwami, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and a bunch more JRPGs.


Anyone here played digimon world next order? How the fuck do I raise those blue circle thingies? I never got them above 1/4 or some shit like that.

How the fuck will the Switch cuck ever recover from this?

Are we really doing this right now?

>Ys: Lacrimosa of Dana
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Nier Automata
Coming to PC
>Shenmue 3
>Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Coming to PC
>Blue Reflection
Ultimate weeb bait.
>Ys Origin
>Dark Rose Valkyrie
>Digimon World: Next Order
lol wat
>Tokyo Xanadu Ex
>Summon Night 6
lol wat
>Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
lol wat
>God Wars: Future Past
>Yakuza Kiwami
Coming to PC
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

2 can play this game.

Not eroge nepnep

not sure if i came into vitagen or switchgen now

>not knowing VN classics
why are you even here?

Funny how one retard said he's happy Sony screwed up so Nintendo can make a come back.

I wish I was home now so I could post those firis bait posts

2 of those you mentioned are confirmed on PC.

How fucking mad do you have to be to make up stuff lmao...

Sorry pal, I just copied your shit. Also you are the one who doesn't know nobunagas ambition, literally the fucking game that started koei.

i'm not even the person you replied to.

>dark rose valkyrie on pc
Nigga what?

>2 of those you mentioned are confirmed on PC.
Were you asleep for the past few months?

Confirmation that Nintendo babbies are the worst fanbase and can't keep to their own cancer threads.

Then again neither Switch or 3DS have any games to play so they're shitposting to pass time.

Show me on the teddy bear where I hurt your feelings.

Or better yet, show us all sources that confirm Persona 5 and Zodiac Age are coming to PC.


At least r/vita stays on topic.

Ok? That's it? An image with no source?

If this is the best you can do then I'm dissapointed as fuck.

*official sega document

Good night vitagen

>Ifi game
>Not ending up on PC
I'm not him but basically every ch/if game ends up on pc

where does it say persona5 and ffxii are coming to pc? even has ps4 covers

Good night.

*Expect if the game is jp only

>expand existing IPs and obtain new IPs for North American and Eurpean PC games
>picture of P5

Hmm.. I don't know user. If you want to be a complete fucking retard then find someone else.

they mean expand persona 5 into spin-offs like persona 4 did.

and obtain new pc ips

you're the retard here roflmaooo


You're an imbecile.

and you're retarded faggot.

nowhere does it say persona 5 on pc lmao but keep crying you portbegging cuck

Platform wars sure are fun!

Oh boy, a salty as fuck Nintendo/PC neckbeard babby crying for some Sony games? Haven't seen one of those in Veeky Forums for some time now.

I had to double check if I wasnt on /v/

Might as well be with the shit going on currently.

why have threads been shit since 3000.
did other generals/boards get butthurt that a "dead" handheld general has lasted so long?

It's a combination of Nintendo kids mad as fuck that Switch is selling like shit and getting 0 games + 3DS is dead and PC neckbeards mad as fuck that they aren't getting any Vita games.

But the switch is selling extremely well, and PC is getting more vita games than ever (and actually good ones now, like VD and P4G)

Great thread guys

You also love platform wars?

I juuuust loooooveeeee them

based mods


>mods did their job quick for once
Holy shit


no shitposting!


This shit wouldn't be happening if we had accounts!

Please don't stir shit up with my wife, thank you very much
Even if I agree onto some points

shitmato would still turn his trip off

Mana is a mistake

Sounds like reddit is more your speed my dude.

I don't have one but I'm pretty sure those with Veeky Forums Pass have to login, even if not the mods and janitors do, so there is already a account system here.

>folder posting
And that is only my art folder.

Hello Jack.

All that does is give them a button next to thier name, which is basically a kick me sign because who the fuck would pay 20$ to shitpost?

Not sure what your point is when that's not mandatory or even widespread. You can tripfag if you want to but you'll get shit on for it.

>want to play Disgaea 4
>can't before platting 3
>missing only the Reverse Pirate trophies which are too much of a pain
Life is hard

Hello Wheels.

is there no real way to see how much exp i need for the next level in ray gigant or is it just skill tree based?

>Tfw Disgaea 4 came out back when I started college
>Have always admired the game and the long-awaited HD upgrade of the sprites
>Everyone are praising the game as one of the high points of the series
>Own both PS3 and Vita versions
>Opened my Vita copy the year after graduating on my birthday, felt like coming full circle
>Still haven't played the game past Chapter 4

I feel so bad, but I'm constantly waiting for those perfect moments when I could finally proceed with the Vita version. Those moments are just so few and far between

You ungrateful little shits. Estelle made this thread for us to enjoy and discuss vita. Not to fling shit at each other and act like a bunch of children.

Fuck you guys.

just skill tree based
the yellow seeds raise your level

How do you think bans work on this website?

Via IP's.
If there was accounts for every single person, people getting hit by range bans wouldn't be a thing.

'A society governed by mutual respect requires everyone in the society to know each other and interact face-to-face. Honour cannot exist in a society where anonymity dominates'.

I'm confused, are you arguing in favor of accounts everyone can see or not? Because only mods see your IP.

I'm going to assume you just save every bit of art for her, don't you?

So you know the in-effectiveness of standard banning.

If I wanted viewable accounts I'd just argue for IDs instead, which I am obviously not doing. That said, I don't care too much which one, the important thing is that wrong-doers are punished.

Yes and no, there is too much out there to consume.

Though I do have a cringe folder somewhere.

01) Noire (Nep)
02) Cinderella (Mary Skelter)
03) Kurisu (Steins;Gate)
04) Ayumi (Corpse Party)
05) Cecilia (Totori)
06) Ikaruga (Senran Kagura)
07) Tsubaki Yayoi (Blazblue)
08) Emizel (Disgaea)
09) Yuki Yatsuka (Girlfriend Beta)
10) Elf (Dragon's Crown)
11) Toba Mashiro (Root Double)
12) Andou Ringo (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
13) President (Valkyrie Drive)
14) Ohara Kaede (Nurse Love Addiction)
15) Levia (Trillion)
16) Valentine (Skullgirls 2nd encore)
17) Angle Yuria (Hero must die)
18) ~3 Toukiden Mitamas

Then what ARE you arguing? Or is this not you? People already get banned on their IP, nothing needs to change for that.

>Though I do have a cringe folder somewhere.
Judging by what you usually post in here, I'm guessing that's the largest folder right?

So she DID voice both Noire. I thought Noire's voice sounded a lot like Kurisu's. Glad to see we get to enjoy more of her performance in Mary Skelter.

Shitposting is still better than neps