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News & Patch Notes: epicgames.com/paragon/en-US/news
Patch 0.40 May 16: epicgames.com/paragon/en-US/releases/v40-0

Hero Related Info:

New Hero Coming May 16 - Phase
Trailer Music: soundcloud.com/omedamusic/lifeline#t=0:00

Latest Released Hero - Revenant

2nd Latest Released Hero - Morigesh

Leaks -

MMR Tracking (community) and Other Information:
>fury.gg has been shutdown

More Hero Build Info:

User IDs: pastebin.com/tMqksTK4

Other urls found in this thread:


Shinbi phase combo will be fun for data ultimate during mid game.

Phase+Sparrow looks interesting. Throw Sparrow out of the fight when her HP is low. Also fuck you guys who mentioned the huntress Sparrow. I want it now.
>1000 Coins

will 0.40 save Paragon ?


Problably not. This game is gonna live or die based on how the card rework turns out imo.

Spend 7 bucks on the game senpai.
Support it.

I might tomorrow.

Been out of the game for a couple weeks waiting on V.40 but I am ready to stomp shitters into the dirt.

Anyone who was good with a caster before is going to be a monster now.

>TFW you mirror match against another player but you have the best skin and they have a hideous recolor of it

Eat shit, red Shellshock Gadget. Standard Shellshock Gadget will be controlling mid now.

My master shinbi hungers
Spell burn will be great.

>not ugly sweater gadget.


>tfw I hate this faggot but he's absolutely right about this
>tfw v.40 probably won't fix it and it'll get ignored for 5-6 more patches
>tfw Dekker stun will always be bugged

>God, Phase's character portrait looks like some edgey teenager's early 00's Myspace profile.
We tumblr now
I want bugs fixed ree
He's right about Morigesh and stunning her.

I have that one too, but there is no variation for it to face against...

Also who is using Christmas skins out of season? Tacky.

>tfw I randomly got it this winter and didn't sit in streams ever and a lot of people probably did and didn't get it

I hope they stop the stream sitting loot and reward people actually playing next event.


4 Prime cards now, it seems.

What's the 4th

Remove all female hero clothing within a ten foot radius.

>Cameron's answer to RGSACE

That really dealt a blow to my confidence in the game's future. He seemed so out of touch with the actual game and is just focused on his vision for it.

If Gideon gets stunned in the 0.3 sec cast time for teleport, he SHOULD lose it and go on full cooldown.

Morigesh SHOULD get a half cooldown if stunned out of her global ult, but she doesn't. The skill cap of the game and timing plays with accuracy suffer because of it.

Worth the stat loss to be honest.

Don't know, they were too quick and Twitch has no rewind.

I just rushed to build Tainted Magick m the other day. I luckily made it in time.
Removes male clothing as well. People will now run away faster from certain male characters.

Rgsace gets salty after over those things. He got salty when shinbi was able to do her second dash even if stunned.

>Towers apply a slow that gets stronger with each hit

If you aren't gonna buff damage, at least punish extended dives. A couple last hit dives is fine. But running around for 15 seconds under tower is dumb.

Ah, the streamer reckons it was a bug with the dev build: 2 Centurions or some shit. Incidentally, look at this shit
>official Epic stream
>Deathball takes left to inhibitors at 5 minutes, then right a few minutes later
Fuck this game.

At this rate they may as well make it so your towers and inhibs heal the enemy while they stroll through them to kill you.

See 3 enemies at your tower at

>someone greentexting in the Twitch stream
Teybewo, you fag.

Can you turn away from Phase's blind and not get hit?

That would make sense, but then you'd just have to change your turn sensitivity to max and spin your mouse when you see the start up. I'm guessing it's an AoE.

They just said it's AoE in the stream.

Won't stop the damage I imagine.

How does the blinded character's view look? Like a flashbang from the CoD games or do the characters just go invisible but you can still see the terrain?

I play with high sensitivity already. I bet they won't let us get away from bein blinded though. I just really can't stand the white screen.

Yeah just straight white screen for a second or two

Also when you blind someone they get a pinkish light around their face so the caster can actually see who is blinded

Anyone know if it makes you miss basic attacks like other mobas or since it goes white instead can you still spray and pray?

Other mobas with blind usually don't effect your view, just make your basics miss.

You can still attack, you can even still cast auto lock abilities like Khai ult

i kinda like the marine shellshock gadget :^o

Smite let you land abilities and basics through blind. Had a friend who was autisticly good at killing fools through it.

To answer your question about "missing" attacks though, Idk about basics. They said you can still activate auto lock abilities and I assume they will hit. But basic attacks, I'm not sure.

A fade to black would be better, I think. Also less likely to fuck with epileptics.

So Morigesh will still be able to hammer her mark and Rev can just throw out an obliterate.

White screens always hurt my eyes

You still need to be able to "lock" the ability. It will require decent spatial judgement to land unless it's firing at the moment of blindness.

>shinbi can still activate second dash after stun now
>countess still can't

But that would ruin their pandering to the "lulz so random ebin xDDDD" community

Outta the way countess there is a new assassin in agora.

Hopefully shinbi is a decent meta pick without being super hard to use.

Isn't she hard to use for most?

Yes but most paragon players are less intelligent than the average moose

Dont listen to anyone else, shinbi is pretty difficult to learn as she has alot of weird shit going on. You cant just pick her up and do well, especially since shes not that good ro begin with

>tfw to intellignet to use shinbi

>ebin adds voice chat
>play in wood elo
>moose noises from open mics

Shinbi is really hard to use. Since she's all execution with none of this baby mode auto aim bullshit.
But tainted magic could be very scary on her.

tfw u wanna master shinbi

not in the ebin lava master sense but just get good

im bretty good with sevarog so do you think she is harder than him?

It's a different type of hard.
Sevarog is hard in a jungle rotation stacking management. Way.
Shinbi is seriously land your fucking skills or u die type hard.
Overall shinbis positioning take more skill.

That makes sense. Positioning is a big thing in these types of games.

ah I see. I'm gonna try to play her once 40 drops. Is she more viable in mid or offlane? Also is she a counter to morigesh?

go offlane and use your dog throw to last hit

I like her off lane more. But only if you are an experienced off laner.
If not play mid but be ready to be howitzers bitch till level 5

I've played sev in the offlane with success and shinbi seems like she has a better poke

A master sev is the best character in this game prove me wrong.

Protip: etc


>there are people who still pick Greystone
Why? Too bad to land skillshots and you just wanna mash your aoe + jump?

>There are people who still pick Revenant
Why? Too bad to land skillshots and you just wanna mash your ult + obliterate?

>There are people who still pick Dekker

Why? Carry too bad to aim and just wants you to stun enemies for him?

>spending money on a unfinished beta

Nice try Steve

Follow me here, /parag/:
- Revenant is already horrible to offlane against as a melee/ anyone who isn't Morigesh (and even then) because he has a guaranteed tracking high damage ability with half a tower's range. Revenant is in almost every game I play now, and I don't see that changing.
- Phase is designed specifically to encourage tower diving with impunity (can instantly yank their carry out and heal them at the same time) while making their target easier to hit with a slow/ root
These two together are going to make offlaning the worst experience in the early game, so I'm just going to say it's best to let them take the t1 without resistance and freeze the lane at your t2 where you can farm. Let those 2 chucklefucks wander the map for epic kills and hope that your team/ jungler is up to punishing them.

Am I wrong, or does this seem like the best course of action for offlaners?

Well Revenant is stupid and Greystone is bad is my point

>surely SURELY this, what has to be my 10th Diamond chest, will give me something (anything) other than rep, crafting material or, if I'm "lucky!", a card pack
lol nope

what's the best place to find porn of this game?

A lot of shitters don't play Revenant properly but he's easy as fuck and hits hard.

>They gave a carry TWO (2) abilities that require no aim

I'm glad they didn't decide to do that to Murdock. I think the changes to him are odd though. Before you could run away from him and he'd attempt to ult you. Now it looks like he'll just chase you and run faster than you, catching up and killing you.

>There are people in this very thread who will build Phase any way other than max utility and health regen
>There are people that won't powerheal their pet carry and make them unkillable with actives
>There are people who will build power and crit on Phase

this still bothers me, as long as murdock or someone/thing else has line of sight could always secure a kill with him

I feel like this will encourage dumb carries to chase too far into enemy lines and get collapsed on

If they don't fix this shit soon i'm going to encourage people to not play past their gold chest and therefore drop player rates which will in turn hurt the queue times and game

Epic needs to reward the more dedicated players better

why is greystone bad?

going to reiterate I think he should have a slow on his jump though. I use it more to run away from certain death than anything, 2nd most use is barreling into a teamfight someone decided was a good idea to initiate without me

reminder this is the last day you can play this game without matches taking an hour because of the stupiod changes they made to how the core works

I would tell you to stop playing offline since you don't know how but you're obviously wood elo so it doesn't really matter

>the stupiod changes

nice image i bet you have a lot of sex

at least i know how to spell stupid

Reminder that alt grills with superpowers are a popular thing these days



do you have a link to the un edited version?

can't wait for her to be the most broken character in the game for the next 5 months and never get a nerf because the reddit shitters are too dumb to play support

>3 second blind
>on a 6 second cooldown with ult

Welp im out

phase isn't going to be more dangerous than any support with a stun, come level five rev dives your ass for free anyway

3 second blind on 6 second cooldown which also happens in the AOE of anyone who you make invincible and give a massive DPS boost is the same as a dekker stun which doesn't even work half the time user you're right

Good response, very insightful.

if you don't want your feefees hurt and your shitty opinions discarded because you obviously suck go to reddit. i don't have to pretend to tolerate retards like you here

do I want to get into this game?


>new support that ECLIPSES the utility of other supports
>reworks for characters that didn't really need them (outside of steel but more on that)
>instead of buffing all supports across the board to come in line with Phase they'll ALL be replaced by her

On one hand queen support Dekker will be dethroned but on the other why bother using ANY of the other supports now? I mean tank build Steel might be viable and new Shields will help Muri but everyone else might as well go fuck themselves

steel and muri are offlaners

It's fee
you might lose a small amount of time out of your life testing it out to see if you like it

you are just as bad as the :"Greystone is rightlane" guy

steel is the worst "support" in the game at actually being a support and this wont change with 40.
muriel is worthless outside of specific team comps and all of those comps involve her being offlane.

Look up tumblr leeter