Officer Braum edition
Officer Braum edition
Good thread user.
First for Garen is a cuck
Braum wouldnt make a good officer, instead of arresting and locking up a burglar he'd help them fix their financial problems and give them advice
xth for Syndra
this thread's gay, I'm gay now
Syndra is my yandere wife.
Finally a NON-FAGGOT thread
Finally a good OP
Thread sucks LYNCH OP!
Jk it's better than lulufag or real life ahri fag
>Solving a problem in the long term is bad
Taliyah is sweet and cute! She needs a new skin!
>Wondering why the League servers are down
>Notice Patch 7.10 is already here
Who's ready for the Heimerdinger lunacy?
>When you go 1-7 but still win the game
God I love this game sometimes
>There are platinum retards who unironically think Hashinshin, a 4-time diamond 1/challenger/master player in a row, is shit, and they are just as good at the game as him
pic related
Eh... I'd facefuck her.
go away
Use Fervor of Battle on Vi.
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
give her a bloodmoon skin to cover that face up
Pew pew!!~ Double kill
>still no badass dino champ
Why is Riot so shit /lol/babs?
Glorious. I actually laughed at that.
i want to smooch her fat nose
I want to give Xayah such a good dicking that she'll stop being so edgy.
comfy bfs~
>no Blue Beetle champion
Uhhh... lolbabs?
>She needs a new skin!
Illaoi and Aurelion Sol need it more.
I want to give user a kiss after he carries me in league of legends!
Are you streaming right now hash?
x zed bby
>play a match
>enjoy it
nice game lolbabs
I'm not gonna carry you if you put your faggot lips anywhere near me.
I actually agree despite being a Taliyahfag. Illaoi in particular is very sad. Even her launch skin was awful.
But Taliyah is still the cutest!
>it's a "nobody bans fizz despite my pleas and he shits all over our midlaner and then 1v9s the whole game"
>Xayah gets captured by Order of Shadows
>Everyone there uses her as a public cumdump
I got no more cop stuff
>insectoid alien that comes from a race of tyranid knockoffs
That's not a fucking dinosaur.
literally Vi: reloaded
You should be careful, I've gotten 3 day bans twice for posting crops in these threads. Some janitor takes issue with it I guess.
>hating everything and just being an annoying and pessimistic cunt in general
Actually he's the Violator but he's the closest we're getting, especially if his VGU makes him look more reptilian.
Vi is a punk rock/raver chick. She's definitely not edgy. She's confident and gung-ho as shit. She's closer to being a jock than being an edgy emo like Xayah.
>ahri, sona, eve, MF, vi, sej, leblanc, janna
league has enough thots
>queue up
>click accept
>someone doesn't
>realize i actually feel relieved i don't have to play
>move to sofa and start playing starfox 64
Thank you random guy who dodged
Well, I saw that coming. RIP user.
>the violator
Thought about mentioning that, but in terms of nu-Void lore and the fact that an ex-Warhammer writer is one of the main lore directors, his race being a knockoff of tyranids makes more sense.
Vi and Jinx have reasons for the way they are
Xayah is just edgy for the sake of being edgy, has 0 personality and her voicelines are unironic cringe.
>kassadin mains
truly fucking terrifying
>traditional sej
>not a thot
>permanent twitch ult
>stun on an adc
who the fuck thought this was a good idea
Xayah also has reasons though, albeit bad ones. Didn't Zed and his minions kill off her parents and most of her village in order to gain their magic essence or something like that?
She's not even that strong compared to lucian or cait
"talking to people makes me want to stab them.. so I do xD"
come on now
>Has 0 personality
That's false though, her personality is being a complete cunt. You might not like it but shitty personality is still personality.
Yeah no
Sejuani overcame her thot past and now punishes thots. She's still jealous of Ashe being able to hold down a single man though.
>targeted damage
>ult that shields AND gives free stats AND does damage
>damage reduction too
who the fuck thought urgot was a good idea
voidwalk seems like such a good ability but i was going to get camille
>enemy fizz is 15/2
>go fed off our toplaner
>keeps trashtalking
>"naut so bad xD"
>"close buddies xDD" after he gets a double
>"maybe next time xD" after he escapes with 50 HP
>Then we start grouping as 5
>He gets caught
>Dies (note that he was the jungler)
>We get baron
>We win out of it
Talk shit, get hit.
but its all over the place
there is barely any direction in it
even a cunt has direction or ideaologies
Not him, but I think the issue with Xayah is less her being edgy and more the WAY she's edgy.
I honestly don't mind edgy characters if they're either intentionally edgy for comedic effect or they're edgy for a decent reason and aren't overblown.
Xayah's biggest issue is that she talks way too fucking much and her dialogue is all Borderlands levels of awful. She and Rakan REEK of Anthony Burch.
What are you supposed to do in this situation?
>Then we start grouping as 5
>"WOW 5v1 xD"
I hate people that say this shit. It's a team game.
this guy is right tho, sinister champions like leblanc, lissandra, and cammile pull off a cunt personality without being shitty tumblr trash
xayah is literally every feminist ever except not fat, if she WAS fat shed actually fill a niche league doesnt have and fit more with her weak all talk character design
>shit tier character
>un-inspired kit, ult is cool elsewise it's just a mix of previous ADC abilities
>literally ahri but smaller and edgier
Riot really fucking dropped the bomb with xayah
Rakan is cool though.
How did you take that screenshot? Also: my sides
flame your own team in allchat
Secret freelo at the moment
[worried laughter]
item bans when?
Place your bets on how this Lulu performs
>Ping ? multiple times
>/all TEAM??????????
Mpen Reds, AP Blues/Quints, Armor/Flat HP Yellows
Ignite/Ghost 18/0/12 DFT
All in level 2 top
>Janna pet icon
She'll be trash
Hope he doesn't burn flash/ghost.
Cross your fingers that the support gets the kill.
Oh shit his play rates went up. Im going to have to ban this faggot now
>ban black cleaver, guardian angel, and trinity force
pretty much just kill entire casts of champions
It's pretty sad that she's supposed to be a bird and yet all I can think when I look at her model is 'Dark Ahri'.
Honestly, Rakan was surprisingly ok after playing him, in my opinion. I had really low expectations though, same for Xayah.
He has enough "okay" voice lines to make it all decent to me, plus he doesnt scream and yell nearly as much as I expected.
when playing xayah every 10 seconds she says something retarded, she is literally "trying too hard"
they just had to tone it down, there were many ways to fix it
and in general, she has to cringy lines like "wow so ez" that kids love to spam in all chat after winning a 1v1, which only encourages that behaviour.
Shes well on her way to get get the yasuo/vayne playerbase
on my smurf Ive already seen my fair share of xayah OTPs with behavioural problems
perhaps Im just biased or too old for this
Someone post deficio.
>Shes well on her way to get get the yasuo/vayne playerbase
Not really. Those things have to happen naturally. Xayah is more like a forced meme.
Supports are for ____.
>Lulu OTP name
>SG icon and skin
probably the worst you couldve gotten as far as Lulus goes
She'll speed herself up instead of polying the enemy assassinbab
Wrong one
Riot now allows you to earn gold from creeps you don't last hit, only it is 1/2 of the gold you get from when you normally last hit. All you have to do is hit them once. How does this change the game?
keeping their mouth shut
I think Rakan is cool too
Idk I keep staring at her feet
I wish Taliyah was barefoot like Toph.
Rakan is even more obnoxious than she is.
Those champions are completely different types of characters though and are cunts in different ways. I don't even disagree with the sentiment that Xayah is shit but you really get to the meat of the issue and express yourself better and without the buzzwords.
this is how you play vlad in low elo, nothing new
git gud Xerath.
Maybe if you stopped being a TRAITOR
>in normal
>noob bronze kha random on my team
>1/6 by the 10 minute mark
>plat 5 enemy khazix starts talking shit in such a snobbish and arrogant way
>"As a Kha main, Khazix really isn't your champion. Especially with that 23% winrate"
>Game is eventually 2-16
>Victory seems all but imminent for them
>Just kidding I'm playing bruiserplank
>Get fed off of a shitty baron call
>"As a competent player, I don't think League is your game. Especially with that platinum border 3 seasons in a row"
>"Maybe this season you'll hit Diamond like me."
>"I understand you aren't Diamond for your fifth year of playing yet. After all, Khazix and Graves are really underpowered and mechanically demanding champions to main and climbing on them is difficult"
>Go 15/2
>Noob starts talking shit with me
>Random gifts me a skin and thanks me for putting faggot in his place
>Get banned for 3 days shortly after since Khazix's premade 5 manned me