Muh h1b

Fuck crapple

Apple hates trump because 90% of their facilities are in China and a China Tax would ruin their 40% profit margin massively
Apple is basically THE company that embodies the globalism and free trade Trump fights against

Why is free trade so scary for republicucks I don't get it

If some faggot in a flyover state loses some shitty coal job, who gives a fuck?

It's not a democrat vs. republican issue: it's a regular people vs. the wealthy elite issue. Bernie Sanders had most of the same trade positions that Trump has. Clinton was just a corporate shill, bought and paid for.

>If some faggot in a flyover state loses some shitty coal job, who gives a fuck?
Apparently not you

> muh regular joe blow
Do you know which board you're in?
I don't give 2 shits about some backwater hick too stupid to save for retirement or update his skill set for the modern economy.

The world doesn't owe you shit whether your skin is white, brown, or yellow.

The point is that American laborers can't compete with Chang, Pajeet, and Mohammed who are willing to work for an absurdly small quantity of money. Lot of people who were working building stuff in the 80's are now career fast food workers or they shuffle paperwork around in some government job. People that have managed to weather the storm and still work in some sort of industry see the writing on the wall and they get to vote.

I think the globalist model has a lot of similarities to the slavery model in that it allows companies to skirt innovation and reinvestment because the cost of labor is so cheap.

Rampant abuse of the lower classes typically doesn't turn out well. If you're not willing to at least pay them lip service and pay them off a bit they tend to cut your fucking head off.

This. Rejoice in knowing that those filthy Apple cucks are finally going to get fucked, they can't do shit against Trump's order. No amount of virtue signaling or crying will help their stock. I'm short Apple with 1:180 leverage, got 1 year salary riding on it and feeling confident.

Short since 128,08 USD btw.

He uses a Mac though, hope he enjoys his information accidentally leaked

I'd give a major kek if it happened.
I forgot to say, don't do this if you don't have extra money to spend. I saved it up and can comfortably spend it/gamble it, don't do this if you actually need the money boys.

> billions in profit but taking donations

Poor poor apple can exploit the broken h1 system anymore, boo hoo

back to your containment board neonazi

Come on, man.
You're just butthurt because you were already short and took it right in the ass today.
You better hope the stock plunges, otherwise your $25,000 is long gone.

lol wat

id much rather have a chink making my next iphone than some sweaty hick but at the same time i dont want any shitskins on h1bs at corporate. theres a rightful place for each type of labour but if cook is fighting for the second kind hes only part of the problem.

>he thinks he isn't working class
Enjoy being replaced by high IQ Pajeets

ohhh HAHA this is wonderful. The elite are in full panic mode under Trump. Apple is trying to hide under deh poor immigrants umbrella right here, but the real reason is they'll have to bring back jobs to the US. enough with with chink and pajeet slaves working for a banana an hour, in factories that have big nets hanging from them to prevent suicides. A strong economy depends on a kinda feed back loop. it's not about the rich vs poor, it's people having shit to do so they can buy shit. You wonder why your small business failed or why you can't sell bullshit online or door to door? Why aren't more people investing into stock ABC? Nothing moves if the people are broke.

apple basically owns all of palo alto. they've been secretly buying up the land. I dont think apple is going down.

they installed the nets because apple demanded it because of the bad press. but they also released figures that showed the suicide rate wasnt above the general population for their workers. its not that foxconn workers keep killing themselves, it's that foxconn employs millions of workers in china but liberal shits like you think it's newsworthy if a couple of people an hero every week from a pool of millions and instantly blame it on THE MAN.

but yes i agree, making iphones in america doesnt make sense and apple cant verywell move their headquarters after building that UFO.

>apple basically owns all of palo alto. they've been secretly buying up the land. I dont think apple is going down.
It's not like anyone would want to live there without Apple around, though.

Apple doesn't own the facilties. They contract it out to Foxconn who manufacturers the stuff.
>I'm going to use a years salary to short the biggest company by market cap in the world
>which trades at 12 P/E
>which has averaged 30% earnings growth in the past decade
>which generates 62% of its revenue from overseas and growing
>because fuck liberals

The US is already close to full employment. Unless factory jobs entice traditional non workers to start working, all that happens is price inflation.

do you actually believe that apple hold the bargaining chip of being able to threaten to detroit the city of san francisco?
it's silicon valley. NASA, Google, renesas, ARM, Intel all headquarter there or in the surrounding mountain view/silicon valley area. there's more than just one company operating in the city. if they closed they'd be risking their intellectual property and human capital by forcing employees to consider defecting to the competition. it's not even a possibility.

well this is the problem im faced with right now as a NEET. my autismbux affords me a higher standard of living than a wage slave. im retarded so i cant compete in the big leagues and it only makes sense to live as a parasite renting, getting subsidised everything and watching anime all day. a 50k$/year wage with 38% tax doesnt even come close to replacing all the free shit i get on top of my 28k/year tax free autismbux.