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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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tharja sucks
Tharja a best and canon
Best set for a +Spd Linde?
Azura is shit
Azura a best!
Reminder to report all signaturefagging posts.
cucked lol
Localized death quotes
Are you really that desperate?
>all these firstposters
>none of them remember Caeldorifag and his le epik botfagging
What's the score for the guys? This one is pretty much a done deal.
Julia's fucked LMAO
If they catch up, we'll just blow them into the dust.
Better prepare your nooses, reddit.
trip back on spic
Suppose that might be the case.
Shame though the original conversation had alot more character to it, Saizo almost drowning in remorse and Beruka noting how big an impact Camilla is on her.
But I guess a joke about two assassins staring each other town is fine too.
Yes, Raul. We know Tharja is going to win. We know that your boner is raging hard for your pixelated waifu. You don't have to repeat it at tne minute intervals, you raging turboautist.
Priam for FE Switch
report tripfags yadda yadda.
What are you guys hopes for the new FE game? do you think they'll show anything at E3 besides Warriors?
So while I continue to regret whaling for her, I did at least pull a +Speed/-HP Celica.
What should I inherit onto her?
Alm must be a faggot
You first spic
>Zeke... My sweet Ezekiel...
Siegberts Japanese name made me forget that Zeke could be short for Ezekiel
meme builds
I take it Quick Riposte is Xander's best B-skill?
>Jap devs
>Showing anything way ahead of time
Why don't you fuck yourself instead for playing a gacha game? You have no right to be mad. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
Both on 6 bill, atleast I'll get to use flags in the last round
I always take this with a huge grain of salt, because whenever someone claims that the Japanese dialogue of a particular game is "bland," they're usually completely wrong and don't actually understand Japanese, and are only parroting what other misinformed people on the internet have told them.
what do 4 days ordered limited edition but have doubts of store help
Do you think the regular game will be sold out on release day?
LaD renewal memebow reposition hone spd ragnarok or sacrifice bad IV tharja for her tome and you effectively got a good IV tharja with better art than her
>flirts with Clair
>gets with Celica
No he's a man of high taste
>Palla still mentions Abel
For new content, I hope it's just a good game with a translation group no one will bitch about and minimal waifu shit
E3 is a bit unlikely, but it'll be great if so
They showed Fates nearly a year before it was released, didn't they? A 2018 release date for the next FE isn't too unlikely, so you never know.
i can't fuck faye? so this game isn't worth buying
Where the heck is the cross promotion? Buying Echoes should get you like 10 orbs in Heroes.
>you can hear the part where her heart breaks
Juliafags, no point in using your flags. We're done for.
Enjoy these dubs user
Yeah but this is a spinoff serie and unless Koei has the most say in it, they won't shill this as hard as they should.
>he got a limited edition
Listen here fucko you're getting really cool badges and a fun game (of which I'll just get a regular version because I'm not so privy to excess money), you shan't have any doubts.
Well considering it's not out yet they won't give us shit till it comes out because Japanese people hate promoting things and doing things ahead of time
They showed Fates when it was near the JP release and using a very beta dev build for the translation.
Looks good although Python's joke caught me off guard.
I like Hana
It gets your cumulative score up at least, 3x multipliers are the best time to use them
Totally not a hacker.
What's the problem?
Should I aim to promote people asap in Echoes?
Also fuck that leather shield dude, he's overstated as fuck.
>that hollowed out dead fish eye
no self-insert is a mistake, at least with tactician we can give faye good ending
Best girl
We did much better than I thought we would. Genealogy is my favorite FE, a victory over a Tellius character really impressed me. So, who are we joining?
I am getting some serious K-Sha vibes here
Going to be really tough soon.
where is my self-insert reeeeeeeeee
Time to rally behind Robin.
Is there at least an option to have Alm not marry?
Robin/Leo of course.
We can not allow another waifu to win
>Marrying a brain dead whore
Just get Celica killed.
I want Sonya to step on me
Everyone has set endings.
the way arena works it'll only ever get easier, since the majority of people will eventually sit at rank 17
well I was the lone person ordering it day 1 at the store but they seem really nonchalant about the whole ordeal, even when I asked for an update on the status they merely replied "Yea if you ordered you should get a message on release day to come pick it up"
I am also EU so I get the whole package.
I meant the next mainline FE, not the musou game. They'll DEFINITELY show that one at E3, it's supposed to come out this year isn't it?
doesn't she just 'retreat'?
I'm sure as hell not going for Tharja. Lets tip the scales and join team Robin...or Leo if he somehow wins this.
>he won't be getting a million points on team Robin next round
Yes, you promote up to class bases in Gaiden.
Promotion bonuses aside from boosting lower stats to bases don't exist.
Also use your mage Villager
>girl loves another guy
>being the bronze medal
>good ending
Alm fucks Lukas
Don't you game over if she dies?
>Awakening and Fates let you give the crazy girls the D
>A cute one finally comes around that I actually like
>she gets totally shot down
Cruel world we live in
No she game over your game she's a lord
This desu
Yeah Faye seems way less rude to Silque now. I guess they want to make sure no one hates her too much since they can't erase her Alm obsession.
How long until Julia gets a mulitplier
>Est still doesn't mention Abel
Maybe next game keeps the artstyle
I have a male robin with +atk and -hp
She has one now.
Would you be Luthier's friend feg
It'll probably be fine, I don't think they'll be all gone just because this game isn't the big attraction this year.
Right now?
I guess I'll actually have to try next week instead of being lazy and just accepting the arena opponents no matter how low their score.
Have you played the game? She's pretty pants on head stupid in the story. Also the Maeve thing.
>Tfw for the first time since playing day one I didn't go up a tier
If only all my bonus units weren't shit and low level
Where do I move it? Isn't it just going to end up back on the SD?
I just got oneDid they reuse the background (the stars) from Fates?
Yes and she shapes up from it
>tfw too intelligent for Arena