>looking at new cars
>everything is white or grey or black
Is there something wrong with not being color blind?
>looking at new cars
>everything is white or grey or black
Is there something wrong with not being color blind?
because those are the best car colors, anything else you're a fruit bowl fag.
Every fucking scratch, smudge, spec of fucking dirt can be see from a mile away. Impossible to keep clean.
Same as black, not as bad.
Rental/fleet color of choice.
Shut up, fruit bowl
It's great. Anything besides white looks like ass after a decade.
shamalamadingdong twist: they were all orange, blue and green but you're actually colorblind
Used to work in a part shop that did restorations on the side. Our main body guy would bitch for weeks whenever someone wanted a black paint job. Black shows every tiny imperfection in the body, so it would be 2-3x the man hours to get it up to show standard.
here in england everything is muted dark green, muted dark red, muted dark blue or black.
i remember when all cars were silver but for some reason silver is uncommon now.
grey or silver is the patrician's choice.
>planning on getting car in white
>realize every shitbox on the road that isn't grey is white
I've come the the conclusion that without a doubt Red>black>yellow>gimmick color>fuckboi blue>white>>>shit>>>grey/silver
actual colors > black > poorly maintained black > white >>>>>>>>>>>>>> grey/silver
>mfw started driving for a living
this shit is so true that it kills my soul
look at this little fruit bowl havin a melt down
Listing the most beautiful colors that Ive seen
>Burnt Orange Gloss
>Plum Crazy Purple, pic related
>British Racing Green on certain cars, specifically Porsches
>Burnt Umber Semigloss
>Pearlescent White
And if you want to be a legend, paint your car in Vantablack
But silver is so low maintenance
I want to wrap my miata in chrome, what do you think about that?
So is the bus. It's not the 90's anymore...
>aunt buy black explorer
>mom buys grey explorer
>grandmother buys white explorer
It's like women buy just the worst colors. And I'm just over here fucking around in my safety vest orange truck
Too bad I'm driving a car from the 90s
White can look fresh as fuck, but it's way too common these days.
My motorcycle is white, I think I'm gonna go full fruitbowl for my next car and get something red or some shit
I was originally looking for red or blue when I got mine, but white ended up really growing on me.
>What is Ford Lightning Blue
Mustang looks good too.
It's just for resale, dude. Crazy colors mean less customers interested when they come back off lease/traded in.
>t. BMW sales guy
You're gonna buy a grey compact SUV and like it!
Best color
Picked her up last week.
The only picture I have right now might take more after I wash it on the weekend
Hey that rhymes
hemi orange and plum crazy are better
as some one who owns a black car
FUCK, when its clean and detailed its fucking beautiful, but 12h later it looks like a sandstorm just went buy and ruins the look
I miss having a blue car
>Easy to clean
>Easy to keep a clean look
>doesnt look as boring as white or gray
Is that legal?
I would totally do it
If youre not going out of your way to get the car you want in red, then youve already fucked up immensely straight out the gate
OP, what are you talking about, they stopped producing black and white cars a few years ago because they were too color-oppressive, all cars are now a light shade of pastel. Are you sure you can't see the colors?
I'm pretty sure you can't export it.
You serious ? Grey cars are the ones that stay dirty the longest and don't show it.
Best color. Good taste
What are you talking about, gunmetal grey is the best color for any vehicle.
The purple makes my dick hard. Would love to get that paint
why don't you own a purple car?
It's called cop magnet.
Better to blend in then get a ticket.
It's absorbs like 99.9% of light. I wonder how hot it would make your car.
All vehicles are female.
Planes, ships, cars, it doesn't matter.