What car would i drive?

What car would i drive?

2008 Chrysler 300 on 20 in chromies

Toyota anything that looks gay

chrysler is shit tho. i would rather walk

the subway


Lmao is that really you Alphonse? You posted unedited one before you look like a scrawny bitch with glasses

back to /pol/ drumpfkin
>american education

Something stolen

You too are a victim of American education unless you didn't even graduate being the dumb nig you are. Post unedited picture

>this is the faggot that literally bent Veeky Forums to his will
top fucking kek

why would i? im not posting my face.

You already have before, I'm gonna find it on archives. You look like this faggot

>you look like this faggot
what? no, i don't. lol.

stay mad tho

>Veeky Forums literally got BTFO by a scrawny, autistic, underage niglet

What car would I drive?

nissan gtr


what do you actually drive?

im not autistic or scrawny????

your mom

nah, you scrawny af nigga


mom's minivan

What was the point of this thread, Alphonso?

attention. seemed to be successful

Are you proud of yourself?

it fluctuates

>that infographic


Must be tough being a scrawny nigro desperate for attention. Is this how you cope in life, A? Did you get shun by the other nigros from liking anime pussy?

i don't talk to people because they're all fucking garbage. the only good human is a dead one. also i don't like chicks? wtf?


>nobody on this board sages
Either that or he's ip bouncing, both of which are equally likely. I don't care what you look like, as a human being you're pretty pathetic, and the fact you probably feel validation from seeing this post is just as pitiable.

What do you think you are doing right now? Talking to your imaginary friends?