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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Tharja a best and canon
Azura is shit
whose wife is this?
Azura a best!
Is Red Tomebreaker a good skill for Faye?
I love Faye!
>European hours
Characterfags get along in harmony, because Europeans have shared good taste
Discussion about games and gameplay
New threads posted after the bump limit
No signature/avatarfagging
>American hours
Basically /v/ lite
"Everything I don't like is Reddit!"
No discussion about games at all, always "my waifu" or "x feets" and other such nonsense
Early thread shitters and signaturefags everywhere
She doesn't even get counter attacks.
Not an argument
this desu
greetings Veeky Forums
Own up /feg/, is your team built because they are top tier, or are they built because they are your favorites?
Thanks taco
Found the assmad redditard
>Leo isn't getting a last minute 3x
Fuck off ISIS.
Reddit's shitpost.
Hold my orbs or summon?
All of my feathers have been used on OK units that I purely like
You tell me, I'm not esports MLG scum
What do you mean? My argument can be summed up as "American hours /feg/ is garbage, basically /v/ lite". I also provided the reasons why, it was, in fact, an argument.
>filter the words "reddit" and "tharja"
>the general is fun again
I have some of both
Best duo banner when
How far behind does he have to be?
>all these Robinfags spending flags in the last hours
fk it i'll take my 50,000 place this round
Top tier because I don't have any of my favorites
Only cute girls get my feathers. The one exception was Zephiel because I needed a good armor unit for quests.
I'm pretty sure he's gotten it from a lesser lead than this, this is just ISIS fucking people over. Why even implement a 3x if it doesn't kick in when it matters the absolute most?
celica is good, her only bad bane is atk
Mae is alright, the healer is only for meme teams and green guy is bad
found the r3ddit fag
>You are like... an infant. T-TAKETHATANYWAYTHATYOUWILL!
No he's a cute girl too
The bigger the score the bigger the difference has to be, remember. You might still get one if Robin team decides to spend all their flags for some reason.
Why are all the guys in Echoes so hot wtf
Lucina is my favorite and is top tier, so lucky me
How's this setup?
>Cancer House
Lmao the irony
Rape Olivia!
Shouldn't you replace Blarowl with Blarrblade?
I don't know what you mean. Help me out by posting examples.
True she's one of the hottest girls in SoV.
I hope that Nuibaba, Sonya and her sisters will get some arts.
Isnt Olivia a chestlet
Go ahead. Marry Nowi. You know you want to.
Has Laura Bailey forsaken us forever?
I'd love to, but trying to level a mouth breathing shitter 3* Odin to 5* does not sound appealing.
I hope they release him on a banner at some point.
Keep bitching to a shitposter about your NTR faggotry then, maybe one day your autistic brain will digest being wrong
Dont hate her for working in a shit industry
That will only hide a small portion of the cancer. This is the fix you're looking for; it should block out all the shitposting.
but i am not a pedophile
I use units that are decently good that I like, like Minerva and robin
Did you get her to level 40 yet?
Seems okay I guess
If you mean official art Sonya already has it, Nuibaba should get official art since the bottom screen portraits are just crops of it and she's a semi important villain.
I want a GHB of her and Berkut
if you're gonna keep desperation just use Life and Death.
and then get a blade tome, youre now a basically stronger Linde
ay fuck you that show is clean af
I just started echoes, why is loli faye so cute
Fucking Celica's soft, creamy thighs!
she's neutral statted and I dunno if it's worth it
Welcome to the Age of Tipton
but i am a pedophile.
She wasn't that busty, but not flat either. Also her art in heroes is pretty ugly and almost makes her look like she has a manly torso.
If i had her, fuck this game
Real talk; does anyone prefer her over Bailey? I kind of prefer her Palla.
Does sound similar to Clair though, who I assume she also voices.
Weeb shit is below any decent and respectable VA.
DC Douglass is a boss though and can do what he wants
Seliph is one of my all time favourite FE characters but I won't use him because he's shit
Feels really bad man, I'm almost tempted to put all of my resources into making him God tier
Who will we get after Ursula ends on Wednesday?
Narcian R2 or Lloyd
Too slow for Desperation.
If you stick with Owl, use Fury/WoM or Distant Defense/QR
>11 def and 21 res
Yikes. But yeah that would probably be the better option I guess
You don't need Blarblade+.
Jokes on you, she's always cute.
>Literally only not worthless if +SPD
I will keep my wife on my team whenever possible.
Is it worth feeding Celica to Xander for distant defense?
Xander is my husbando, but I think this is a good Celica. I also feel guilty sacrificing 5 star units a little. Is it worth it? I have Ryoma and Xander for reds.
>so butthurt you need to bring it over to the next thread just to try and get the last word
>still insulting people with everything that applies to yourself
Are you as impotent as your pic? If so I understand why you're still so angry.
There's really no character that's not salvagable.
Even with the skills currently in the game, you can build any character into something decent.
is that way
She's +Spd / - Res. Almost perfect, defense bane probably would have been a little better, although that's not a sure thing since I think Ragnarok memes can keep her out of dangerous double retaliation by certain physical attackers.
Mind you that's with Threaten Speed on the enemy in a ghetto fashion by giving her a +5 bonus and with two allies on her
nigga give him fury
Oh god, you're right. I totally forgot there's only a 1 Mt difference. Yeah, I'll definitely stick Blarblade on her then. Thanks user!
Xander does fine with Fury in his A slot. He'll still be paper against mages even with Distant Def, so it's not worth it.
Favorites. I'm hoping for a Kagero or Faye. Genny would be cool too.
Remainder that Yen'fey and Say'ri are decendants to Kamui. As well as Verion and Cherche possibly being descendents of other characters
Favorites pretty much, one of them just happens to be top tier.
What the fuck do you guys do that lets you get someone to level 40 within hours?
Do you just play heroes all day?
Best FE villains accoring to ghast
- Orson
- Valter
- Zephiel
>Regular blade
>9mt + the higher potential damage
Owl a shit.
What's the point of Ragnarok when you can just blade tome? Like is there even a way to play this game without hone/fortify buffs? What the hell would you use in C-Slot then?
Yours is -HP/+Spd, so I'd probably hold on to that one for now. Feed one to Xander or Ryoma if you roll another one with shit IVs.
How many times do you think Lilina was raped when she was locked up?
Do you think gaining 3 def/res against long range attacks but losing 3 atk/spd and losing 3 def/res short range attacks is worth it?
Decide for yourself.
Not an argument
>+SPD / -HP
Uhh no, you fucking use that shit.