League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Soft plush and cute!

Other urls found in this thread:


Sona is my cuckolding girlfriend.

should i drop my 6300 on kindred or is they bad

>tfw no Shuriman gf

xth for breast metal waifu

>Trying out Morde
>Zac ults me into the enemy team
>Quadra Kill
I like this guy

What champion pisses you off the most?

Post your recently played champions and be nice to each other.

I refuse to lane against a Jayce

twitch /viewtyler

Tyler made it to masters

vg vs vg when?

things that never happened

>Renekton walking into the Q heal

Every time.

Your taste is okay

new bara champ when

derrota :(

hey thanks u 2 for watching hope u liked my twitch streamer does funny voices impersonation xDD

when did this channel start?

wouldn't rito just ban the account?

>cho gives first blood and then goes afk because quote "my girlfriend called"
>-16 lp


>League of Legends has never had in-game voice comms because people can be gits sometimes.
>This is a somewhat informal summation of voice chat research carried out by Riot Games that found that, “voice chat with friends is a pretty awesome experience, but voice chat with strangers is a pretty negative experience.”
>The research, posted on DoteSports, noted that in teams with mixed communications (some text, some voice) “the actual text chat in the game became up to 126% more toxic, and the voice chat players received up to 50% more reports even though the other players didn’t necessarily know the players were in voice.”
>An independent university study cited by Riot Games also found that when a male and female voice said the same phrases in voice chat, the female voice received 300% more harassment than the male voice.
>So you can see why they’ve been hesitant to implement it.
>However, according to a translation on Reddit from a Riot Korea Q&A, in-game voice chat is “currently being internally reviewed.”
>“Previously we worried that voice chat would lead to toxic behaviors, but after rethinking, we ultimately decided to provide an in-game voice chat feature.

Why does Riot feel such a need to police language?

late game yi
teams who don't know what to do when i blind azir

Xth for if you're bronze nobody wants to hear how bad your team is

Who is the Apdo of ADC? I need to improve

he can play, he just can't stream it.

webcam when

IIRC he doesn't ever change his ip address, so Riot immediately knows if he makes a new account. Not sure why he hasn't been banned yet, they're probably just letting him get away with it so long as he stays positive, one bit of flame and he's getting the axe.

comfy bfs~

I like to hear it. I laugh and relate to most of them.

You only hate Sejuani because she's meta now.

>my botlane LITERALLY always loses
>my bot finally gets a double early
>its a remake

>Riot """"""""research""""""""""""""
Almost as much of a joke as that 'being toxic makes you lose more games' tip.

Brother Wildturtle.

she's always so fucking tanky and i get iced every few seconds and can't do jack shit to her because of it

Soraka is broken. They need to double the cooldown of her W, specially in late game.

So I'm super low elo after not playing in a few years and throwing my placements like a retard. I climbed a division and even though my winrate for the last 20 games is like 63% I still lose 23 lp for losses and only gain 12-13

How do I carry myself out of this shit elo when my MMR is just going to stay garbage /lolg/?

Why doesn't Brand see more play? All his core items make him tanky, and he is a team fight God. If his W and R had more range I guarantee he would be pick/ban

i don't think you realize how much she got nerfed by the ancient coin gutting

>play camille
>play more camille
>lose more
>play even more camille
>lose even more

>Lose both games of promos because of idiot top laners

As expected.

He made it to Master in less then 1 month among his accounts banned on a daily, what is your excuse?

It doesn't matter.

You don't need to buy boots and sightstone on her, you can go straight to the items that give you heal bonus and she's still OP as fuck.

Or you can buy spellthief's edge instead.


>wild god
>not the best adc in the world

I have one hand

Is it so unbelievable?

you mean a sorta one-trick pony like apdo?
op.gg/summoner/userName=roxsangyoon is the kalista god of solo queue

then there are the lck pros who play solo queue for stats:

they are always really good to learn from, because they don't make a lot of mistakes even when their supports are afkers. if you copy their gameplay and watch lots of replays you should be able to progress diamond->master.

has it been a month since ive started? I've played three ranked games

>best support in the game right next to zyra
>why nobody play him huh guys

where da vg vs vg at

>draven jungle
Do one tricks really do this shit
I mean come on

>can't win today

baka desu senpai

>I have one hand
I said what is your excuse, this nigga players Street Fighter on a professional level with his TONGUE.

>Lost my first two provisional matches
Do I just reroll now?

make one

That was Lyte, who was fucking fired

>street fighter
>professional level

good 1

give me list ideas /lolg/!

Don't think it matters that much. Pretty sure your starting mmr is more important.

there you go senpai

vg up

> if you copy their gameplay and watch lots of replays you should be able to progress diamond->master.
Can I learn from them even if I'm a silvershitter?

coolest lolg guys!!!

Of course. Did he mention a preference for bot/top, or anything along those lines?

What? Just play the game.

>Of course. Did he mention a preference for bot/top, or anything along those lines?
Considering it's reformedlyer1 yeah he probably did

wait are Evelynn and Zed both shadow people?

vg vs vg tierlist wooo do it bro

all gays are shit tier

if you are expecting pity youre wasting your time. that's what you getting for playing that faggot tier champ.

How do you change champ select quotes? I remember doing it a while back, but it doesn't work anymore, at least the way im doing it. Did they change the way it works?



Oh, 'gotcha. I haven't been following the Tyler1 thing.


already done with that list




>Challenger level players duoing can get insane winrates in elos far below their skill level
Next on stating the obvious ...

Just fuck my shit up

>Feel the need to chat with some fucking underage fucks with annoying ass voice for some reason

Y tho? In Asia countries, LOL is played via Garena and it has a chat room feature implemented, yet nobody ever used it

>all these people optimistic for tyler1 getting unbanned
>1/5 on draven jungle

Hey, when does the weekly champion free rotation change?

recently got an Akali skin from hextech and was looking forward to trying her

>tfw not on the list

Phreak has Laser vision

his best skin n

Don't forget the 37 cs

In about five hours



Grey warwick is at LEAST white warwick tier.

This is Tarzaned's account, right?

probably not known then or no one likes you enough to bother putting you in, its more of a community made list, people make entries and I save em

>Muh point and click kiddie game is higher IQ than fightans

>tfw no Lilo and Stitch skin line with Karma as Nani, Annie as lilo, Gnar as stitch, Tahm Kench as Jumba, and Hecarim as Gantu

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

I don't think there's anything good to say about Evelynn mains

Evelynn is a nice lady

>People who play this game day-in/day-out to be the best
>Surprised when they stomp normal people


hello fellow eve main

do you prefer protobelt or gunblade?

>LS says a silver or low elo will never flash as a reaction to a skill shot

I do that, and I see it all the time in silver

>silvers dont watch minimap or help junglers out

I always have my mid laner and top laner help me when getting counter jungled, and I always get greeted by enemy top laners and mid laners when counter jungling.

Why do people just make shit up

Not with what I do with her and to the enemy team.
I'm a disgusting person.
Protobelt would be good or great if gunblade wasn't god tier.

>i know better than a guy who coaches #1 challengers because i watched a youtube video

kek get fucked silver shitter

And yet you're silver and he's not

yeah guess he's wrong and silvers are all really good

>Load replay
>client stops responding

what do

LS is a fag.