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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Tharja is shit and not canon.
Vote team Robin and prevent Tripfags from ruining threads by clicking that report button
Azura is shit
Tharja a best and non-canon
Who's your go-to healer for new character power-leveling, /feg/?
I'd lick Catria's armpits!
Azura a best
Thigh fucking Faye.
Will Fir user actually 5* her or is he trolling the fuck out of us
Lucius, because I had a mage drought when I was leveling
>Hitting high stratum armor knights for 13x2+10
>ranked in the 9000s for team Tharja
>will drop down to the 10,000s and it'll lose me 400 feathers
>I'll have to really try and spend flags in the final round to get enough for 20k feathers
Always Elise.
Sometimes I look at these videos and just feel all the wasted characters and story in fates.
I feel bad for the guy who who wrote the story, because he clearly poured his heart into it and now his name will forever be associated with this butchered mess instead
He gets the job done
Elise, changing the special depending on how squishy the unit is.
The meme girl
Used to be Maria, but Genny is taking her place.
Best girl!
it was a good run lads
Well, before we all go or separate ways, thank you:
-the user with the brave axe cherche
-the user with the azura
-the user with the Reinhardt
Who posted your IDs on /feg/, for saving my gauntlet runs where I got stuck with two Julias against an army of reds.
Hope my brave Hana was similarly useful.
Minerva's Sister is my go-to healer for now, but maybe I'll get lucky and roll Sheepy
So how crazy would this mobage be if it actually used growth rates instead of natures?
wew lad
"The Lone Wolf" Baron Corrin (Male)
Natures are already dumb, more RNG would be worse.
For one the """IV""" designation would actually be mostly correct
For two, I would probably not play it if a unit of mine that cost triple digits was permanently worse in every way than a different version of the same character. Even -atk brave users could technically use their increased Hp, Spe, or Def to survive something they couldn't normally
d/c azura here
I never got paired with your hana actually, but i'm glad my meme build was helpful,
Well fought my friends. Even though I didn't lend any meme unit to anyone, I was glad to fight alongside you all.
However, it's not over. It's time to tip the scales.
What if Skl was a stat
What if hit rates and skill activation rates were actually in rather than it being fixed
Just rolled my own memegirl. I'm thinking Life or Death and Memes of Mercy for extra memeing.
How much more useful is Linde with a blade tome? I was thinking of blowing my feathers just to feed her an Odin
I like Hana
>told by /feg/ that Azura will always be by your side after the ending of Revelation regardless of whether or not you marry her
>except she literally fucks off and disappears from history if you have her marry someone that isn't (You)
why did you lie to me /feg/?
Favorite Echoes dub voices?
No one actually chose anything but the default hairstyle for m corrin, r-right?
Not as much as me i guarantee
Should I give Astra or Luna to my +atk Cherche with Death Blow?
>not liking toothy fellatio
Mae because she makes /v/eddit mad.
Are you implying the historians in the FEverse are actually good at their job?
Boey's cute wife!
She disappears from history because she takes up residence at Corrin's place as his personal advisor/concubine/dancer/onahole
Slayde's VA is pretty great desu.
I'm thinking about 5*ing Xander so she can support him with Hone Cavs. Or would he want Fortify?
if you buff right you shit retard tier damage on a really fast unit so pretty good
She's the best blade tome user outside of cavalry memes / bunmilla flyer memes thanks to her very well optimized stats.
>We'll win our next battle. I guarantee it.
I really hope Tharja doesn't win it. Please let it be Robin.
If the next Wrathful Staff user isn't Moulder I'm going to be fucking pissed
So why don't we make a separate general for Heros?
Alright guys, I just got back from wage-slaving all day.
What's the opinion on the new gatcha. Is Boey good? How about Celica? Because I REALLY want a red mage that's actually interesting.
H A N A !
I'm gonna 5* a +atk hana and merge into this hana when i get 20k feathers. She misses out on so much OHKO with +spd now, especially with defense tiles
So do the Gauntlet feathers come soon or not until the daily reset?
because Echoes is a shit game, and conquest was last year.
Celica is the best red mage.
Boey is a slightly better green Henry
Is Connor Kelley voicing Catria again?
Consensus seems to be that Celica is around the same as Tharja and Boey is a bulky bastard.
Celica, with the right IVs, can hit 60 atk and enough speed to not get doubled.
We've gotta tip those scales user. We can change fate.
thousands of hours in paint went into this
Celica is good
Caster EMIYA has DEF out the ass and comes with Ignis.
Even with owl Tomes shit default Might, he's a goddamn god so long as he's not staring down a Red mage.
There's a lot of one-liners I like desu.
OOOOH MATHILDA and a lot of Delthea's other sass lines in particular
>around the same
She's outright better, especially if the Gacha jews haven't blessed you with enough buffers to make bladememes work
Cool opinion but maybe other people want to talk about Echoes?
Spending flags last match probably wouldn't have changed anything but damn, that's 400 feathers gone.
>Robbie Daymond
I swear if he voices who I think he voices, that'll be a wonderful time.
White Wings have the same VAs as Heroes, minus Palla who got Tipton because Bailey outgrew weeb games.
It's how you romanize her Japanese name!
Alternate versions are "Cute!" and "Adorable!"
>no laura
You could consider replacing escutcheon with Luna and adding ardent sacrifice, especially if she's on a defense tile. She'll lose a little versatility with field tiles, but under 75% she'll kill anything she'd kill with escutcheon on the offensive. Luna also really shines against enemies with strong/buffed defenses.
It's time
She's ready
>Genny doesn't get "ready to roll" as a turn action quote
I feel cheated
Julia. I can't wait to see her lose by 20000 points now.
she is trash
are you and FeliciaAnon by any chance related
Some that stand out to me and I like: Atlas, Grey, Fernand, Doot and Est
Congrats Firanon
I've been unranked for both Robin rounds but I have 3000 feathers and I'm fucking ready brother
I now pronounce you man and waifu
...Or, well, 5* waifu. Congrats FirAnon!
What would be a good C skill for Boey? I was thinking of Threaten Attack but I'm not sure.
I only used flags when I had the x3 active and it got me that rank.
congratz how many merges are you planning to give her?
>used an extra 300 flags but still missed the 5k breakpoint
A hone skill would probably be nice if you were planning to take full advantage of gronnowl.
>only one guy on my FL is tier 17