Does your car mirror your personality?
Does your car mirror your personality?
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Does your puny chicken mirror the size of your cock?
My car is a fat lazy log of shit that doesn't attempt to make any apologies for what it is but it keeps its promises and hasn't let me down.
Id say it mirrors me in every way except i'm not fat.
>have pigfat v6 shit gen mustang
>literally the cuck mustangs
Suits me pretty well
worn out and only looks good at 20 feet
Rusted, somewhat broken, low-budget, is older than it looks.
Atleast im not fat.
Let's play a game. I'm a terrible person who has no friends and want to die. What car do I have?
1999 hyundai tiburon
Not a Subaru
Not a Korean car either
It's a Japanese car
Oh so Toyta from 98
Just trying to have fun even tho technically I'm slow as shit and not as cool as I make myself to be. People still like me for some reason
You're at the right maker (kinda), but it's not that old, but it's not really new either.
Yes and no it mirrors my heritage
>be my grandpappy
>decide to buy quote unquote "muscle car"
>buys 67 chevelle with the 285 block instead of the 350
>my father buys it from him at 16 instead of buying the higher model because it was cheap and "muh heritage"
>fast forward to me being 18
>my father gives me the chevelle
>to me has plenty of power for cruising around town
>decide that I want a quote unquote "muscle car" of my own
>combed through hundreds of ads on craigslist for low mileage GT's that weren't fucking 15k
>come across Mustang V6 with under 30k original miles
>go to stealership
>Jew salesjew down to an even trade for my trade in
>drive home a V6 mustang for literally nothing out of pocket
So In a way I'm keeping the whole family tradition of buying underpowered muscle cars alive
Not even close.
>not a slouch
the only similarities
>drinks a lot
>some people think it's cool but it's actually a piece of shit
My car is a loud obnoxious muscle car and I'm a quiet autist.
>looks good but is not in any condition to function normally but will sometimes have a good day
>washed regularly but somehow always dirty
>makes women smile but none of them want it
>frequently topless
Sounds about right.
Oh my sides, you criminal
wtf did you trade in for a shitty v6 mustang
>does its best
>has nice rims (I wear nice shoes)
>subtle but stylish exterior
>soft, comfy interior
The only difference is that it's relatively noisy because diesel
Mitsubishi Lancer
Yes, chevy owner here. Loud obnoxious hillbilly redneck sumbitch blaring skynyrd loud as fuck while carrying a bottle of jack
>High strung
>Snowflake meme
>Sporty suspension
>tons of aftermarket
>Does your puny chicken mirror the size of your cock?
what kind of personality am I sopose to have?
>doesnt drink alot of petrol
yeah sounds like me
>appreciation of some modern amenities but stubbornly desires to uphold traditions of the past
>rubes thinks i'm some kind of faggot
An even shittier Nissan Cube with 150k miles on it
STI and I'm a weaponized autist, appears to be a good fit
No, my car is slow, economical, reliable and well maintained.
I would need something fast, very well handling yet prone to minor failures and kinda unreliable since I sometimes wake up with headaches on saturdays and feel sick all day for no apparent reason. So a n54 335i sounds okay. Without the M-package, not confident enough for something that could turn heads.
Sort of.
My car is a slow piece of shit. If cars were born, it would have lost the genetic lottery. Anyone who cares can see everything that's wrong with it, but most people don't and find it average. It is trash regardless. However, it gets driven like a modified no-fucks-given japanese sportscar with 200 more HP and I enjoy every minute of it.
t. 3k civic
>people say it is shitty and unrealible
>broken but just keeps on going
i guess so yes
My car is fast, attracts positive attention from enthusiasts, looks good, and is generally respected. I'm a skinnyfat schlub with borderline autism, no friends, and an abrasive personality.
you tell meeeeeee
beat to shit hand me down 2nd gen crv
>lot of shit wrong with it but keeps working
>very reliable
>only wants to please other people
>looks like absolute shit
>largely goes unnoticed everywhere
>doesn't care if it dies, but keeps on trucking
What does this car say about my personality?