
O shit they lowered the price by 500. Used to be 15 grand. Neat.

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>62k miles

I feel like you could do much better for that price

No. I'd get something actually good. pay cash for manual, non-riced first gen tsx or 3rd gen tl.

What do you think it's worth? 10 grand? Shopping around, it seems like, a little above the average in price for my area.

The thing is I'm only gonna buy manual cause the last three cars I've had were auto and I've hated it, and there's not a lot of manual Accords out there. I also really like Accords pls no bully.

I'd like to do that, but I need a reliable car in the next couple weeks since I'm moving to start a new job, and again, not a lot of market where I am for manual sedans.

>those cars aren't reliable
yes they are. besides, if a car breaks down then you take it somewhere and rent a car. this isn't rocket science. A broken car doesn't mean you can't get to work. stop wasting money and being a pussy.

I drove 24k miles/year for two years in a 2001 civic with almost 200k. it never stranded me and i always got to work.

>What do you think it's worth?

What does Edmunds and KBB say you dingus? Im not punching that shit in for you

Nigga, that sentence was not implying that Acuras are not reliable, rather that there's not a large number of them in my area and I can't wait a few months for a good one to pop up. And I don't wanna spend my money and time on fixing a car anymore, I've run that gambit and I'm okay with not running it anymore.

I already did that, I want real world opinions you feg

>I already did that, I want real world opinions you feg

After being autistic enough to do the research with your location included, its a decent deal.
If you can work $1000 off them and maybe add some wheels or some mechanical work id jump on it.

I have a 2013 Accord Sport with around the same miles, at $14k it's not a bad deal.
My cousin also has one except his is at 130k, both of us have had no problems.
Ignore a majority of what the poorfags say since they can only afford $2k Miatas.

Noice, thanks for the insight bro. I think I'll say if I can walk out the door with a price of 12,500, I'll take it, and maybe go up to 13,000 if they give me a real low interest rate or something. I don't have any interest in new wheels, the ones on there are fine by me, and I'm moving cross country, so assuming there's nothing wrong with the car now, free oil changes and shit wouldn't do much for me lul

Also thank you br/o/. How do you like yours? Manual or auto?

I have the CVT since white didn't have the manual option and I was only using it for work, my cousin has the manual. Fags will shit on me for getting the CVT but I feel like Honda is the only one that did it right compared to the others I've driven.
I love my car, the only problem is the stock speakers aren't great so I changed those out.

Ah, yeah my sister has a 2017 Senta with the CVT, and it's not too bad, not any worse than auto. Plus, it's a shitbox, so like you said, it's fine for commuting. Did you need yours in white, and what do you think makes the CVT better in Hondas?

Hue planning on changing out the speakers and adding a sub anyway. Is it just me, or do Fords have really good stock stereos? My dad has a 2000 F350 and a 2016 F250 and they both have great stereos for cars, especially the F250 cause it's a Platinum.

13k isn't happening. 13,750 at the lowest.

this car says you've given up. get something interesting or gtfo. life is too short to drive boring cars.

Thought it might be like that. And I'm planning on getting a bike or a Miata or some shit, eventually. I just need something good while I relocate and save up some dollars.

Plus I have dirt bikes, so I can get my hooning out on them.

or get a fun daily.


it's the last year so problems were mostly remedied. if you take good care of it and don't put a lot of miles on it it'll appreciate in value.

Oof, I'd like to, but it's a bit too flashy for where I am in life right now. But I'm not a big Jag guy anyway. I'd rather get an old Porshe, maybe? Not too informed on that market.

A 2000 dollar Miata is likely what I'm gonna go with. I had one a couple years ago and really loved it; I'd like to turbo one if I had the disposable income, or even engine swap it if I could. Just gotta get to 60k a year first lol

Their CVTs are built in-house and it isn't loud.
It doesn't jerk if you put your foot all the way down, it'll get up to speed smoothly as opposed to dropping to a low gear and droning at the highest RPM.
Nissan always gets their transmissions from JATCO and the mpg isn't as great, also high chance the transmission is made in Mexico as opposed to US/Japan.


My sister gets like 34 MPG, seems p decent to me.

this is actually a very good deal. I can't find any less than 16k in my area.

so no that is a very good deal op


I'm getting 35mpg on a car that's 200-300lbs heavier.

fucking rip

I'm looking at a Mazda 3 2.3L 2004, with 175k miles on it. The guy is selling it for 1250, but he said he'll go as low as 1000.
It needs a rear caliper and a CV joint and as pictured some rust(But we're in New York so all the cars have some rust)
Its also inspected until October so I'm thinking of asking to have it inspected again so I don't have to worry about it for a year.(It has check engine light on)

Good Idea for someone with a shoestring budget?

imo any car that runs is worth a grand, assuming it's not on its last legs. I was looking at 3's as well, they're probably my second choice if this Accord turns out to be a pile of shit or something.

I'd go for it. The CV joint might be a few hundred bucks, but if you can do it yourself shouldn't be too much of a hassle (I think)

Yeah I was looking around andit looks like the rear caliper is going to cost about 100$ for the part alone. That and the CV joint plus labor can run up to 500$ I'm guessing. And looking up now how much it would cost to clean up the rust or at the very least have some of the streaks painted over. Its got spots on the hood and the passenger side too. But at that point I'm pushing my budget of 2200$ and at 2500$ being as much as I am willing to put in.

Its either this or an 06' Honda civic for 2200 that i'm looking at that looks much cleaner, but the ad just says "runs great, good on gas" which is sketchy to me.

Personally I'd get the shit fixed (I'd do it myself in your position, if you can), maybe fix the rust that's a structural problem, if there is any, and drive it until it explodes. Not worth putting money into the cosmetics with that much rust and miles, IMO.

And yeah fuck that Civic. Might be worth checking out if you have the time and are good at gauging a car's condition, but I'd be wary.

Alternatively come to AZ and buy my truck for 2.5 grand.