Lulu skin when edition
Lulu skin when edition
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xth for NTR.
Then begone, thot
i may be setting myself up for failure this early in a thread... but lets try and see what happens.
you know the rules
makes a bit more sense now i suppose
Can we get more of these?
before i post ign, what rank are you
are you into mommyplay?
I want to help Sona find a swimsuit that fits even though it's probably impossible!
"I can't save my ult for one person jumping on you at all times. Positioning is important for an adc as well."
How do you deal with this?
do you play ranked? if yes, which rank and server?
>lulu will not be in League of Legends 2
Why are people building Maokai support AP?
That shit's a cheese meme, you can still go spellthief's, but get fucking redemption + locket so he can actually frontline. You have a champ you auto wins lane through total brush control early, and he's decent to great flanker/frontliner later in the game. Just from level 5 sapling, you have great
damage too if you're fighting anywhere near brushes.
Hello Hoggurs, I see you're in mid bronze elo?
>thinking I wouldn't look up other people's names to find yours
>tryndamere whacking at my tower
>rengar signals to be careful from the blue buff he is whacking at
>been listening to 萌ジャズ Dreamer (BOSSA NOVA ver) on loop while playing ranked
>haven't lost a single game out of the 10 that I've listen to it
>literally played one game without it in the background
>got stomped
Is this a blessing or a curse?
the internet here is horrible i want to die
i like killing people midgame who facecheck bushes
ap is way more fun if i was tryharding i wouldnt play mao
Th0uGhts oN THIs suMmNer?
xth for Riven is a fat cow, and doesn't deserve an ounce of kindness.
>this build
user literally why
What's your endgame
i'm platinum, which is decently high elo, and i still sometimes rage at my team like a manchild
that's not normal is it, this behavior should stop after silver right?
Proving my point.
I don't care if people know who I am. I was just blacking most of the shit I see people black out.
Do I get placed every ten games or how does it work
Do you think Chromuu would let him watch as he fucks Kitso?
>Proving my point
> I was just blacking most of the shit I see people black out.
People normally don't black out anything
Had the same thing with some vidya ost
Literally can't stand it anymore but it's still working.
It should stop once you've passed the age of 16
Otherwise you may be overstressed, in which case you shouldn't play vidya.
45% cdr, actually unlimited mana.
Effective 85% cdr at late game, allowing me to keep a constant stream of heals, shields, speed buffs, attack speed and Ardent Censer's self healing for all of the auto attackers while also providing 128 AP from the archangel's.
first ten of a season place you, and its usually somewhere lower than your mmr.
then you grind forever til you hate this game or reach whatever goal you set out for (mines the free skin)
would you be Rivens boyfriend knowing that you'll have to introduce her to your friends and people will see you together in public?
I probably still would, I mean it could be worse. It could be Taliyah.
l want to FUCK a Soraka main
yes chormu would let me watch me and robin are like *this*
comfy bfs~
See that big red word?
I wanna brew potions with Lulu!
no one cares about your hanakana sounding uguu moe loli garbage
Thought that was for you since you took the trouble to hide your name
>Having Riven as a girlfriend
I would rather die. She's a hideous cockroach, I'd lock her in my dungeon and never let her see the light of day again!
In short: It's an actual support build for Sona rather than that pseudosupport early game burst that most people play her as.
So after ten games every game after your rank might change?
>huh well at least this guy warded
Oh yeah the conclusion
>tryndamere walks into jungle and kills rengar
>take a 2 week break or play another game for a bit
>mechanics are spaghetti and constantly left clicking
>"Sorry. We were not able to start your game"
What did Riot mean by this?
Happened once last night, too.
Sometimes I forget.
That's why I'm a bronze shitter.
>fugging ahri before my bull can
oh my, i'm sure he'll have to punish me for that~
>riven has history with singed
>the two cheesiest characters ever
Isn't there a ship somewhere
>don't play ranked because i don't want to ruin my champion stats
what the fuck is wrong with me
i want to pat riven's head until she gets a headache
I'm a soraka main. But I want to fuck sorakas splash art. Why the fuck do we get such a tasty purple soraka with pump legs in the splash art and then have a gray/blue anorexic in the game?
Would Poppy ever get a human bf?
>destruction mans winrate keeps going down
why bros?
How do you 'copy' them exactly? l'm interested in making some too if you don't mind giving advice
I wanna cuddle with Fizz
>get excited for kindred changes
>remember I dislike the marksman playstyle of clicking distant points
Oh well I'll buy Darius after all
>Be toplane
>Your jungler is Elise
>Dick on the enemy laner all game
Man I wish more people played her instead of Lee Sin
You don't need tear, get Redemption instead. Learn to manage your mana.
Blue trinket is much better - bigger gold income, and the new passive is great for Sona.
If you still need mana get a gauntlet or a frozen heart.
Get armor/mr boots, you don't neer magic pen if you don't play dmg Sona.
What champion pisses you off the most?
Why is Poppy avoiding her personal life by focusing on this hero quest? She must have really been hurt
>You blah blah blah having literally unlimited mana is bad
I will stick with my bronze build that has served me incredibly well.
>it's a super galaxy Ezreal instead
>support didn't buy coin
>goes oom
I swear I'm not playing adc anymore
> Given helpful advise
> "Nah famalam, despite staying in the gutter I'm gonna keep doing the same thing. Gee, I wonder why I'm bronze xD"
Redemption is just incredibly good, too good to pass on to get the staff instead.
Maybe i can see getting tear early just for the mana costs reduction, but not the full staff. There are just better options.
>buying the reworked coin
you're right. please don't play adc anymore, because you're a fucking retard that we don't want to share a lane with
is this Ez?
it's gotta be Ez right?
why does he have massive tits?
I normally skip out on redemption personally and the only really "support" items i get are ardent censer and in some cases I'll get athene's. other than that I get lich bane as my first full item and just do a shit ton of damage.
I don't wonder. It's because I play support and am not good with carry champs like Darius and Talon.
Ranked doesn't care about supports until you get into much higher elo and even then, people just adjust to it.
Getting damage, higher heals and unlimited mana compared to getting higher heals and a small aoe that people run away from because they can't tell the difference because they're bronze too isn't enough to change the flow of the game.
I've done the 'correct' sona builds and I've done the one of my own creation.
Mine works better at my current elo.
Id be worried if the leaks said SG ez rather than star guardian, the only thing im afraid of is it not coming tomorrow and having to wait another patch or more
If it was anything but Janna it can probably properly utilise the spellthief edge
Hell even Janna can make a good use of it now
next is because i found it really funny last thread but didnt have time
I just redraw them, i dont know about advice, just keep going until it looks good!
What's the average LP gain/loss per game? I'm starting to only get around 17 every win, should I be worried?
Cool examples of totally having abilities ready with that useless blade of 'I'm hitting things too I think!'
completely up to your mmr, if you're getting 17 and losing 17 every game then your mmr is pretty shit
20 lp is average
17 lp per win means you have bad mmr
that means your mmr is in the shitter, time to panic
If you want a dmg item Luden's is better. It stacks Graal nicely.
Also if you're actually set on playing dmg Sona get morello instead. You'll be getting mana for literally every kill that is made around you and you can apply the wounds debuff.
There's no good balance between dmg/utility Sona imo. If you mix you fail at both.
>thinks reworked coin is anything but a free GRAB ME PLEASE sign for blitz and thresh
spellthiefs is the way to go
I've seen only 2 done, have you done more? might want to make an imgur, man, they are cool.
Lewd images of Sona are NO LONGER allowed in LOLG!
It has a pretty large pickup radius, ulting with Soraka causes coins to fly in from across the map for some reason