Fighting Games General /fgg/
Play Mike's game!
2 more days till Injustice while everyone is having fun
press s to sniff
Rare footage of Mike Russ actually having fun with a fighting game.
im playing right now
Go away, lone dragon.
>inJUSTice 2
*spams deadshot's projectiles from the other side of the screen*
>do freelance graphic design for money
>last guy still hasn't paid me yet
>cant buy injustass until this fuck pays me
>want to play fighting games
>don't have the execution or technical skill to play them
>don't have the discipline required to train myself
>would not be intelligent enough to apply these skills into results anyway
you mean 10 more days till rev2
no one cares about some game that sonicfox will never lose at until the next one comes out
Just use your mobility or defensive options, they exist unlike in Jive
Reaction for Injustice2 seems lukewarm so far.
Sounds like you're just shit at everything.
Bully Bullet!
play divekick
Fucked up the transparency.
Good OP.
Reminder that Asuka is pure.
Is there a relation bewteen all the black people playing fighting games and the fighting games being the only esports not played on pcs?
sure thing pal, let me find a time in that recovery
>le mobility and defensive options
*continues to spam deadshot's projectiles from the other side of the screen*
Sniff Fighter
Mortal Sniff
King of Sniffs
Guilty Sniff
Sniff Shodown
Mark of the Sniffs
Killer Sniff
Sniff Instinct
Sniff vs Capcom
Virtua Sniff
Soul Sniff
Dead or Sniff
PCs require more brain thought than "plugging it into your TV"
you mean 14 days until tekken 7
1 meter burn roll and you're in, hes fucking useless from upclose
everyone walks like dhalsim in that game
the game might be decent if they didn't give everyone instant projectiles, teleports, and fullscreen special charge moves
They dont play Pokemans on PC.
Toppest fighting dykes
I think it has a lot more to do with Americans in general, and many of them seem to hate consoles.
It also has to do with the fact that most notable fighting games are Japanese, and the Japanese prefer doing everything on consoles, seeing computers as tools only for work. Many big games don't even have PC versions, or get them very late because of this.
>creating false drama about IJ2 just so you have an excuse to be up at 6 am
/fgg/, what a shit general lmao
its night time
casuals are lapping it up
More like Lili tore her pussy up with her big white futa cock
>Darksniffers is forgotten yet again
Fantasy Strike is made for you
Sniff Fantasia
King of the Iron Sniff tournament
>Many big games don't even have PC versions
Are you from a decade ago? Everything comes to pc now. if it doesn't instantly then you know someone paid to delay it to keep consoles relevant another month.
Yeah cause its day one still. Give them 2-3 days to get tired of the 50/50s and projectile spam, they'll be refunding soon.
How is ISDD playing when it releases on Thursday there
It's Samurai Sniffdown
Super Sniff Fighters
Bushido Sniff
I can't imagine anyone not getting bored of those flashy supers after 3 days. At least the game didn't disappoint.
Play supergirl and harley's game.
Can someone explain how the breaks and wagering thing works with meter in I2? I was trying to watch a stream and didn't really get it. There was health regen but eh
what about black canary cheez? she's blonde and has boobs
also, I've been skimming streams and haven't found anyone playing her yet
One Must Sniff 2097
Dick status: MUH
Lets say both of you have 4 bars of meter, and you starts the clash, you both gamble bars of meter without knowing how much the other person has gambled, if you gamble more than the opponent, you win and regain health, if you gamble less he regains health and if its even nothing happens
She's also worth playing. But I prefer supergirl and harley more.
Power Sniff
Art of Sniffing
This is correct, but that's my point. Look at how long it took them to even announce KoF XIV for PC. Tekken took until 7 to reach PC because of Harada's fear of "cheaters," GG got both Xrd and Revelator late, et cetera. The Japanese see the PC as a secondary platform that only westerners care about, so not much care is given to the PC versions in the first place. No DInput in SFV at launch, ArcSys games are a mess at launch, et cetera. Just recently, BB had a bunch of strange glitches on PC not present in the console version. Compare this to other esports that
1. Were always on PC to begin with (FPS, RTS, ARTS)
2. Are developed in regions where PC is considered a viable platform for games (South Korea, Europe, America) Now, I know I said many Americans favor consoles, but there's still definitely a bigger push for PC in the U.S. than Japan.
3. Involve much less travel for basic things like practice. You can get guys together for a CSGO scrim online pretty easily, even if they're far apart. Online training in games like USFIV and KoF XIV are very hit and miss, and in the case of SFV, non-existent, so teams either have to pretty much live together by default to train meaningfully or travel to their friends' houses. Consoles are a lot easier to travel around with, so this is why many prefer them for tournaments.
Some tournaments like WNF are run on PCs, but the process is still pretty rare for one reason or another.
Fatal Sniff
Sniff E Nuff
This post is so uninformed I will not even bother.
Why did they replace this with Naruto music
Sniff Bros
Fantasy sniff
nice rebuttal
If you're still the guy that asked the original question, consider the following: Even if the games are played on consoles, they're still streamed, which requires a PC. It's not like everyone in the fgc is completely tech illiterate. Even LowTierGod figured out how to set up a stream.
Thank you for putting the non-fighting games into their own section
tfw no kayopolice gf
Why does everyone hate NRS?
I don't see the problem with them or their games.
t. ed boon
Top tier Tekken sniff right here.
Only this place hates NRS but this place hates everything
Can't believe it's only 2 weeks until Tekken 7 desu
their games arent fun for me but im happy if people enjoy them
>Only this place hates NRS
delusional inJUSTurd
The ASW ports before this were fine for me in CPEX, Sign, and Rev but I haven't tried CF nor do I have much of an interest.
>being excited for tekken 700p with 10 frames of lag
ummmmmmmmm lol?
>Tekken took until 7 to reach PC because of Harada's fear of "cheaters,"
Not him but this is wrong already.
go bitch on /v/
Post more of her. She's cute.
Mimi's quote function is garbage huh
>Soul Sniff
Should be Sniff Calibur instead
will there be injustass 2 sfm?
Of Aquaman? Sure.
>May 26 - 28 Combo Breaker 2017
>May 27 - 28 Red Bull Kumite 2017
I'm replying to the post I'm intending to respond to and quoting the part that's completely false.
I don't hate NRS games.
They're fun at least on the low level.
They are ugly and the input interpreter is terrible but MKX had good meter management based gameplay.
>two tournaments have never occurred at the same time
It's funny cause in reality even SFV outsold the first one in less than a month. Injustice isn't as big as certain people may think.
Red Bull only has Street Fighter V
When's P5 Ultimax though?
why is max such a manchild. is he a good representation of the fgc
Been playing the whole night and all of the people I have encountered have either been projectile spamming, afk farming exp/items, or have no idea how to play a fighting game.
Fuck Persona, when's SMT Arena?
no one cares about smt
functional autist
>afk farming exp/items
>a streamboar's worst nightmare
Nocturne arena with 19 playable demifiends when?
Featuring dante from the devil may cry series
i want to play a character (any game) which moveset includes slaps
what game what char