Veeky Forums Draw Thread

Let's see if Veeky Forumstists can be artists instead of autists. Started out with a generic 80's shitbox with no reference picture or vehicle in mind. You yourself can draw anything.

drawing cars is fun even if you aren't good at it


I like the line work on this. Mine would be cleaner, but I sketched it in pen at work on a piece of reciept paper.






i don't know where i was going with this.

I'd like to own a Twongi so badly, but I live in Burger territory.


I drew this a while ago for some thread but I can't remember the context.

ive got some junk laying around

another one
its been a while since i did one of these
i gotta do more
digital art is hard, party all night

It's shit. Cock better


The thread was about what Initial D would be like in a different country

OP here, upgraded to a 90's Korean soapbox tonight

Holy shit, this made me laugh

Someone from Veeky Forums asked me to draw a Veloster

not a car, but its the only one i did with a drawing tablet.



That is the "mini Winnie"
This is "Tuition"

What nations flag is that?