>"And then class, Hitler just went even more crazy and attacked the Soviet Union FOR NO reason at all"
I hate that meme
History memes you hate
If Stalin was preparing for war with Germany why did he go into a physiological meltdown for days after the Barborosa attack then?
New rule: You mention something you hate and then you justify why, sick of seeing 4 replies to one comment asking "BUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED"
I bet you would also get butthurt if the teacher brought up Lebensraum as a reason for Hitler to attack Russia.
meant for
it could be worse, he could be claiming it was a preemptive strike against red amy prepared for offensive.
>"The Ottoman empire is not the true successors of Rome"
I swear, those greeks are never gonna stop being butthurt and keep revisioning history.
>If Stalin was preparing for war with Germany why did he go into a physiological meltdown for days after the Barborosa attack then?
Because he wasn't used to being on the receiving end of backstabbing.
>revisioning history
>not the national Turkish pastime besides oil wrestling
Heirs of Rome coming through
>why did he go into a physiological meltdown for days after the Barborosa attack then?
He didn't.
But you are right about there being no plan to attack Germany either.
>the american civil war was about racist not wanting to give up slaves
heard this shit all throughout school and still hereit from people from time to time even though it was obviously about state rights and the level of power that washington holds
>Radical Reconstruction ended because the North gave up
Radical Reconstruction relied on suppressing the white majority, something that could only accomplished by installing Republican Governments in the south. There was no way this could last long term, it was failed nation building from the start.
They totally didn't try to exterminate Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians, I swear!
It's really weird that the Southern states never seemed to complain about federal power except when slavery was directly involved. Oh wait, it's not weird at all because keeping slavery alive and growing was their primary consideration the entire time.
t.stavros debtpapalaous
They complained about Federal power in regards to tariffs, national works, and central banking all the time. What are you smoking.
>muh tariffs
Find 1 instance in the declarations of secession that mentions tariffs. You cannot. The word "tariff" does not appear. The word "bank" does appear once, as a part of somebody's name.
>JNO. L. EUBANK, Secretary of Convention
Meanwhile the word "slavery" appears 38 times.
slavery was the straw that broke the camel's back
it was a large part as it made up almost the entire south's economy
>slavery was the straw that broke the camel's back
So then it isn't wrong to say that the desire to preserve slavery was in fact the primary motive for secession.
>Samis are the natives of Scandinavia instead of just north scandinavia
pushed really hard by the left here
you're moving the goalposts, they definitely complained about those things all throughout the early 19th century. Slavery was the only thing that had protections in the constitution though.
but yeah the Georgia declaration of secession mentions tarriffs. Also I'm not the guy you responded to. I think the attacks on slavery was the prime motivator for secession. But it's stupid to say that the south didn't care about the overreach in federal power. The south was better off without the union desu.
yes to a certain extent, but the logic was that washington had no right to completely destroy the region's economy and expect them to provide the same taxes and unwavering support to the federal government
>Hitler wanted to kill every non-blond non-blue-eyed person
>treaty of versailles was harsh
all white people had black slaves, regardless which country. now give us welfare honkey
what is this feeling in my pants
Hitler invaded the Soviet Union because of a video on the internet.
>paying university for a useless degree to prolong your neethood in your pathetic miserable life you weak fuck
What greeks, armenians and assyrians? Here has always been turks.
>tfw I can't bring my slaves to my summer home in Long Island, because the slaves will be free the very moment they enter New York
>tfw my support of the pro-slavery forces in Kansas didn't pay off
Cry harder, fgt!
>tfw I can't bring my slaves to my summer home in Long Island, because the slaves will be free the very moment they enter New York
>tfw my support of the pro-slavery forces in Kansas didn't pay off
>Cry harder, fgt!
not an argument
>but the logic was that washington had no right to completely destroy the region's economy and expect them to provide the same taxes and unwavering support to the federal government
That's probably correct. However, it is very unlikely that the Republicans were going to abolish slavery in the South, for that exact reason. They merely wanted to:
1. Stop more slave-holding states from being admitted to the Union (they wanted Kansas and other western territories to be admitted as a free states).
2. Prevent more slaves from being imported from Africa.
3. Kill the Fugitive Slave Act so that the federal government would no longer be complicit in slavery.
Abraham Lincoln's own political platform explicitly guaranteed that the rights of states would be protected.
>Republican Party Platform of 1860
>That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the states, and especially the right of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of powers on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any state or territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes.
I'm not the guy you're arguing with but
>2. Prevent more slaves from being imported from Africa.
They ended the international slave trade in the early 1800s.
>3. Kill the Fugitive Slave Act so that the federal government would no longer be complicit in slavery.
Which would go against the Fugitive Slave Clause of Article IV of the Constitution
I think Andrew Jackson said it best back in 1833.
>the tariff was only the pretext, and disunion and southern confederacy the real object. The next pretext will be the negro, or slavery question.
The South was on the losing end of the Union from the war of 1812 onward. They were getting slammed continuously by northern controlled federal government. As Jefferson warned, slavery was going to be the number one issued pushed by northerner in order to constrict the south's power. The election of Lincoln was a symbol of that. Secession was a idealistic and populist attempt on the part of southerners to take a last stand as they saw their destruction happening regardless.
yes but they did all of this without providing an alternative when the south was built on slavery
even to this day the south hasn't fully recovered as no major economy building was done after the civil war
This. Should have adopted the Morgenthau Plan in 1919 and forced the Germans to pay reparations through herbs n' spices.
Hitler had reasons, alright. They were just very stupid reasons in light of what the partnership had and what came later.
Namely the credit he had with the Soviets was about to run out and they were going to start demanding payment of all the loans he took, which he never intended to pay back in the first place. Taking phony loans is something Hitler loved to do.
Read 'Stalingrad' It goes into a bit more detail, but Stalin quite literally was on the verge of a mental breakdown and in tears days following the invasion
the six gojillian meme
it's nothing but pure fiction
nice meme bro!
wow didn't know Veeky Forums was revisionist
bad goyim don't believe in nazi propaganda!
I'm so sorry.
>6 million!
>Soap bars!
>The crematoriums!
>Le blond-hair blue-eyed meme
I'm a Jew and I find this shit over the top
>letter sent in 1996
if any execution took place, it was because they needed to control the typhus disease that was spreading.
typhus was a result of allied blockade on germany
There you go.
I'm so sorry you never grew up in a household that emphasized education.
>muh allies dun teh holocaust
Yeah, funny how the camps housing Allied military prisoners didn't massive Typhus outbreaks...
Is the stuff about make lampshades and soap out of jews talked about anymore? I thought it was discredited by historians some time ago.
>he thinks those thinks were there for the benefit of the prisoners
Think of it as Hitler and Stalin having a pistols at ten paces duel. Stalin planned to cheat and turn around after five steps, but didn't account for hitler turning around after two.
>he believes in the holocaust
good goy
You must be self projecting.
"The Holocaust was an Inside Job!" (tm)
"The holocaust was real in my mind!" (tm)
/pol/ really is autistic
"I wonder who's behind this tinfoil hat."
>Angle ous du crematoire 1 en 1945 sans cheminee
I know you don't speak French, but come the fuck on user. If you can't figure out what that says you are literally retarded.
>lol, only 1 guy died in the cold war! It wasnt even a war
Vietnam, korea, et cetera were part of the cold war. Not even including them, a few hundred million civies died as a direct result of the cold war.
t. butthurt diaspora
nigga stop shilling for stromfront, this shit aint funny anymore when you act this autistic
>Germany was innocent in WW1
>Russia declared war on Germany to help Serbia
>France declared war on Germany to retrieve Alsace
>Germany was good boi
comfiest image I have ever seen
I'm becoming a (rein?)deer breeder
JIDF sim? I mean, I know goat simulator sold well, but this is just desperate
...I don't get it
>State of Palestine
Let's play a game called "spot the /pol/tard
It's incredibly easy I assure you
Stormpotatoes are basically 2008 atheists
>states rights
A states right to do what?
>Hitler was cool because he killed jews!
>Hitler was misunderstood, he was helping jews!
>France was willing to go to war over Alsace by ww1
>Islam spread by the sword
>Arabs genocided the entire Mena and replaced the indigenous peoples
>Caesar was evil
>Napoleon was evil
>Le Russian winter
>Le unstoppable horse archer
>Versailles was harsh
Grinds my gears
>Napoleon and Hitler invaded Russia in winter
>French surrender monkeys
>Poland dindus
>Ukr dindus
>Croat dindus
>Le unstoppable horse archer
This one is pretty close to true.
>Batista did nuffin wrong
>Rhodesia fell because of them blacks
>Ukrainian holodomor
>hitler wanted to conquer the world
fucking shig my dig every time
Post this in nearly all of these kinds of threads but
>Vietnam was a war fought by drafted poor folks and mostly people of color
Every time I hear this I want to slap the fuck out of the person. I wish Vietnam wasn't so mythologized.
I mean, this is a good reason US lost.
>"And then class, Hitler just went even more crazy and attacked the Soviet Union FOR NO reason at all"
Replace "The Soviet Union" with "Poland" and this makes a lot more sense.
>Replace "Poland" with "Czechoslovakia" and this makes a lot more sense.
>muh the south hasn't fully recovered
>b-but those niggers! slavery was 160 years ago, they need to stop whining
every time
The South is and always was majority white user.
>Aztecs saw a horse for the first time only when the Spanish arrived
>Mayas reached the level of civilization they had without even discovering the wheel
>Galileo was jailed for saying that earth orbited around the sun
>Jesus was a faithful follower of Judaism
>Italy backstabbed Germany in WWII
>The atomic bombs were justified because Japan would've mobilized their entire population of men, women and child to fight off an American invasion
>Republicanism in Greece was anything we'd call a democracy today
>Mongols having any control of their """empire"""" beyond occupied capitals, making the modern mythicism of their conquest justified
>Australia was intended to be an open air jail where to dump felons
>France escalated WWI to get Alsace back
>Napoleon as anything but a dfender of the Republican ideals against conservative monarchies
>Aztecs saw a horse for the first time only when the Spanish arrived
Uh... I mean... this isn't wrong. No one living in the Americas at the same time as Columbus showed up had seen a horse before the Spanish arrived. Hell, no one in the Americas had seen a horse for thousands of years.
Hyuk Hyuk
stay mad cuckfederate
Or 2002 Furfaggots.
>states rights
this is what rednecks still tell themselves
Ah fuck that's a great image
A lot of it was rooted in the peculiar institution, but there were definitely other causes.
Lincoln getting elected without a single Southern state pissed a lot of people off. They felt like how downstate Illinois folk feel about Chicago politically at that point.
Granted, we all know that Lincoln's abolitionist status caused that sentiment in the South, but fuck, I'd be pissed if not just my vote, but even my electorate's vote would never matter.
Don't forget this helpful website
"The american revolution was solely won by a bunch of farmers using guerrilla tacticts. "
Lets forget the German boy lover who taught them how to fight like a normal army.
Their claim to "being native" is shaky at best. It's more a political thing, with Northern Europeans desperately wanting a token native people for themselves.
How does Texas maintain a rather large immigration population yet still maintain a 100 IQ, whilst some northern states with high white population have the same IQ?
Or is this just bullshit?
Also, education rank?
Christ, /pol/fags are retards sometimes
> Poland dindu nuffin wrong and totally weren't imperialist just like their neighbors.
> Carthaginians were black.
> The Islamic Caliphates were all universally tolerant.
Could we adhere more to this please?
I'm no historian, but I love this board cause I learn interesting shit here. Please don't assume everyone knows exactly what you're talking about the Ottomans doing several millennia ago.