/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, May 16th:
1204 – Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders is crowned as the first Emperor of the Latin Empire.
1811 – Peninsular War: The allies Spain, Portugal and United Kingdom, defeat the French at the Battle of Albuera.
1891 – The International Electrotechnical Exhibition opens in Frankfurt, Germany, and will feature the world's first long distance transmission of high-power, three-phase electric current (the most common form today).
1527 – The Florentines drive out the Medici for a second time and Florence re-establishes itself as a republic.
1943 – The Holocaust: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ends.

EU4 DD 09/05

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Has anyone noticed that in Vicky, the AI seems to get higher warscore from battles than the player? I've inflicted some pretty crushing defeats over numerically superior forces, and yet I rarely get above 5 and never above 10. Yet the AI can defeat me with a numerically and technologically similar force and get 15+. It doesn't bother me a great deal because it makes up for the AI being retarded, but it's kind of frustrating at times.

I'm lesbian

demien is w&b


Reposting: Ok, I know this issue was talked about a lot but I still can't find a solution to this. I have mod folder and mod file extracted right here, as far as I know this is the correct place, yet the game doesn't let me select MEIOU and taxes from launcher or play the mod automatically. wat do?

Hello fellow lesbian.

M&T is W&B

mod folder in eu4

You are dumb, you have to go to the steam folder and put it in the mod folder of eu4 there(which is in the common folder, itself under steamapps there iirc)

Oh shit Scandinavia. I didn't even notice.

w-what did the british soldies do with the zulu women?

> steam folder
No, mods go into Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis 4/mod.


It always works when I put it in the steam folder so that's the folder


The plague managed to wipe half of my urban pops from the capital and exclusively around the capital (i.e the most developed area in my nation). At least it passed with some insignificant -40 total pops lost so it's not that bad I guess. Hope I don't get RNGed like that again

Is there a CK2 mod that allows me to take captured children (of both gender) as concubines?

piratefag so no steam folder for me

.mod goes to computer/local disk/program files/europa universalis/mod and folder itself stays at documents/paradox interactive?

fuck off pedo

GOAT name placement

create the mod folder in eu4 and transfer m&t over

It's like you retards can't fucking read.

It's probably easily moddable, like one line of text setting the age limit

Put both in Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis/mod.
Don't listen to the other guy, putting it in the install folder leads to major bugs

Can you copy paste that text into a post so I can have the Google lady read it to me? Thank!

it's about humiliation.
Imagine turning the firstborn son and heir of your enemy into your catamite

but will childrens family get a negative modifier automatically?

fuck off pedo

what le fuggg

If it's something that happens with adults, then yeah probably

Thanks. works like a charm

>leaving memet invasion on

my brother

>he didn't turn off that awful meme

>he forget to disable meme invasion
Serves you right.

other user here, never played ck2

how does meme invasion work? can you push aztecs out of europe, or are they here to stay?

Damn that's old. Either you're a newfag thinking that's still used at the chan or you just came from the past.

There are there to stay permanently, nothing you can do about that.

Everyone told you not to install that shit when you asked what DLC to buy and we told you you could pirate it

meme invasion is a western-europe alternative for the mongol invasion because paracuck can't make an interesting game

Generally here to stay unless you built up hell of an Empire to push them back.

I've never used it so I wouldn't know. I don't see a reason you couldn't though
If you convert to EUIV, Aztecs and Inca will be western level empires btw

>ragging on old memes

Hello newfag.

Is spurdo the superior bear?

Well this is going to speed things up


i-is this anorther LE ebin prussiums grobben run? PRAISE KEK SHADILEY!!!! simply literally EBIC :^^))!!!!!!!!

t. asshurt roach

>my doctor is a lunatic leper
what could go wrong?

>implying there's interactions between different mechanics in paradox games


actually there are


Leprosy isn't infectious you IDIOTS

>t. 12 year old Eu4 player

Times change hombre. Hell just look at this general.

What are your plans? Try and force status quo on everyone or just go full Gross? Force nations to let new nations go and then proceed to break yourself up for no real reason?


What mod is that?

Game of Thrones

I should have probably made myself clearer. Is there a mod around wish such interactions for vanilla (or HIP)?

there's a lewd ck2 mod somewhere, i dont remember what it is called, just google it

bigots are NOT welcome in /gsg/

lmao thats u

Is there any fucking strategy to survive as granada?

>playing as sand people

the strategy is holding your girlfriend's hand while she takes the bull

Yeah probably

Just play Flanders or Holland or something

just use the grenades bro

convert to christianity

>tfw no elite Granadan Grenades Grenadiers Corps

No shit.


Why those in particular?

>delays mod for 4 hours to build anticipation
wtf it got so many downloads xD

cause the mod is shit

Ally morocco and tangiers and tunis (at least 2 of them) and conquer Portugal. If the AI can do it then so can you. If you can't then you suck at the game.

/gsg/ droned on for months about POPS IN EU XD but it's just abstract scores.
oh boy, this province has 2 pop score! EPIIIIIIIC
Vicky POPs are better. Even Vicky 1

>tfw to dumb to play DH

Hi guys are we allowed to post about our favourite red pilled politicians here?

pic related its the based mom of France, le pen she is going to BTFO all jews this 2016 election

Too soon.



le Penis is shit SHIT!
she is funded by Israel and Russia RUSSIA!

what the flipping shit does MEIOU stand for?

It's French for "meow".


>25 years later
Looks reasonable and historical to me.

The pops in Mayo are deeper than that. Actually play the game and explore the menus you fucking retard.

Mihi Est Imperare Orbi Universo
It is something along the lines of "It is to me to command the entire world."

It is a play on the Austrian motto AEIOU (Austriae Est Imperare Orbi Universo)

Send help

that sounds gay as fuck


Lets not forget the image next time

Alles Erdreich ist Österreich untertan.
Meaning "All the world is subject to Austria."

i want to have christian dualist run in mayo
reccomend me as what country

>back to square one again

Yeah they really need to fix this shit spawning several times per century. It's almost making me start a nation in India/Indonesia just to avoid this shit mechanic

What do you mean by dualist run

its a branch of christianity that you can convert from start dude

> Yeah they really need to fix this shit spawning several times per century.
Historically plagues returned every generation, m8.

Plagues ravaged Yurop and the mideast until the modern age.

jewish revisionim

filtered, hidden and reported

Yeah wtf the Middle East was the most advanced region in the world and they had Medicine and Hospitals unlike those racist christian E*ropeans who burned every medic who tried to do science and shit

I'm going to experiment with this by saving before a battle and seeing if either side gets more warscore.

I know but it spawned 4 times so far. 3 of them inside my borders, 2 of them right on top of my capital. At the moment I have even less pops than I started with while everyone else is exponentially growing

Kinda annoying tbqh lads

God I hate white people