>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Tharja is shit
SoVs are cute. Cute!
But she's breedable shit.
*Blocks your Path*
>So next Gauntlet
>Archers Vs Ninjas
I think we can realistically expect this.
First for my hand and/or aching blood.
Maybe next time
Is 5* Olivia worth it?
Is 5* Xander worth it if you can give him Fury 3 + Vantage with Cav memes?
t. Abu Bakkhar bin Aladdin
Ayy c'mere you
t. Pedro De Fuego Jesus Gonzales
Love this cute tsun, make her feel special! Severa deserves happiness!
>I...I hope this isn't too forward, but I'd like you to see my newest dance. I chose the choreography in honor of our world...and the relationship you and I share
Ok /feg/, please help me, I'm probably a moron, but this drives me nuts.
>gauntlet leader I play with is currently selected team
>gauntlet leader friends play with is leftmost team
>defense team for arena is also leftmost team
So...the defense team leader is by default the unit friends get for the gauntlet? That can't be right, can it?
She is very good against greens (Hectors) at 4*
Do I go quick riposte or vantage on Xander?
It looks like QR is better, but since I don't have QR3 I'd have to settle for QR2 which'll hurt my score in the arena.
time to tip the scales
>start Echoes
>reach up to Clair, all good so far
>next map is a giant barren square with overpowered enemies rushing at you from turn 1
What the fuck?
Should I just go and promote my villagers? They're just level 6-7 still.
Takes Robin a few hours to make more score than all of last round for him. HMM.
>leddit memes
>tfw it looks like she's grabbing her right boob
No, that's right.
It's not so complicated, really. it's just that gauntlet friends get the leader of the same team you're using for arena defense. The two things aren't linked, it's just coincidentally how it works.
dumb robincucks, get more points
It is almost like all the gauntlet teams consolidated into two different teams or something!
I want to have a sexual relationship with her!
How long until we get the gauntlet orbs?
Yeah the possibility of getting more stats by keeping them as villagers is heavily outweighed by the needed power of a diverse group of units.
If you turn her in a red Azura then yes.
>Robinfags are all about playing tactics games to beat sheer numbers
>Tharjafags just try to unga bunga everything to death
Did they even mention gauntlet orbs this time?
yeah you should generally promote asap
Why do they make Olivia such a titty monster in almost all nonoffical art?
don't do it chrom, you'll breed an ancient evil
>makes her mom cheat on her dad on multiple occasions
>goes back in time to marry a guy version of her mom
>gives birth to the woman that her mom is a reincarnation of, and that looks like her mom
Her psyche must be a fascinating thing indeed.
Ah, ok. Thanks.
It sucks because I want Xander as defense leader, but I want gauntletfriends to get my Hector. But oh well, gauntlet's almost over, guess I'll just keep Hector on for the day.
What is she like in official art?
But she is a titty monster.
Press F to pay respects to Robinfags
Is Cipher and Heroes art not official?
Holy shit she looks like a caveman.
Shes got a sizeable chest but everyone makes them huge
what difficulties does Echoes have? I heard there's no lunatic
So what are the recommended promotions for the villagers? I know people are recommending Tobin as a mage, but what about Kliff?
Those tits are yuge
I would drink milk from them
tfw Kozaki will never release all the official art for Fates
Kliff should also be a mage.
Gray works well as a Mercenary
Tobin as an Archer or Mage
Faye as a Cleric for Physic.
Or you can make them all Mages and see how far you can take it, I got to chapter 4 before the English version released.
I once made them all Cavaliers, they were all worthless.
You are silly.
Normal and Hard, Classic and Casual
tobin is a better mage and you dont want two
Normal and Hard. Hard is enough of a challenge, I don't see how Lunatic would work just because of how risky some tactics may end up being.
>Tharja will never knock you out with hexes, drag you back to her cave, and have her way with you
that sucks. hope they don't go Breath of The Wild and make Lunatic difficulty paid DLC.
Anyone know how hard hard mode is?
>You don't want two mages in a game where a lot of the enemies have 0 res because no-one has fucking res in Valentia
Yeah sure buddy, it ain't the most optimal, but it isn't a bad idea either.
Just use amiibo goy.
Cipher is official art.
Are we getting Narcian tomorrow?
how do we stop the waifus from winning every gauntlet?
>Not getting Anna fags as dummy partners
>Unable to collect greens flags
Where the fuck are they?
Hard mode has a few challenging fights but battles are all about outlasting the enemy since damage taken rarely breaks single digits unless a mage is involved.
>reviews drop today apparently
Considering how Rev got praise i have no clue what to expect. You can grind and there's full VA so casual journos should like it.
>Adding even more units with 4 movement and ass durability to the army
Sure barely anyone has res but you don't really need to make Kliff and Tobin into mages. Luthier will pretty much end up doing whatever the extra would have done without any training.
Have a gauntlet with no waifus
Reminder that if you actually grind in Echoes, no matter the difficulty, you're a massive faggot and you'll be on par with a game journalist.
>You can grind and there's full VA so casual journos should like it
as a casual myself the full VA and the writing is about the only things I enjoy so far
They just have to lopside it in favor of the guys with a bunch of lesser known girls and more prominent guys (Put Ryoma in a Mym vs Merc gauntlet and watch him dominate like Camilla did). The lazy answer though is to just drop Ike or Hector in one them.
Kliff does learn Thunder the earliest, making him the safest and longest range mage for at least 2 chapters.
well i don't do that
That would be relevant if Kliff didn't have ass for AS and requires eating up all of the speed boosts just to not get doubled by even archers.
it's going to get low scores because there's no waifushit, it's not casual friendly even on casual, and the fatigue system
In this case by nuking mexico
Why not
Best duo banner when
So that's what Est is supposed to look like. FEH portrait is so fucking bad
Not saying you do, just saying that Echoes really isn't a game that needs grinding to beat.
>not feeding speed boosts to Lukas so he can become a very fast Baron killing at a very fast pace
Catria is so hot.
did you get her yet
>Doubling anything worth a damn in hard
Why is she impressed? At that point she's already a veteran at fighting the damn things and knows they can be rather easily killed.
>tfw you realise Abel is not laughin in his FE1 portrait but it's actually his buck teeth.
Where can I see Lloyd's art? I heard it was horrible and I want to laugh.
I don't want to get cucked.
Dragon dragons weren't that common of an enemy type until 3. They were mainly bosses and minibosses in 1.
I'm just kidding around, I usually spread the speed boosts about to avoid people getting doubled, Lukas is the god of Alm's side though, without him I couldn't have beaten Berkut's fights
A guy with no pants still dragged his dick across their face and killed off a good number of them.
>want one bad
>don't want to miss out on summer units
>daily orbs stopped again
>nothing about SoV US release bonus
What do I do?
To be fair, Marth is probably one of the few characters who got nerfed in every rerelease of FE1.
>tfw she has to hold it because her top is torn