/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Best girl edition

>Stormblood Theme song


>Callback Campaign

>Patch 3.57 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Letter from the Producer LIVE XXXVI Set for May 22!

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>New info on class changes for 4.0

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

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peanut sauce located

I need cute Au Ra's

I would fantastia into an Au Ra if I didn't hate the horns.

>yfw stormblood gets worse and worse as news about it comes out



Pick a sex slave

Holy shit, MY GUYS


servers up when

>and they look like shit

As expected from the pissdrinkers.

14.5 hrs

S'eihai, but instead of a slave we'd just be friends.

Less than 12 hours to see euros rage transfer.

>all these fags who suddenly get hype because of a shitty trailer or ability preview

Post rooms

Yeah, my skin legit crawled from looking at all that shit on their necks and faces

I don't mind the grandma though. I think


>put filter over cutscenes
>some of them have major spoilers
>make it a trailer

Redpill me on Eun Kai

i'd pick epperson

Cause being his friend worked out really well for rune and flat right?

Shana, I love sloppy seconds

I'm really happy he fucked off to /wowg/ where he belongs.

I really can't think of any reason why there would be little bars over every debuff icon like that, can someone explain this one?

say something nice about him

esuna-able debuffs because nobody wants to remember which debuffs are esuna-able

this disappoints my autism greatly as a whm

>ability preview
>not hype and shitposting festival

He saved the game

Red pill me on Evie Fiona.

I don't know any of the drama, his c@ was just cute and he seemed like a fun person last time I was here like 8mo ago.

Just go talk to Sol. He's much better in every regard.

Lol what, wouldn't it just be easier to mark the ones you CAN'T esuna?

I want Yotsuyu to step on me!

Dead game but still has less shitty wait times than this

He dropped a flaming dragon god onto a wretched mess that corrupted the august name of Final Fantasy, then rebuilt it into a perfectly respectable game. A tremendous success on all fronts.

yoshi works in odd ways`

I think not marking the ones you CAN'T esuna makes them in line with the buffs, which you wouldn't esuna to begin with

I'm not sure about that mark though. I thought it's a progress bar but maybe it'll grow on me since the blue would instantly contrast with most debuff icons and make them noticeable

I just saw them moving in the Final Fantasy servers to the server farm at the end of my street. We win bros!

>remove original idea
>make a wow clone
>get rewarded with billions of dollars

I didn't like 1.x but you're a kike if you believe Yoshida is making the game any better in terms of originality.

there's not a lot of stuff you can remove in end game content tho

i guess if they're manually flagging every single ability and going back to level 5 mobs then yea it's more effort to do all the stuff that is cleansable


Kiss, Flat, now Evie, who is next to get eliminated?

what happend

Moni already got elminated in a devastating manner, he got doxxed superhard and we discovered his name is Jeff.

>all three of them still post
>one spams the thread daily


Stormblood is going to have a much worse start than heavensward.

>3.56 closed almost every tie we had with heavensward and the loose ends left for stormblood are really boring
>no new race
>new areas look generic
>2 new dps for the already long ass queues
>theme song is trash compared to dragonsong and answers
>most of the new QOL and utility info is trash like swimming and weeb housing.

Meant millions. Just woke up a few hours ago, no bully.

Being original isn't always a smart move. Case in point: 1.x

You take a foundation and put your own spin on it instead. Being a wow clone that doesn't have performance issues out the ass makes it vastly accessible to a good deal of people

Yeah I guess you guys are right, and heck who knows maybe the little glowing bar on the debuffs will make bad healers notice them r-right?

naka bp

How will he ever recover now that we know his name.


>no performance issues

my cpu goes to 80C sitting in mist if i don't do anything with it, meanwhile other games make it 50C

Moni is a BOY?!

How were any of them eliminated? They all post here, no normal person gives a fuck if their name is made public.

you should de_dust your pc. last time i did it shaved off 10C from my processor, down to around 60 per core. my gpu usually goes to 80-83

with that said i've never been to mist, but i've played shittier looking games that are more stressful than this. for a game with particle effects out of the ass like this it's really impressive how it managed to keep everything together

I'm most disappointed by the lack of big gameplay changes.
Can hit as a stat and TP be removed already?
And all the fucking debuffs like slashing?
I still have a little bit of hope that they just haven't bothered to mention changes like that and they're on the way.

what cpu
what games

Do you prefer a race to play a class that suits them?

i clean my case monthly and keep up with my house. it's not dust, it's just ffxiv being very cpu reliant so i have to manually lower it

80 is pretty high user
you should fix that

>play on NA from EU
>120 ish ms ping
>forced to play on a toaster that can only pump 15 fps
>clear coil on each their respective patches

Trust me, xiv has one of the most optimized clients in the current MMO scene. Gotta thank ps3 for that, it doesn't use a lot of memory and it looks pretty on the absolute minimum settings.
And yes i got a new pc since then.

>cpu running at 80c over extended periods of time
you guys are literally destroying your cpu and shaving years off its lifespan

yes and it triggers my autism that you can't do that with this game since you just have everything on one character

Taking a solid foundation (WoW) and making vast improvements (freely swapping between jobs on one character, reasonably paced GCD, healers that can swap to DPS, fun and engaging classes in general) is supremely respectable.

what happened to evie

Does anyone get annoyed when they hear people defend things in this game with things like

>It costs too much to develop
>hiring one guy to ban goldbots too expensive
>making unique armor versions that don't clip is too hard
>Moving characters is a lot of work that's why it costs money
>They're just optional items on top of the base game fee and monthly subscription

I don't know what this post is I just want to act upset in a random message board sorry. Enjoy a Elezen monk whitemage Loli.

give me the rundown on sacramento servers

Where is Kiss?
I miss him...

sometimes I wake up and I'm sad
then I realize I'm in LEAF and it feels better

Who is this dong drainer

i think the danger point is 90 for my card and it runs most other intensive things at 80 anyway. i don't monitor it constantly so it probably only spikes to 80 during autism zones like limsa and quarrymill while being in the 75 range otherwise

i could probably fix that but it's a 5+ year old PC so i might as well wait to buy a new one right

Everything works on my character desu

An alt

>solid foundation (WoW)

if you are eu don't even bother to play on aether or primal, projections show an increase of 80-100 ping from previous location

>solid foundation
>anything using the trinity

Why are goldbuyers bad? Gil barely matters in FFXIV.

>I'm just gonna mock a foundation of gaming history and one of the biggest successes of all media 'cause.. y'know.. it wasn't perfect or anything

>tfw my ping incresed from 15ms to 80ms

I guess I won't be playing stormblood...

All three had their irl pictures posted. Evie last thread, flat a while ago, why do you think he hasn't avatarfagged for weeks?

>NA is relocating its severs
>EU can't play because of this

Fucking burgerclaps ruin everything

>making unique armor versions that don't clip is too hard
That's actually a engine issue and devs rather have clipping than having to adjust every single piece of equipment fit with each other.

>Moving characters is a lot of work that's why it costs money
It works as a limiter or else people would be moving servers left and right to buy low sell high on different servers.

Wew, switching over to Odin two weeks ago was a good idea.

why are you retards trusting some random ip before the servers are even officially up

They're annoying, they shit up the marketboard areas with their awful advertisements and they make gil significantly more useless than you perceive it to be.
It's disgusting.

good one

Jesus, when did this happen? I've been out of the game for a while, I don't come here as much as I used to.

holy shit another yysara erp alt

The big servers don't have any. Just move to Gilg/Balmung.

>evie is an adorable asian boy
i would destroy that bp

Epperson should be listed as well then, also is Evie's pic in the archive?

That's what I did, now the only big issue is seeing levelling bots every so often

what the fuck happen with the 60 day gamecard ? price rise from 18 to 29 eur and its out of stock on every web i checked. SE did something legal to the websites selling em?

>doing MSQ in coerthas
>have to fight kinda tough enemy
>6 nigger mage lalas appear from the wall next to me bombarding it to death with fire I before vanishing into the ground
thanks bots

When people say a graphical upgrade such as going back to 1.0 models would be "selfish" because it would be excluding third worlders who play on toasters.

Also it does kind of bother me that an MMO with a subscription model would have anything behind a cash shop.

>price rise from 18 to 29
You really shouldn't be paying 18 for a 60 day card when 30 days is around 13€


jesus why are so many of you guys asians.

shit happens, wow have been like that for a while. websites like g2 and such sells 60days way cheaper that what you should be paying for a two months on a lot of other mmos

evie is a nigger lmao
