Tea party edition!
Tea party edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
First for #1 support
is Annie the only loli champ
a tsundere older sister that bullies her would be neat
>even remembering rylai meta for a second
Best goat
They never said she stays in targon, if you read Mt Targons lore theres alot of crazy creatures going down from there. Scarjo, intern at Riot confirmed that Soraka appeared at targon but
Anyone up on OCE? Leveling account now
How do you feel about the incomming voice chat?
>Remembering Rylai on Viktor meta
>crawling towards him at 70% movespeed before hed even dropped his W
As for skins though, there's plenty of possibility. Tribal/shaman theme; "Gentleman" theme (transforming people into tea cups or top hats); Western theme (with a broomstick horse thingy instead of a staff), etc.
>Make non-lulu thread 10 posts early
>Insta deleted
>Lulufag spams pics nonstop for no reason to reach image limit and create new thread 50 posts early
>Oy vey of course that's within the rules you stupid goy
who even cares
its not like you get (you)s for being the OP
who are the top bans after lulu, lee sin, and yasuo?
probably wont use it, this playerbase will just be crying for ganks or roams, limiting the amount of useful info.
Perhaps would consider muting anyone that shows toxicity.
Also I have a terrible voice which I am ashamed for.
I like this themes.
But wouldnt Lulu be a "misstress" or something and not a gentleman?
The janitor cares a lot obviously
>tfw having not played in months, having a good life, finished exams and coming back to the game to rage at asian children that play league all day
Play Mordekaiser bot
I might order this one
Is the kogmaw figure any better in RL?
It looks so shitty but I love kog and kinda want a cute figure of him
This thread is literally justified
Cry more lil nigga
>dashless melee beating range
is this what it's like in bronze
Only in your deranged minds
gentleman is the established name of the theme though
Rek'sai has killed lulu forever.
Lulu is dead
yeah but so far no woman has a skin for it
They really should expand on it, its a fanbase favorite theme, people love the gnar and cho one.
Was there even a 3rd?
Predictions for next pbe cycle?
this is fake you can tell by the pixels and stuff
ribbon yasuo skins
lulu is dead
>someone does something bad that I dont understand
>stay focused
>they type something negative in chat
>suddenly turn into a psycho
it takes quite a lot to actually get me to type in chat but It drives me over the edge when someone who isn't even trying has the nerve to criticise the rest of the team
>Get reksai in aram
>Build AP and watch my team go ballistic because I'm memebuilding
Wew lad.
>dashless melee beating range
xth for breast metal waifu
Yasuo and Riven skins
Urgot or Eve rework
Rek'sai and Kindred changes
I hope Rek'sai can top lane like she once could after these changes hit.
ap reksai is useless most of the time tanks are much more valuable, fuck your memebuilds play to win
>hope one day u join islam
>the right religion
So we're sticking with this thread? Fine then
First 3, 6, or 9 decides my next champion
If the Urgot rework was next patch they would have teased it by now
xth for best bot lane
the true hero of EUW
>jungle flashes in when the enemy isn't even at half health
>no idea what's going on, try to make the best of it and get some damage down
>he walks away
>suddenly rages about this shit bot not following up and how he's just gonna afk because these neckbeards ruining summer
>just go off on him about how much damage all three of us do, how we were never gonna kill them, how their summs were up as shown by my summoner timers in chat, how his path was shit and he's losing to the other jungler, how his winrate was tanking because he kept trying to 1v5 instead of playing the same game
>eventually just start taking all his camps and pointing out how he can't even secure monsters so how is he gonna smite drag/baron
Kled gets his mount back way too easily
I believe thats part of the goal, making her able to get some damage and not go full tank. heck her ult seems excellent for toplane quarrels
t. I just lost to a fotm shitter Kled
Fuck off. Go nerf something else.
New PBE today or next week?
A few files for urgot and eve have shown up on the PBE recently. Both of them are pretty much done from what I understand. I think Urgot has been done for a while since his whole new model was on PBE for like a day and then they were like "oh shit this is bad" so they pulled it back. That was like 4 months ago. Also they don't generally give 2 week teasers to VUs, they prefer to drop them out of nowhere because if they were to tease it everyone would already know who it's for.
>3 basic attacks and an unmissable abilitiy
>its weak guys he even has an AS steroid to help get it back no nerf pls
>Caitlyn and Ahri nerfs finally
It makes me excited. I like Rek'sai alot and played her top when she could, then they made her stop doing damage at all and still fall off. I'll miss having her ult as a free teleport but still, more damage is always nice.
I don't drop anything I like but I just can't play her jungle because I don't jungle. Being able to play her top as a bruiser or even just a fighter is making me quite happy already. Also her designer wanted to make her an all AD thing rather than a knock-up bot.
I like these. Are there any more?
Game needs more items and item diversity
Prove me wrong
they dont want her to be top, she was specifically designed for jungling and you know how autistic riot can be about new champs and role selection
No fuck off.
Tired of shitters like you whining and nerfing my champions. Suck my dick. Fuck you. Go nerf Yasuo or some shit like you always do.
removal of morello's when?
you are right
especially new active items, or niche items
I dont think Morelloes needs to be nerfed
I think Chalice needs to be made as an actually good item.
Guys? Anyone?
>I jump on hilariously broken champions then complain when they're rightfully nerfed
that's all you're telling me
>Annie will never call you onii-chan
Feels bad
>I lost to something I've never fought before and this is because it was never picked until MSI
thats what you're telling me. Fuck off shitter.
The real comfy BF's
So I just got this slut from a contest. Should I start using her?
Why do I even bother with this children game? I feel nothing but anger and frustration
>not Graves x TF
Where's my shotgun knees
she tilts people with her burst so yes!
kassadin is fun
she is really boring
I've never fought before
except nowhere did I imply that, unlike you
kled wins every time, because you work hard to knock him off his retard, and then in 3 seconds he can have it back up again, giving him sustain better than anyone not rushing at least 20% lifesteal and dueling power rivaled only by Fiora
>It's a "Team agrees that the magic of friendship saved the day" game
My god leveling up takes forever. This is killing me
I wanna fly with Lulu!
what roles and champs do you play?
I want to get HIGH with Lulu if you know what I mean
Meme runes?
Nice. I have a shard for Wildfire too
you already posted that lulu image in the thread
get something different
So opinions for chat voice? i mean riot will implent this shit. in US good idea, but in europe with so many languages.
Calling any Azirbros: I just got him plus I have his Soldier 76 skin, how do I make my empire proud? What do?
Zyra is fun
he fucking deleted it so he can post it again
cocaine should be a newspaper clipping
Syndra, viktor, ahri or orianna?
Got enough ip for one, want to get into the whole midlane mage thing (my best role is adc), those seem like a decent choice, not to say I got skins ready for the first two. Listed in order of personal preference but I'm not completely sure if I should get the syndra.
I deleted my first post because it might trigger some people
Who has the best butt in the game?
Can someone smarter than me tell me if Kindred is going to be good after these changes? Busted? Awful?