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/sthg/ #761 - Create a Character edition

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>Create a character
>Not Donut Steel edition


First for our lord and savior.

>Making OC donuts means you could potentially create the Freedom Fighters
Another reason to avoid this shit.





>Post yfw you accepted the CaC theory and saw that it was right.


>Original The Character Donut Steel

>New Sonic Mania trailer
>Classic Sonic running through GHZ
>Looks up with a cute twinkly animation
>screen scrolls up
It's Wisps

>catering to the autistic SA2 deviantart audience

Abandon ship. Mania is now all that matters

Cuck the Hedgehog

Might as well feed on the money of hardcore autists.

I'll name mine "Xeno".........take a wild fucking guess why.

So seriously. How do you think Sonic games are gonna move forward from here?

Are all games gonna have OC McGee now?

Why.... just.... Why, Sega?

This was probably the worst thing they could do.

>The Hero Character will also have a grappling hook to quickly traverse across zones.
>We could've gotten Big instead of this horse shit

I never pre ordered in the first place, but this made it easy for me to avoid the game entirely.

Looking forward to someone making coldsteel and posting him in the thread tho.

>3 threads right now
Finaly OC make sonic alive once again ty based SEGA

I really hope Mania outsells Forces. It's for the good of the franchise now.

This is what is called "creative bankrupcy"

Somebody please tell me this shit is fake.

This is the most cringeworthy retarded thing I've ever seen. And I've played Ow the edge

So I guess this leak is confirmed too then?

Sega could have literally spent their money on anything else in terms of a game and have done better. Both for Sonic Boom and This.


>Sees the trailer
What exactly is the problem & what's exactly causing this meltdown? I'll need to see more gameplay before giving a final judgement, but it seems fine. And I've never really got why you guys are so against an OC creator. I mean outside of not being able to play as Sonic's friends, what is so wrong with an OC creator?

>I really hope Mania outsells Forces.
Keep hoping. It's not even going to come close.

Hi /sthg/!

/tesg/ and /dbg/ with skyrim and xenoverse!

this is the beginning of the end, pray to whatever god you worship, it will do no good

you couldn't have prevented this, there was nothing you could do, i'm sorry

good bye

>I need to see gameplay
The gameplay is the worst fucking part.
Looks even worse than boost. And I realize how rediculous that sounds.

>Nostalgia pandering is good for the franchise

No. Just because Forces is bad for the franchise doesn't mean that Mania is the way forward. It's good side stuff that I don't begrudge, but...the franchise needs somewhere to go.

>Tfw no bats

Guess Beamz will have to be a cat.


Not even a classicfag, but I'm only getting mania now.

xth for echidna dlc

Feels wrong. It's encouraging some of the worst parts of the fandom. Also, yeah, I'm fucking livid they decide to do this instead of, god forbid, Tails or Amy gets to be playable.

On top of that, I have no faith he/she will be incorporated well into the story.

Nah. 2D is all that works. Most fans agree.

It's a Reference to Xenoverse

I must've not woken up this morning right? I must still be dreaming of this bizarre joke.

I'm all for them continuing to Expirament. Adventure failed and so has boost, but 2D sprite play needs to stay.

You do realize the custom char is replacing Tails right? I'm expecting time-travel shenanigans.

That's because it's the only thing that fans agree on.

Not with the current people in charge of pushing forward.

I will not buy this game.

It now represents not only everything wrong with modern sonic gameplay, but also everything wrong with the fanbase

YOu shouldn't have woken up this morning. Go back to sleep and never come back.

>Adventure and boost have failed


Well, I would certainly agree this is the main problem.

Fair enough

This looks... absolutely terrible

What, some 3D cinematic bullshit that tells a story instead of being a good game? The more Mania-type games we get, the better.

>a literal numale OC
It's just self mockery at this point. Watch them put in clothing items with memes and slogans on them.

Preorder canceled

From the 3 seconds we've seen, it doesn't look to be worst than Boost. Which is why I said I'm gonna wait to see more until giving my opinion on it.

>It's encouraging some of the worst parts of the fandom.
user, the Sonic series existing encourages those people to continue making their own OCs. I hate the fact Tails & Amy aren't playable either, but I'm not gonna shit on the OC creator just because of it. And again, besides their hatred for OCs at all, why do people hate the idea of OC creator so much that they're now saying they're gonna drop Forces over it?


RIP sonic

I hope Mania fails and Forces sells gangbusters.

classicucks belong in graves.

Your loss buddy.

Yet it'll sell amazingly because it's streamer and autism bait.

OC world, here we come.

God this looks bad

Guess I'll have extra money for the holidays at least. Maybe I'll pick it up down the line, but right now, I'm not feeling it.

>It's good side stuff that I don't begrudge, but...the franchise needs somewhere to go.
Adventure failed
Boost failed
Physics based gameplay is the only good formula the series has ever produced. Deviating from a successful format is regression

Video games don't HAVE to be bad if they're in 3D user. Other companies (and other teams within the same company) make perfectly find 3D games. Let's just call it what it is. Sonic Team is incompetent. Iizuka is incompetent.

>Sonic Forces
>Sonic Mania
>Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3
Screw you guys, I get three games this year.

Not gonna waste my money on this cringe shit.

We all know, and you're not that clever

What's Futaba doing in a Sonic game?

Aaaaaannnnd just like that, if there was still any doubt, mania won the war

They could've at least made it look good or fun.

>2D is all that works. Most fans agree.

Wrong. Only mentally ill retrofags and people who hate Sonic think that.

>Aaaaaannnnd just like that, if there was still any doubt, mania won the war
Mania won the second it was released.
It's been consistently much more popular.

Then I guess 9/10 sonic fans are mentally retarded

The gameplay annoys me more than the OC

>Classic Sonic
It's not even classic Sonic, in the first game of Geen Hill there's ramps and shit to show you what it's like to be a ball platformer, and in this, it's lazy level design which is blocky as shit, you just kind of run into a spring next to an edge and jump as soon as you touch it.

>Modern Sonic
You hold forward and boost.
I like boost gameplay, and this looks meh, like, taking in the scene rather than doing anything

It just looks unfun.
It's enemies above a bottomless pit terms of level design. Like, you could use the grapple for challenge but no, just timed button presses to zoom to the next bit.

So how come Rouge the Bat has wings attached to her back instead of them being part of her arms?
Is that normal for her race?

Don't you fucking taint my wife with this shit.

>From the 3 seconds we've seen

Have you not seen the gameplay video?

I didn't say 3D games were bad, I said 3D cinematic bullshit is bad. And no shit, we know Sonic Team and IIzuka are fuck-ups. This is why we want Mania to succeed, hopefully leading to a point where we can get a good transition to 3D handled by people who know how Sonic works.

And if we only get 2D games, so be it. Good games over shitty ones.

>a romhack with recycled levels

classicuck please

>only people that like sonic gameplay hate sonic
I can already play temple run 17 on my phone, thanks but no thanks.

Jesus Christ that looks horrible.
All my money on mania

That's the problem with this. Whatever role you could give the OCs could be given to an already existing character. We got playable OCs before we got playable main cast members.

Which just makes me sad and upset about the whole thing.

guys ? i'm scared...

>This is why we want Mania to succeed

No, we don't. Mania has consistently been divisive as shit in the community. It's only been fellated by casuals.

I want Mania to fail. It's too much of a rehash, I thought they were joking when I read we're getting flying battery zone back. Like that wasn't even good in the first place.

Reusing my The Force Awakens argument, maybe the prequels weren't good but at least they weren't a copy of something we've already had.

Same. And I hope that this ensures we never get 3D or the shitty fucking cringe friends again. Just Sonic and Eggman in 2D with minimal story bullshit. That's what Sonic needs. Put it on PC so people can mod friends in and we're golden

I doubt Sega is going to understand your 'messaging'

They'll just think one of two things. 2D games only or "Sonic is dead and only nostalgia pandering works"

At least crack a book before shitposting

God i think this persona waifu shit is annoying but Futaba is the worst fucking character in that game

Me too, user. Me too.

It's actually significantly more populat.
Forces is the divisive topic easily.

Stop it.


Was wondering when you'd show up.

>those vocals in the gameplay trailer

Boost2Win fags on suicide watch

Here come the actual autists.

Don't make too much fun of them now guys. They're probably underage from /v/.

I'm actually really excited for this concept. It's stupid, but it's my kind of stupid. My only concern is I never had an OC, even as a kid because even then I thought the idea was dumb so now I have to actually think of one. Shit.

I grew up with the adventure games and I'm just stating facts user. They don't hold a candle to Classic Sonic and are mediocre games at their best.


I want to go back to 2011.

>in one of the /v/ threads the mods made the following video autoplay

Wrong, Mania was universally praised. Veeky Forums isn't the entirety of the internet or the fanbase.

If the footage they teased is anything to go by, Act 2 will mix things up. Again, if Mania succeeds, we could get a whole new game with all-original zones.

>2D games only
If they're good, what's the problem?


Make someone from the comics or whatever. I'm just going to pick Sonic.