Could a communist revolution happen in the present day?

Could a communist revolution happen in the present day?
Is it something that can happen on its own or does it need to have the support of a larger communist state? i.e. china, NK, Cuba etc.

I highly doubt we'll ever see anything like that again.


Maybe not in our current society, but the increasing rates of automation might create revolutionary conditions if there isn't an alternative to be found.

So overtime, workers being made redundant to technology might act as a catalyst?

Yes, I believe we will start to see so much automation that large sections of the world's population will be deemed disposable.

Something will have to change at that point or it'll be barbarism.

Not him, but yes. Low skill jobs are dying, and in the future, the only people with jobs will be the ones who service the machines.

Im asking because im working on a little story involving robots being dindus and commies. so the year is 20xx and advanced production technology replaces the need for human workers. in this situation money woes and lack of work set the stage for the return of communism?

Seeing as that was Marx's whole platform for communism (not socialism mind you) then yes. He stated that only a technologically advanced society will be able to convert to communism. But we all need to remember that human greed will always try to work it's way in somehow.

What makes you think that people will depend on work for money and survival? Some societies have already began experimenting with Citizen Wages. People will be able to devote their time to other pursuits such as art, invention, study etc

Why should it? There is nothing that points towards such a thing being relevant in this day and age all.

Hes my thoughts to begin with a revolution need a continuing fundamental cause i.e appeasement wouldnt slow it down or stop it that being said we cant have a revolution with a bunch of idiots i.e people who understand fundamentally what they are fighting for and why its right. Not because someone told them to fight. Step 1 have a really educated society , step 2 proliferarion of information at no cost those two pretty much get the ball rolling stupid ideas weed themselves out people weed them selves out . The main argument againts communism that i hear is a combination of "hur hur it never works" or "hur hur stalin" however i argue that we have never really seen a true communist society . The main fuel for a communist society is proggression after it has taken care of the life necessities of people. ( i know my gramar is shit but im using a phone). Where people say communism falls because people are willing to fuck each other over is partly true in a society that has gone from capitalism to communism because they still think the main way to get ahead is to cheat the system whereas in a true communist society it would work againts your best interest in the long run to cheat your neighbor as he can just as easily fuck you over tl:dr we cant have communism because too many retarted people and too many people not able to realize that you can survive by working toghether rather than in competition

Holy shit i wrote a lot

Also to the people who bring up the point of stagnation in tehcnological advancement i argue that you would see roughfly the same or increased production because of the need increase tech in moving forward with the collective good

Not in the next years. The remnants of communism are still clearly visible and we live in time where ideologies are a thing of the past. However if our society continue to split due to automatisation/genetic engineering, a revolution against the "elites" or whatever you want to call them wouldnt suprise me.

> Could a communist revolution happen in the present day?
Who the fuck would organize this shit? Euphoric guys like this one? There are close to zero really influential communist organizations in the world. Maybe somewhere in third world shit hole some survived, but who cares about them.

Not years maybe... maybe centuries

>What makes you think that people will depend on work for money and survival?

Because all the advantages of automation go into the hands of the managers/owners not the workers, who have to look for other work. Citizen Wages is just a reaction to this.

Inb4 eugenics

>Maybe somewhere in third world shit hole some survived
hey jason unruhe

>What makes you think that people will depend on work for money and survival?
This is literally one of the central pillars of capitalism. To do away with this would be to completely upend all modern culture. The elites that benefit from the current status quo will never allow that, even if it is self-destructive in the long term.

>Some societies have already began experimenting with Citizen Wages.
It will not go anywhere. If it does go anywhere it will be a plot to get rid of welfare for cheaper insufficient pseudo-welfare as basic income as proposed by Friedman was always intended.

If it did go anywhere it would start wrecking the entire world trade network because again insecure living is a basic building block of the capitalist system. Labor selling would be massively "distorted".

No. The reason communism spread around the world was the backing of the Soviet Union. Nowadays none of the remaining communist governments is interested in spreading their ideology, and communism is largely seen as an outdated and failed ideology.

>The reason communism spread around the world was the backing of the Soviet Union
Not really true.

>writing about commies
Jesus Christ /pol/ no one wants to read your retarded strawman fan fiction

I do, actually.
techno dystopias are my jam

I doubt we'll ever see any kind of revolution in America because everyone is a bootlicking, complacent bitch who when anyone does stuff always tries to justify whatever the "authorities" did and looks down on the protesters/rioters/looters/etc and will always, always side with the police because of Stockholm Syndrome.

It's pretty fucking pathetic how "cucked" the general population is.

>t. BLM agitator

he could be one of those three percenter militia types.

Tell me about how BLM "liberated" those nike jordans and iPhones