Yordle girls in need of help! -edition
previous adventure: eyosongive.us
Yordle girls in need of help! -edition
previous adventure: eyosongive.us
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Reminder that the Chemtech Trynd skin looks fine and even if you don't like it all the additional elements indicate Riot is at least putting more effort into skins.
Reminder that beyond Evelynn and Urgot, we have no idea who will get reworked after them or who's part of the diver udpate.
first for early threads for no reason
i like the edp videos but i've been a fan of pic related since i was a kid
no really, i have no idea
thats actually awful
the could just increase her trap CDs or something else this is waaay overkill
xth for all of you useless wastes of sperm who make threads early need to
>no idea
>hints at morgana kayle, swain and many others
Not really she'll still be cancer in lane and can get a lead from there.
>dont play Xerath support, it's a bad ide-
>Cait gets murdered
>Ahri will get something like +5 mana on rank 1 Q
wtf i love xerath support now
Riot fucking with Rammus.
Also all lewd posters and waifu fags should kill themselves and be banned. OP included.
All the Rammus changes look good EXCEPT for the self slow on W. That's fucking awful.
I don't know why they didn't make his ult a toggle.
real thread
his clears will still be shit though
>Diver update
Evelynn's VGU will probably herald or be released with it.
Screencap this
The Q being a channel looks like more of an issue
I agree, the only way for him to actually sustain constant battle when chasing people down and they go and fuck that up.
Now how am I suppose to Q ult into the enemy team and penta them.
>those nerfs
its happening again boys
i like this thread
>Get autofilled as support
>Don't even own a support champion
Every time.