League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rek'sai killed lulu edition

Not linking this thread to the lulu thread because fuck lulufag

Other urls found in this thread:


Azir is my wife.

thank fuck
doing gods work, reksaifag

Don't make a new thread just to avoid this discussion you piece of shit

Do you like the new (and improved) Sarah Fortune?

a good thread
part of me worries its for not since Lulufags can do whatever with complete immunity those cunts

how are they gonna ruin Zed in tomorrow's short?

what discussion?
the MF thing?

He'd make you his wife. Not the other way around.

Make him no longer a fun super villain?

LITERALLY ONE PATCH Sej gets to be good and is then immediately put into the dumpster. Fuck you Riot

he's going to be a saturday cartoon EVIL bad guy

she isn't a BIG OUTPLAY assassin

why do you think riot would care about her

she's not named lee sin or graves so

actual thread

>varus is good for one patch
>dumpstered immediately
Not saying it wasn't justified but what the fuck is up with Lucian then? They're not even discussing potential nerfs.

>Their draven kicks in

azir is for comfy preening feathers

>the patch she's good in won't even be played in competitive

Name a champ that would spill the most spaghetti if confronted by their love

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

Lee sin and graves are both fun to play against and as

Not assassins tho


your mascot is dead

fuck you lulufag

her passive isn't even that op, maybe aside slow immunity
her main strengh is huge dps from w and e also better braum passive

Ezreal, Lux, Shyvana, Ekko

Oh why thank you frifuck off!

Who is even canonically in love aside from Garen/Kat, the birds, and maybe rumble? Tryn and Ashe are "married" for political reasons.

>fun to play against

>Don't play Xerath support, it's a bad id-

He always was, it's part of what makes him charming.

>Better Braum passive

>it has a lulu in the op

fuckoff already I like all yordle girls

for being a double release xayah and rakan sure were forgotten quickly

please stop
i cant take it anymore
unironically sej and shyv
maybe yorick

I want to rub Kled's butt! And kiss it!

>against and as
if with that you mean as because no one else enjoys playing with/against them yeah

>Lee sin and graves are both fun to play against

No. I never have the feeling of fun knowing full well the duo Yasuo/Lee will camp my shit or burst me in a half second before I could say "Oh shit"

I'd rather be out-played then deleted.

Why does this game even have chat now that everything can be pinged? So many matches lost because two idiots start flaming each other in the chat.

Ahri I think, she's still fucked about about the one guy she killed who she was in love with. Plus in lore kitsune are incredibly shy about humans finding out what they are.

rammus will be broken
cap this

Xerath is legit support pick. He's like Vel support no one expects it but its actually really good if the guy knows what he's doing.

He is now black and has two guns.

Riot wants League of Lucian. That's why they haven't nerfed him.

thread tracker fixed fucking WHEN????

>those nerfs in patchnotes
Im getting those vietnam flashbacks again

>Lee sin is fun to play against


>garen walking down the lane
>glances to his right and sees kat
>falls to his knees and his sword turns to spaghetti
>"garen for fucks sake not in the middle of the lane"

who the fuck is yorick into

well ryze got a nerf every single patch this year
enjoy the ride it never ends.

xayah's good
rakan is hard to play effectively because you'll die because you can even ult

No you don't you're a lulufag and you're trying to hide it.

Lulu was in the OP, you started the thread early and told us to fuck off so now your thread dies.

An EIGHTY armor damage reduction from her passive early game is fucking massive. Where as you had to completely respect frost armor while it was early this is not the case anymore.

I think it was definitely too high but that is way too much to lop off all at once. Something like 50/75/100 would be better to me

redpill me on targon

>lee sin is about to die
>he q's into a camp
>catch up to him
>wards hop across the wall
>about to catch up to him again
>someone else is on him
>he ults them away
>in this time his q and w are still up
>still has the option to use the blast cone plant
Fucking retarded champion.

>this thread has more replies and more posters than the lulu thread
deletion inc

why is this allowed?

we dont know
there sure are people that love to fuck corpses
We don't know enough about romantic relations between the champions.
All we get now is "Allied with" or "Rivals with"

>Tank supports are useless.
>Coin is unironically better on Thresh
>Taric bows to the bognadoffs.


>fun to play against

Assholes, every last one of them.

what are you supposed to do when you really need to shit in the middle of a game

>they will remember Yorick Mori
>What's one more grave?
>The Maiden
Yorick is 100% into snuff, no doubt about it

I want to FUCK that dragon!

>cant ban him because I have to ban fizz now


thing is early threads are made all the time its just a gamble if people will accept it or go mad about the OP and report it
just hypocrisy
I hope we get a skin theme for all yordle girls sometime

who would have thought that "muh ranged bruiser" would have been a bad idea?


Ten bans fucking W H E N. Now that the legacy client is full go everywhere and we've even seen a preview there's zero fucking reason not to have it

Yorick is mine. And the maiden is the one getting cucked.

>literally nothing other than trynd's skin this pbe

Actually everyone hates early threads, but when lulufags post an early thread it never gets deleted even when reported.

Or in other words kys lulufav

Easiest (You)s of the day


>current year
>banning fizz

if your mid laner picks swain or kassadin against fizz, he will be a non factor during the game as long as ur mid pings mia

>ban yasuo every game because playing against it makes me wanna shoot my brains out
>fizz, lee, graves, lulu, karma unbanned

10 bans when

The only time Lee is fun to play against is when I'm on Warwick and they're dumb enough to try to fight me at level 3. Otherwise he is fucking obnoxious, like a gnat at a barbecue.

I hate Lee but I ban Ahri or Fizz because the slag and the fish I hate even more.

>Gank every lane as jungler
>My adc was 7/2 and my mid was 4/0
>They surrender at 20
>I get a B since I only had 60 cs from ganking all the time and taking every single drag asap
So if I do what I'm supposed to do as a jungler and help every lane succeed so we win I get a fucking B rating? Am I seriously supposed to just cs the entire game instead of helping? Is that what riot says I'm supposed to do as a jungler?

Fuck off tomoka


if you want an S+ on a jungler just take all the farm and get some KP

liking lulu = lulufag

What does Soraka even do other than heal and why would you play her then over Taric?

>Taric bows to the bognadoffs
I chuckled.

So lets say you have 16 champs (the minimum to allow ranked play)

Lets say that you have diamond 2 rank with just a 16 champ pool

Now lets say 10 bans went into play. What would the new required pool count be? 20?

What happens to those who were ranked that cant play ranked due to insufficient pool now?

>used to main Graves as ADC
>still play him occasionaly as AD
i never wanted this hate
can we still be friends, /lolg/?

I want to cum inside Elementalist Lux's magical pussy

E? GLOBAL heal?

>mid pings mia
>fizz still collects his free double kill bot

taric's heal blows dick

so cheap trick

>why is an aoe silence even good?

>Lulu in the op must be a lulufag
Yes, that's exactly what it means. There's literally no reason for you to make an OP with Lulu other than being a Lulufag. Unless you're a newfag, there's no reason for you to not know how everyone here hates Lulufags.

>burst healing
>can heal a carry from almost death to 100% hp with just w ult w

what do in this situation

Soraka is a better healer and isn't fucking melee. If you want a melee support then pick Blitz, Braum, or Maokai.

The cinematic actually made me want that skin even less.

Kha'Zix can also be decent against Lee Sin. I genuinely don't know how one goes about dealing with Graves.

CS holds a huge amount of weight towards what rank you get.

When I'm a jungler, if I care more about getting an S than I do about winning the game, I just farm nonstop. I gank lanes, secure kills on the enemy laners, and then go right back to farming my jungle, farming the enemy jungle, or splitpushing.

Farm your ass off and it could easily be the difference between an A+ and an S- or S.

>comparing two different supports
it's like comparing, bard and leona?
they do two different things.
soraka is THE heal support, her whole kit is about healing. you play her if you want to survive a poke heavy lane.
what can taric do against zyra/cait? stun em? good luck with that.
soraka can just sit back and heal all of their harass.

>they're going to update pings

>that ping sound

muh, dik


The cinematic actually had me more interested in malphite.

mute all
carry harder
play bard

sounds like something from Ori and the Blind Forest

fix your fucking computers text
good lord

dragon or drake?

That Tabi's change is fucking genius. Whoever thought of that should get a medal.

Makes it less hurtful against Crit ADCs and gives an actual realistic option to counter on hit stacking assholes