Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #870
Summer Fun Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


For File Acquisition errors, do one of the following:
- switch all locale/system/region/date/time/everything settings to Japanese
- keep locale locale/system/region/everything settings and run with Applocale (Win7/Win8) or Locale Emulator (Win10)
Always run as admin.


Main Site:
FAQ Image Guide:
Win10 FPS Issues? Use this:!IVA1HbwK!jZPRU9yFcCiKGGb5dokAog

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
Manual Installation [For masochists, not recommended]:

>Character Card Database: - New DB location

>Mods & More:
AA2 Pastebin:
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

Previous thread:

Local Emulator is a bitch and keeps throwing an error instead of doing its job. Anyone found something that works for W10 (Creator's Update) ?

I asked this the other thread but I think I should ask one more time.

Can the futa mod be altered by aau? I want my futa's to have bigger dicks.

They could re-release AA2 just with 3P as AA3 and I would be okay with it.

Depends. Which version of the futa mod are you currently using?

large cock no balls

AAU can probably do something for you in the body tab. Find the dick in your nude state, learn what bones it uses if any, and see if you can scale it up.

Did you try NTLEAS?

Post your most recent screenshot!

sorry i can't share my masterpieces

anyone have the card of this girl in this image

What traits can I give NPCs to make them less retarded rapists who at least take their victims to a more secluded place before forcing them? Because doing it in plain sight is guaranteed to get interrupted and I don't wanna disable interruptions alltogether.
Also who the fuck does that, anyway. Gotta be sneaky if you wanna become a successful rapist.

>tfw can't say "But I hate you" and dump her on the spot after stealing her virginity

I'm fandom garbage

pls no bully


What a messy bowl of yogurt, and how is she supposed to eat it without a spoon anyways?


She is very talented girl, she doesn't need a spoon.



I want to gently deport her back to her third world country.

Update your version of Locale Emulator.


>"D-dad, I want to get off the ride."
>"I know, son. We all do."


Is she raping you or killing you? It's hard to tell.

she's doing both in succession

There are worse ways to die.

I seem to have a problem where every girl instantly hates me no matter what option I choose, and if I do a command like follow me or something like that my game just freezes.

Anyone know how to fix this problem? I know I had it before at one point as well.


Alright cool, forgot I had local emulator. Thank you. One more question.

How do I get general subtitles? I swear I had them 20min ago but now I can't get them to work. I installed the HF patch just recently.

Finish reading the FAQ you re-
>I installed the HF patch just recently.
I give up.


>I installed the HF patch just recently.
Can you please explain how this happens? Hongfire is only maybe 2 hours a week these days and we have never once in 3 years encouraged using the HF patch. How did you even manage to get it, let alone come to us afterward?

Listen man, I haven't booted this game up in like 2 years. I'm behind.

Then it's time to update. Save you non-data files and get the preinstall.

Actually I just realized, I replaced my .dll because I was getting some weird, horrible framerate issue.

Then stop being a retard and read the OP and FAQ. No one is gonna spoonfeed you if there are guides written for newfags. If you was here 2 years ago doesn't mean you're free from reading.


user who requested her, how am I doing? Also give me traits and that shit since I haven't seen the show.




ok you get one squeeze from me but then you have to leave me alone

Finally, I fucking managed to find a locale that will let me see the models of the characters!
My dick hurts from how much it has been standing, though.

if you a girl climax.
Their nipples become hard.


why don't you have a pose mega yet?

These poses probably won't work on test11

Why? The coordinate system of the poser didn't change. All that changed was how we get to those points. Test11 poses work in test12, and test12 poses should work in test11.


The way rotations are handled and saved did change. You can't load test12 poses in test11.

I'm just 2lazy to upkeep yet another Mega folder. Maybe after I update the cards mega and release test12

I might as well give her the striped socks while I'm at it.

She looks great. You are too kind!

Traits/items/personality stuff would still be much appreciated.

I'm thinking...groupie, jealous, lewd, impulsive, naive and meddlesome. Evil, if you're into that (I'm not). I never bother with items, so can't help ya there.

>ban evading

Oh right, personality too. Pleasant/low.


I can work with this, thanks. Shirt file here, should be in the hardlinker mega soon if it isn't already. Make it a bmp, then put in sitagi/sports_top.
Should be able to finishing-touches her tomorrow.

Thanks friend. Last thread seemed like everybody was in low morale, but you've definitely raised my spirits!

Thank me by posting an AA2 qt.
Right now.
Advanced payment.

I spent a bit of time attempting to make the succubus sensei from Demi-chan, but I'm not very good at it.

We all start somewhere user. Payment received and authenticated, so I'll definitely try and have her done for you tomorrow.

you should try out more muted colors for the outfit. lower the saturation and brightness a bit and she'll look that much better.

I just applied a quick red and called it a day. I'm not too particular about details like that, but I am bummed out that I couldn't get the hair looking better.

little details can go a long way, trust me. can't see the back hair from here but i'm sure you did fine on it. for the front, depending on how close you want to get you'd probably have to do some bone manipulation. aau makes that easy (easier than it used to be anyway) if you're up for trying.

I am far too retarded to do anything with AAU, including installing it.

If you can take the time to take a screenshot you can take the time to move a slider up and down.

installing is just grabbing the release from github and extracting the "aaunlimited" folder according to its readme. once you get it it gets easier and easier to use.

Change date and time settings to use Japanese locale for non uni code programs.

Will AA3 give us the ability to make proper lolis instead of just teenage flatchests?

I think illusion doesn't like lolis. In any of their games they are never represented. So probably not. But with mods I would believe so.


I made a hellhound girl, how could I make her better?

Removing default blue shadows and a lot more AA


Headpat the doggie.
Can't give real advice with the eyes closed - that is where most advice goes. She'd get a lot of benefit from you being more mindful of game defaults. Get the hair highlighter (and probably the sclera replacer) and then start paying attention to outfit shadows when you use textures for skirts/panties.

Guys, I have an issue, I went to the arcade with a girl and she never came out, my PC runs to the intersection and runs in circles if I try to run straight to her via the roster.

Send help.

She glitched. Go home and hopefully she'll have escaped by morning.

she's probably playing rollercoaster tycoon

At some point she just walked on screen up in the air from a strange direction and then plopped down to the path.

I... I don't know what she experienced in that time but everything seems okay.

Ask her about it sometime.

sounds like aliens

>you will never be two-pairs-of-shades cool

I still am unable to really get anywhere with this one girl, for awhile it felt like I was making progress but she keeps flipflopping between really high % interactions and 0% interactions and I can't tell what is deciding these. I suspect she just doesn't like hugging/kissing around others since I'm pretty sure that's how max virtue is but it feels like DESPITE the fact every conversation has been maximum success, every so often something just keeps dropping her love points from time to time but most other characters I have very little to do with keep getting more in love with the PC. And now I've just encountered her being pissed off at my PC and I just don't understand, I'm like by pretty much most if not all of the class and I refuse all advancements from other characters and everything.

At this point I'm just finding this character to be by far the hardest one to understand simply because I get the impression another force keeps influencing the relationship but I can't work out when or how.

I'm also playing with like 10x positive points and 0x hate points because I have to know what the mechanic is with this girl and why Singleminded, Dilligent, Class Prez & Charming is making her very very hard to progress with, she set up a date so I guess maybe I just have to breeze through the week and see what happens, at each day phase I tend to do love discuss, maybe a headpat, some studying, go lunch/rest etc. and whether that stuff succeeds is either 0% or like 180% since it's about all I can apparently get away with, hug/kiss when they work have huge % success rates but then mostly she'll refuse with 0% or some insanely low %.

I have to figure this out, the Wiki is useful for info but it doesn't seem to go into what might drop love points so I can't tell what it is I've done wrong especially when it's never been an issue with any other character.

Talk about love is the weakest action that gives love-points. You're spending 90% of your efforts telling her you want to be friends and then awkwardly going for a kiss after asking her a platonic question. Stop sending mixed messages and talk to her about lewd stuff.
>10x points
Mother of god...

I mean that makes sense when you put it like that, sometimes it just doesn't seem so clear.

That's advice for the real world as well as the game, user. Take it to heart.

I mean, I do just fine in the real world but sometimes this game is just a tad confusing, but in this case I had forgotten Lewd is a thing and I for whatever reason got it into my head that picking that wouldn't do any good in the end really.

Talk about lewd stuff more

just like irl, if you don't make your intentions known asap then the girl won't see you as a sexual being, and you get friend zoned.

>girls in real life are easier than video game girls in a sex game
What a time to be alive.

It's a little strange, yes.

Noope. 2.3.10, no bueno. kernel32 has been loaded before the initialization of LE

>You can't load test12 poses in test11.
Can you load test 11 poses in test 12? I hope so because it would make me sad with all the poses I would lose.
Big dumb glasses a CUTE!

Test11 poses do work in test12.

>Get embraced by dignified
>"Mmhm, who's my special little someone?"

H-holy shit.

Yay that's good news then.

Any chance that the test12 poser could be released as "test12" and all the other stuff get moved to the "test13" release? Or is the poser still being worked on?