>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Echoes Metacritic
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Echoes Metacritic
Tharja still a best and canon
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
Mods confirmed fuckbuddies with Raul
>Raul doesn't get firstfag in deleted thread
>he does in this one
>deleted thread had way more posts and discussion
If you HAD to use Camilla in heroes what would your build be?
Do Echoes girls have lewd yet?
Azura is shit
Fuck, Tharja isn't getting that x3 is she. Should I just blow through the rest of my flags now? I have 800 left.
replace brave axe with maybe an emerald, sparrow, axebreaker, savage blow
There's an user who offers write lewds every once in a while, ask them.
Azura a best!
>metacritic shit in the OP
Why? Kill yourself.
>Eliwood (+spd -res)
>Reinhardt (+def -spd)
>Cecilia (+atk -hp)
>Ursula and Xander
>plenty of Gunter/Jagen fodder
I think I have enough good units for a horse emblem team... The issue is that they're all at 4* and I have only 20k feathers. Do I start building them up to 5* and continue with that for the next months, or do I just say fuck horse emblem and upgrade Zephiel to 5* instead?
I'd assume she's perfectly fine if she ditches the Brave Axe in favor of a Silver Axe and puts Fury on
I will definitely use Camilla
Preferably the part where she can help me procreate
Kill yourself you pitiful fuck.
>used up two dueling crests
>6th match, all deathless so far
>lose all but Alfonse on the last, only him with a charged Dragon Fang and enemy Cecilia
>need her to do 17 or less damage since I only have 18 health
>she does 18
Well it had deaths in it so I would have had to restart my chain anyway but damn, what a load of shit.
did that score triggers you oldfag?
Best girl
No axe renewal so she'll suffer as much as possible
Fuck off mentally ill fag
Fir is the best! I love her!
+Atk is the only acceptable IV because her base attack is such fucking garbage. Her niche is AT BEST cleanup mage killer (except the occasional rare red mage). Cherche's spread as an axe flyer is so much better than her that it isn't even funny.
But the true correct answer is that you run Bunmilla with flyer memes.
Her art is so shit. She looks like she's made of plastic and her tits look fake.
>>plenty of Gunter/Jagen fodder
It's sad that so many characters are now considered straight fodder material. Double so in this case for me as Gunter/Jagen carried me a lot during the early times.
I would uninstall
>Have 5 Nino's
>all of them are -atk or -spd
>finally get one that is -hp +def
good enough to 5*?
Are you doing your part?
I'm going to marry Lukas to Python because I know SoV has no formal waifu system!
It's drill trying to shitpost
You should actually be doing nothing if you're on team Robin, he's pretty close to a x3 right now
They just did the shading on the skin really poorly
I would be if there was a fucking alert for 3x. I don't know how many there's been so far, but i've only touched the first one.
I'm not checking this kusoge 24/7.
No, because there's STILL
Not really to be honest, the 3 star pool is not that large, you'll pull a good IV one eventually as long as you don't avoid green.
Is your Fir as fast as my Fir?
240k points. Not much but I had a busy day.
>Tharja nearly 1b ahead
>No x3 for Robin
Just put him (and me) out of his misery
They're not bad by themselves, but being able to attack with buffed magic from distance on a horse is just that much stronger.
Is there a list of characters you can get from the special maps?
>Tipping the scales when we are just shy of 3x bonus
What kind of tactician are you exactly.
>4 attacks
>15 damage in total
I-It's something I guess.
>0x2 damage
Stahl a cute~
I want to pet his hair and praise him~
The GHB Lunatic level 40 5* Ursula has 50 hp and my level 40 5* Ursula has 35 hp. Does the AI have the equivalent of 40+10 stats or something?
THey really didn't think this out very well if it eventually becomes impossible to ever trigger a multiplier
If only he didn't suffer from toilet bowl armour.
Stuck at 265K, not going to try tipping unless we hit another 3x.
Fresh noob here, I played this game a little bit and I find it fun. I rolled a cute dragon loli 4*. I'm struggling to make a team now as I like Anna and the dragon loli but I wish to have a team with all the colors.
Is team building highly situational later on? Should I settle on one team?
They just get padded out stats wherever appropriate
Zephiel was mostly the same except for the part where he got a nice healthy 78 hp
>beat Beach Brawl and Royal Royale with every royal
>sixteen (16) runs of basically the same shitty map
Ask me anything
Literal reddit character.
*2, saw a different build with brave blade before.
Is that 22 base atk? A defensive healer like Azama has that much.
That and the weirdly green hair
I've just been blowing flags now since I've only been able to do x3 bonus battles 3 times now. I still have 200 more flags to redeem tomorrow but I think there will be at least 2-3 bonus hours by the end of the gauntlet.
What the fuck is this shit you keep posting about?
>That strength
I like Hana
Breed Tiki!
The GHB units fucking cheat is what they do. Always makes me so hype to use them thinking they'll be that good but they never will be. It's like false advertising.
Fuck off alfonsefag
Cum in Faye.
That's what seals are for~
10%. If Robin's 10% or more behind, which right now is about 1.31B, he'll get the 3x. Next hour will be the bonus unless Tharjafags slow down.
She won't reach that HP total even with HP boon and +10. Pretty sure last I checked most of the GHB units have heightened HP count.
tikis tikis
The divine dragon race won't be extinct anymore with me and Tiki.
Pure sex tiki
>Bite the bullet for Genny and roll gray, want to get her to give B skill to Elise for my cav meme team
>Matthew Matthew Joker
>Virion Matthew
>Niles Gaius
>Virion Felicia
Fuck you ISIS
I ((blog)) about my current playthroughs to generate gameplay discussion and detract from the waifufag menace that's eating us all.
>Two Virions
How dare you complain about such Perfection.
Of course.
Before you get too invested you should lookup rerolling and IVs and reroll until you have at least two golds you like with good stats.
If you don't care that much you can beat the single player with whoever you want/get.
Creampieing tiki's tikis
I am a spic and the people in my neighbourhood realized I voted for Julia and Robin, how fucked I am?
where is tusia now?
she makes all the good tikis
God, when are they going to fix that shitty color. It doesn't even offer as much for good inheritance fodder.
When is the 2nd SP event happening? I have a good for nothing -Atk Cordelia and all the other pieces for this bad boy.
>liking cuckbait
>except for the part where he got a nice healthy 78 hp
And that did nothing to help him
don't lose your head amigo
Best duo banner when
Alright out with it. How much money did you waste on this kusoge? Was it worth it?
I'm still sitting at a proud 0$.
Will I be able to undub physical Echoes?
Playing with Tiki's tikis!
Klein is the golden boy with QR and Death Blow but that's 1 unit in a pile of shit.
So pretty much the couple of reviewers that didn't like SoV said basically because it wasn't Awakening. Mmm I wonder what the Switch game will be like.
Look up a reroll guide and settle on a good 5* unit at least. Settle on one that is either good or interesting enough design to keep you playing.
If you are going to be free to play it's especially important that you start off with a good 5*.
This is the type of cancer that needs to fuck off back to /v/
Fuck you, Dorcas isn't even in the game yet.
That's a pretty bad roll, user. I would recommend re-rolling.
These are the characters you should be looking for:
Red: Ryoma, Ike, Lucina, Tharja, Eirika, Lyn
Blue: Linde, Reinhardt, Robin, Effie, Nowi, Ninian, Azura, Ephraim
Green: Hector, Nino, Julia
Colorless: Takumi, Kagero, Jeorge
It would be best to re-roll until you get at least one but preferably two 5* versions of the above heroes.
Fuck off tripfag
>tfw have 43k feathers but don't know who to promote
>good taste needs to go away
No one wants to make the romfs since the voices themselves take up 800 mb