Were Phoenicians black?
Were Phoenicians black?
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The thing I've never understood about Afrocentric revisionists is that they already have cool civilizations to fap to, from Great Zimbabwe to Ethiopia to Mali. Why pretend like Egypt/Carthage/Phoenicia were black too?
Because those are the cool ones,the ones that built civilizations of the west
Because they are PC cunts.
Everyone knows about Cleopatra, Egypt or Hannibal. Nobody cares about fucking Zimbabwe.
Yes OP, just like your real dad.
No black skin only occurs at latitudes under Sudan.
Somalia and Ethiopia used to be kangs n shiet, why don't they pride themselves with that?
Because Ameritards only care about "History" that has hollywood movies about it
They came from the Levant. They looked middle Eastern.
Because pop culture and shit tier education. Though to be fair white people do the same thing with Jesus and Saint Nicholas.
>it's another /pol/tard feigns innocence to fool the retarded jannie into letting a KANGZ shitpost circlejerk slide
First off, no one gives a shit about Saint Nick. Secondly, Jesus was Caucasian so we're in the same ballpark at least.
>muh war on christmas ever year
Plenty of people care. I've seen pundits attest on national television that Saint Nick was a white man. Quite vehemently at that.
Secondly Jesus was also Levantine. He'd have looked like anybody you'd find in the middle east right now. Which could even includes lighter skin color but he wasn't what anybody would generally consider 'white'
Are north africans black? I mean, if the moors and carthaginians were apparently black Why the people of maghreb aren't black? i'm wrong?
They looked like Jews
of course not
Many were, Hannibal probably was not
Because being in North Africa doesn't make you black.
Berbers and Phoenicians are ethnically related though, it's just that this ethnic identities took hold in different races.
>I've seen pundits attest on national television that Saint Nick was a white man.
Well black he was not, since he was a Lycian, meaning a hellenized anatolian or a greek. Depending on how you define "white", he was certainly white. The US census would class him as white.
b/c you've been gone for a while. Pol is trying a new tactic where they troll our board by pretending that this revisionism is taken seriously. The purpose is to piss off other border line racist children into helping their cause. I wish we had mod to ban this child.
>Berbers and Phoenicians are ethnically related though
How? Berbers don't even speak a semitic language. They're related insofar as both are afroasiatic people, but that's a pretty fucking distant connection. Might as well call celts and greeks related.
Well they are related, just very distantly, same as the Celts and Greeks.
Distantly, but still related.
Must be the Jews behind it all
Maybe a minority of them. I doubt many of them were though.
Fuck Jesus.
He could have been a fucking Aboriginal and I wouldn't have given a shit. Anyway niggers are exactly as good as lying as whites so it shouldn't matter, since what he did was inventing the biggest lie in human history.
here's your answer
Define "black" to me.
>everything not wasp
Yes, they were black.
No, they absolutely weren't black, as they were a mix of semitic and berber people, both caucasian groups.
He was a Palestinian Jew in the fucking Middle East and spent all his time in the sun. If he existed at all he was brown and wrinkled.
The only black people living in Carthage I can think of would probably be Nubian traders and their families. Most Carthaginians however would have been of Levantine/Berber descent.
Caucasian is something of a vague term including Afro-Asiatic folk with Indo-Europeans based on some skull shape (?) stuff I think.
It is taken seriously though. Hence it infiltrating into pop culture.
Nubians were already rare as fuck at the Nile Delta, nevermind outside of Egypt user.
He was a Semitic of likely Palestinian and Aramaic extraction and lived in an area mainly populated by other Hasmites, Semites, and Semitic speaking people. Who are known for being swarthy, deeply tanned, and brown.
How do you get Caucasian from that?
probably. that's why scipio africanus was able to beat back carthage. being also black, he knew their tactics.
>How do you get Caucasian from that?
Semitic and Hamitic peoples are caucasians too user. Caucasian doesn't mean wasp.
I think the user you're referring to might be talking about the people native to the Caucasus mountains who still live there.
Like the dirty Chechens.
Somehow I doubt it. Who the fuck would say Jesus was from the Caucasus mountains? The first user to use the word obviously meant caucasoid/europid, not caucasian from the Caucasus.
The peoples who inhabit and are native to Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, the Iranian plateau and the Indian subcontinent are all part of the same racial group. Whether some might be darker or fairer skinned is irrelevant.
Carthaginians had black slaves, brought up from the jungles on the other side of the desert, according to some manuscript.
The Carthaginians were unique, in that once you worked off your slavery, you were granted full citizen rights, and your ambition and skill were the only things able to hold you back.
It wasn't unfathomable for someone to come to
Carthage a slave, and then die part of the aristocracy.
>Indian subcontinent
Ha, you're hilarious. Northeast Indians, Australoid Dravidians, and those native pygmy like people of the coast of India are most certainly not Caucasoid. Not all Indians are North Indian, I date say the average Indian is biracial, kinda like Ethiopians.
What are black tactics?
Even other blacks hang shit on 'hoteps', and history channel is absolute trash, has been for years, I wouldn't think that representative of pop culture.
I thought the first slave owner was whoever owned John Punch. And that's not even including the Spanish and French slaves in America early on.
Berbers are the 'natives' of North Africa, at least western North Africa, and they are... a distinct ethnic group. Not white, but not Semitic (Arab) either. Pale to tan skin, but dark hair (brown or black), yet light-coloured eyes are not unusual among them (more so than in Arabs).
However, 'pure' Berbers are rare nowadays as there has been 1000 years of Arab (and to a much lesser extent Ottoman Turk) and Islamic dominance, ever since the Muslim-Arabs overran the Levant, Egypt and then began spreading west. Militaristic settler Arabs (Bedouins) from the Arabian peninsula were even specifically brought in to BTFO of Berbers and Christian minorities in the region in Islam's early days.
Basically, they look like Arabs, but Algerians and Moroccans do look a little different from Egyptians or Saudis, etc.
>Carthaginians had black slaves, brought up from the jungles on the other side of the desert, according to some manuscript.
I find that hard to believe, given that a Carthaginian expedition that encountered gorillas honestly couldn't tell they weren't just blacks. Any by that, I mean they were perplexed by their total inability to engage in trade with them.
>photography in the 1650s
Also Parker convinced Johnson to free Casor because he claimed the indenture was 7 years due, Parker then hired Casor and Johnson felt cheated by Parker and sued him,
Thus Casor was declared a indentured worker for life by court which is the first time in a civil case however people were declared slaves for life long before Casor
Wow, just like in the Good Ol' US of A!!!
Leaning upon the cultural and historical knowledge within each black heart.
WE WUZ isn't a mere exclamation of past importance, it's a living, working heritage that might be called upon to inspire action based on trials once faced by ancestors.
That is to say, black tactics are those that review, interpret, and apply the lessons history.
What do they think when people say that their ancestors, historical figures and heros were blacks?
>in that once you worked off your slavery, you were granted full citizen rights,
Post a fucking source. They didn't even grant that to their own mixed blood children.
The only black Berbers are mixed race Tuaregs.
>pretending that this revisionism is taken seriously.
I know a few people on my FB definitely take it seriously, or at least fall for it enough to share posts about it.
yes black north Africans exist
The Phoenecians were a semetic people from modern day lebanon, the Carthaginians were a mix of these people and the Berber and Libyan peoples living in North Africa. They weren't black they were more physically similar to an Arab or Berber
>by pretending that this revisionism is taken seriously
But the history channel has made several documentaries supporting this claim. It is taken seriously.
>they already have cool civilizations to fap to, from Great Zimbabwe to Ethiopia to Mali
Literal mudhut "empires"
Can't blame them for trying to claim Egypt and Carthage
>civilization is achieved by stacking stones very high
>history channel
>implying pop history is taken seriously
They were ancient semitic society. On the other hand Punic society consisted of generations of genetic combination between Berbers and Phoinikians.
>Veeky Forums
What a puny board.
>were X black?
Why are these threads allowed again?
Were they jews?
>They came from the Levant. They looked middle Eastern
Syrians look more caucasian like pale turks, armenians, georgians, etc.
god that autism