Can you ever compete with people on this magic drug?
Can you ever compete with people on this magic drug?
yes, as soon as they get off they are completely useless
t. addict
Yes. Blue pills are way better.
Yes, it is only good for short bursts of energy once in a while. If you take it all the time it does less, and you feel like shit whenever you come down.
I would take a small dose of about 10 mg and get a week of work done in 8 hours. Never experienced anything like it. Had to stop since the side effects are insane.
I prefer modafinil as well. Adderall just made me spastic and impotent.
what were they
i can fuck like a machine once i get going on that shit, it does take a bit. am i the only one
Niggers, to pretty much 100% counter the negative side effects (Migraine, Headache, Dizziness, etc.) just drink a shit ton of water.
Don't let yourself get dehydrated and you're fine :)
If you want to make serious cash, buy 10 Pills or so (Or just get a prescription, whatever). Take one, and try to study about Security Analysis and Financial Markets in general.
After you feel you know enough (Not necessarily learning while on Addy, just learning generally.), I personally recommend your INTRODUCTION to it while you're on addy because you will grasp the basics much faster.
Anyway, take one, learn the fundaments of financial markets, take one more, learn how to value a company, look for patterns, etc.
After you can do some solid things while NOT on it (I.E: Identify a failing company. Do good paper trades. Predict, etc.), then you take one and do your full DD (Research on a company) about some company you think has potential.
see if there really is potential or not. I made all of my money by studying deeply small-cap companies then doing the right move.
short term: upset stomach, sleep loss, jitters, basic cocaine-caliber side effects
long term: mood swings, psychosis, weight loss
take the good with the bad, works well indeed. wouldn't pair with weed for too long though, can lead to strange behavior.
Make sure that you talk to people and get different points of views (Plenty of online forums for this. or you can go to your local financial district and strike convo with someone). ANALYZE HISTORICAL DATA!!!!!! THAT'S THE MOST IMPORANT THING!!!!
If you do all of these, you can literally be yielding 400% a year, if not more.
When I was 16, because of legit ADD I had access to addy. I did exactly this, turned 400% profit on a paper trade account, next year my dad gave me money to invest (My family lives very comfortably financially. Real Estate) Gave me $10,000. I turned that to $35,000 (Under my dad's name because minors can't trade).
Next year my dad upped my account's value to $500,000 (Transferred most of the savings to this brokerage account) and changed brokers into JPM. I learned that with volume it's harder to make that much money, but still possible, turned the $500,000 into almost $1,000,000 and paid taxes for the first time.
READ READ READ READ READ, ADDY ADDY ADDY ADDY ADDY, UNI UNI UNI UNI UNI. Few years later, turning ~100%+ a year, I graduate in 2008. Market crash, I didn't really had anything invested because my way of making money is short bursts into what I think has potential. If I see no potential I don't put money into anything.
Anyway, graduate with an MBA, almost top of class. Educated in Economics, and a bit of Comp Sci as well. (Upenn if anyone's wondering). Accepted into literally every company/Hedge Funds I applied to. By this time my account was worth ~$3,000,000, I paid for my entire university and became financially independent at 18. Went to GS (The bank) as a wealth manager in 2009. Currently getting fat bonuses every year along with promotions almost every year. Dropped addy for a while a few years ago, still functioned normally, same returns, but because of my legit ADD I didn't feel normal.
I can't do my risky af trades for the bank, because of the volume and because of laws, but my GS performance is well over 40% every year.
Obviously Insider Trading goes around, without it it's impossible to turn 40% with this volume. I'm still turning ~70% every year in my personal account (Now worth a bit more than $35 Million), FUCK TAXES, anyway. I live comfortably as a 26 year old. Income is 7 Digits (A bit over 3 Mil from GS to be more precise). I own literally every car I've dreamed of, every watch I used to see when I was a kid, I do whatever I want, go wherever I please.
and that's regarding 20+ mgs of instant release daily, 10 is pretty reasonable.
Goldman fondles my balls so much that they literally let me go on vacation whenever as long as I keep actively managing the account and having conference calls every few days. I regularly go to the Philippines because the girls there are amazing (I didn't really want that as a kid, but it's pretty nice). You can LITERALLY buy a girl here, give her $1,000 per month + Housing. I currently have 3 Girls there waiting for me because I'm going back in a few days, markets are erratic, faggots want me here.
Anyway, I don't know if I can attribute my success to Addy, but I know it helped a shit ton. The financial advisor Goldman 'gave' me said that I can reach the billions in a few decades, so I'm happy with the direction of my life. If anyone read through everything, I appreciate it, it's definitely worth taking this path and piggybacking your entire family in your back just because you can, go wherever, do whatever, fuck whomever, meet whomever, etc.
I wouldn't trade this life for anything. Too bad I won't be able to stay here because my dad's birthday is in 1 Hour and he's at my house right now. We're celebrating as a family and I'm here typing this in my phone. Anyway, Financial Markets are definitely the ONLY way to go if you want to be rich, and since it's all about the knowledge, taking addy helps because of the cognitive skills.
From time to time I get off of Addy because I don't like the anxiety. And it's not good to do it with Coke. I've never lived as a poor man, but if I had ever, I would definitely second the quote that goes "I've been a rich man, and a poor man, and I'd choose rich every fucking time".
Cheers Beez, I'll keep on lurking and occasionally posting these snippets of my life :)
All of this sounds like huckster crap. If adderall is that good, why aren't people everywhere getting stupid rich like this?
Still, cool story bro, gives me some inspo. I really want addy for science school so I have a shot at being a Doctor.
lmao...yea the drug is great, but when you get off it have fun being a fucking mess of a thinker who can't write a sentence without losing focus. Not to mention the obvious cyclicality of chemicals in the brain...what goes up will come down. Better to just drink coffee or water and actually increase what you can do naturally.
this was the biggest lie/shill story i've ever read lmao
feel bad for him
He gave enough info that he'd be fired for saying this shit if anybody from GS actually found out.
Protip: no goldmanite tells people they work at goldman, they keep it a secret for a reason
however, who puts that much effort into a Veeky Forums roleplay? I mean granted he's probably on addy as we speak, but still
not all of his advice is bs
When did adderall become the limitless drug? sure the first few times it's great, but tolerance builds fast also they'er dangerously addictive, makes you look older, fucks up your skin and heart. definitely not something to take regularly at least
Shit nigga, if you are good, they are taking the damn drug just to compete with you.
I was prescribed it in my teens for add-adhd and it made me stay up for a week straight. Now if I take it, drink coffee, do coke or even smoke meth I get incredibly calm/robotic in an unproductive way and literally fall asleep.
In both cases it never at all helped me achieve anything, just made me incredibly dysfunctional. I excel at learning, work and social situations on low doses of heroin. Shame it's not quite an everyday use drug and disgusting junkies ruin it for everyone else.