Why is the west so far behind China?

Why is the west so far behind China?



>wasterner this assmad

sperg more

That's about 20 seconds of production, max.


speaking of china i hope president drumpf keeps being a retard and attacks north korea first so a chain reaction will occur of the likes of ww1 so i will be able witness the glory of nuclear warfare. i know its unlikely but, who doesn't love death and suffering?

so the mods delete my posts but leave posts up from a socialist nigger and his friend?

im not a socialist????

>i know its unlikely but, who doesn't love death and suffering?
Hardly ever agree with you but i wholeheartedly agree. fingers cross i get to see a nuke go off. doubt America would take first shot though. hell, i even doubt North Korea would take first shot. If KIm gave the order to nuke anybody anywhere his generals realize they are basically ordering the death of their own country and everyone in it in an inevitable retaliatory strike. i feel like his own Generals would get tired of his shit at that point and try to assassinate him.

try to make quality posts then, given the fact that you sue the word "nigger" you are probably some cuck from /pol/, so it's good that your shit is deleted

how does it feel to know nobody will ever love you?

good, actually. people are absolute shit. That's why I love my husbandos. They have all the sexual benefits of humans minus the bitching, emotions, etc.

you should learn to be happy without anyone. it's a path scarcely any take. it takes dedication but it pays off desu.

this. /pol/ tards should be banned

>this assmad
its just a webm

The nurburgring lap was pretty cool to watch.

post only production cars. limited production does not apply.

>someone this autistic exists
god help us

Wouldn't happen. They all believe that the Kim family are actual living Gods.

The citizens do. the Generals are going to be a greater deal more red-pilled than that. the ones closest to the King or Emperor are always no matter what the most likely to assassinate him especially if they feel their own way of life is directly effected by the reckless actions of their leader.

Hitler was great at propaganda and his flock was extremely loyal to him but towards the end of WWII they were trying to kill him.

name one thing wrong with what i said.

Protip: You can't

This is Veeky Forums... Why don't all you nigger faggots go to fucking pol?

China doesn't give two shits about NK.
It's just doesn't want its front lawn irradiated.

Don't chink cars come with brakes?

Not quite, China just uses nk as a buffer between itself and American ground forces.

That's the only reason they let nk exist. Babby Kim didn't get that memo though and is waving his dick around like he matters.
Also, China will step in and slap his shit before any nuclear strikes.

*citation needed*



>sperging this hard


Electric cars are heavily subsidized by the government. That makes it political.

gb2 your cesspit