Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

I'm in a bad situation, need some advice.
>Yesterday I bought myself a used Nissan Elgrand 3.5L 2006 from a small dealer.
>It needed cleaning inside, but seemed good condition otherwise.
>Very few dents.
>Started fine and drove well.

>About an hour of driving home it started acting really weird.
>It's automatic, but it wouldn't change gears when I tried accelerating.
>Instead it went into sort of a neutral and started revving and then changed back to a lower gear after a short while.

>I just drive slower and figured I should have the gearbox looked at later.
>After 5-10 mins the problem stopped for a while, but soon started again.

>This time the oil light came on and pic related on the dash board.
(I can't read japanese though)

>Soon after the engine stopped.
>I pull over to the side of the road.
>Checked levels of oil, coolant etc.
>All within min/max.

>Try to start again.
>Dashboard lights up like a christmas tree, hardly any sound from starter.
>Display now resembles static like from an old TV.
>Battery is clearly struggeling.

>I call roadside assistance and wait.
>It's towed to a repair shop where it currently sits.

>After towing the battery had completely flattened, not even the emergency light lit anymore.
>We tried jump-starting it there, but with no luck.

TL;DR: I bought a new car and it broke down on the way home.

Anyone has any idea what the issue might be?
Maybe something easy to fix, or some bigger issue?
And how to sort this out with the dealer?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Anyone has any idea what the issue might be?
Nissan ElGrand

Did you mean VQ35 and are you saying the engine is just bad?

OP here,

I should add that it had a squeal for about 20 seconds when starting up.

Could it be the alternator dying?

Would that also explain the behaviour of the transmission, if there is not enough battery power?

you shouldve called the dealer immediately after it broke down.

They generally offer some kind of warranty if it breaks down on your way home, and theres also the lemon law.

sounds like a transmission issue to me.

still, call the fucking dealer and tell them what happened.

>>>>>>>>>>Dont touch the fucking car until you call the dealer

Battery is fucked, or it's your alternator. Idk how that would affect your trans shifting but it wouldn't surprise me since auto tragics are electronically controlled.

Did it at least come with a 'used car warranty'?

This. Fuck everything else, call the dealer and get them to fix it.

Did that. Contacted the dealer, but she's gone overseas and won't be back till next week.

Reason I'm asking is half curiosity and half "in case the dealer screws me over" if I am having it repaired myself.

Registered trader though, so I should have my buyers rights.

Never heard about the lemon law before. Clever name. Does it or something similar apply in New Zealand?

Yeah I've been thinking the same lines, also regarding transmission.

Not sure I understand what you mean exactly, but no I don't think so.


Was just reading that now, but thanks.

Pretty clear that I should get a repair or refund, then, right?


Hmm, could it be a clogged catalytic converter?

alternator is the obvious guess

timing belt maybe?

that would cause a bad smell, OP probably would've noted it

all things said and done my guess is alternator and torque converter, bad water pump/pulley for bonus points

OP here, what kind of smell are we talking about?

I may just have been distracted by the lemon wunderbaum scent, inside the car anyway.

While checking the engine levels at the side of the road, it smelled a bit like burnt rubber though. Not particular strong or out of the ordinary what I'd expect from a hot engine.

The engine is chain driven, so the squeal is probably from the drive belt or some component in that loop. Possibly the alternator bearings?
Otherwise I believe that can be fixed by cleaning pulleys and tightening the idler.

>pic related

It's essentially a warning screen telling you to find a safe place to stop immediately. It also says that once you do, a more detailed info screen will appear.

Hope you got a picture of it, OP. That screen may have had some of the info you needed to fixed the problem.

OP here, didn't get a picture of the details unfortunately.

I had it translated as well by another user a moment ago:
"Oil pressure warning.

Further information can be accessed after the car comes to a complete stop.
Please stop the car in a safe area."

Oil pressure warning though, what could trigger that?

>what could trigger that?

Has the engine really got such a bad reputation?

Hell if I know. If it was related to the transmission, a different icon should have been used instead of the one that was displayed. That icon is for engine oil.

It's starting to sound like maybe there are multiple points of failure like said. Though I'm willing to bet that something could be up with the engine, too.

I live in Japan now, and passenger vans like yours tend to have some unfriendly kms on the clock at that age. By far THE most common vehicle type to excessively speed in over here (150 km/hr on the expressway) is passenger vans.

Call the dealer when she gets back. I'd also suggest looking for another car.

rotten eggs
it'd be fairly potent, you'd have noticed it